Intermission – Change in Plans
by Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman

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Title   Change in Plans
Mission   Intermission
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman
Posted   Thu Oct 03, 2013 @ 7:11am
Location   Executive Officer's outer office
Timeline   SD - shortly after "Any Time Now..."
Once Wyman and Drant had been allowed entry to Commander Villiers' main office, Sharas had taken a seat to wait for either Drant to get himself thrown out or the meeting to conclude - whichever came first. Quietly he crossed his legs, clasped his hands together in his lap, and waited.

Several silent minutes passed during which P'Trell sat motionless and Villiers' aide pretended he wasn't there. Finally the quiet was broken by the chirping of a commbadge. It took a moment for the men to realize which of them it belonged to. "P'Trell here, go ahead." the Andorian remarked after tapping the small pin affixed to his chest.

+"Commander, you have a priority one message from starbase 182."+

A sour look spread over Sharas' face. He knew who it would be from. "Of course I do." By this point the petty officer at the desk was already eavesdropping, so Sharas didn't need to get his attention. "Is there somewhere I can take this, Yeoman?"

The human pointed to a small corridor behind P'Trell. "There's a private comm room. First door on the left, sir."

"Thank you, Yeoman." Sharas said with a nod as he rose from his seat. "Ops, patch that down to the comm room adjacent to Commander Villiers' office."

+"Yes, Commander."+

As the room was so close, it only took a moment for the towering Andorian to be seated in front of the private console. "Computer, access priority one message. Security clearance P'Trell-lamba-sierra-1-6-3-tango-epsilon."

With a chirp, the blank screen was replaced with the emblem of Starfleet. After another moment, that was replaced by something Sharas rarely wanted to see - his boss, Commander Drakt.

"Sharas, I realize you just adore the easy task that is babysitting Drant." the Zarnac said, his words absolutely dripping with sarcasm. "But I need to recall you immediately. I cannot go into specifics, but Starfleet has to evacuate starbase 182 effective immediately. The senior staff and a large portion of the crew have been reassigned to the USS Cavalry. Naturally I have made certain that you, An'ta, and Rhe'la will be part of that crew. As of yet I do not know the specifics of the Cavalry's assignment, but I do know we will be in the vicinity of Cardassian space. As such, I want you to report to Deep Space 9 and await further orders."

The whole time P'Trell watched the recording with a dour look on his face. "What in Lor'vela's name did they do to get the entirety of Starfleet thrown out of the Asuran sector?" he muttered.

"And before you ask - I had An'ta and Petty Officer Lawrence pack up your quarters and get your things transferred aboard the Cavalry."

At that, Sharas arched an eyebrow. "Good thing I have nothing to hide..."

"Hopefully you haven't killed Drant yet and this message doesn't reach you in Deep Space 5's brig, because that would just make my life more difficult than it already is. Drakt, out."

Scoffing as he closed the channel and stood, Sharas cracked his knuckles. "He doesn't want me to kill Drant because he wants to be there to see it."

Lt. Cmdr. Sharas P'Trell
Asst. Chief Intelligence Officer
Starba... err... USS Cavalry

as played by

Lt. Steve Wyman
Chief Engineering Officer
Deep Space 5