Intermission – So Much for the Diplomatic Approach
by Citizen Akamu "Ka'er" Makani

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Title   So Much for the Diplomatic Approach
Mission   Intermission
Author(s)   Citizen Akamu "Ka'er" Makani
Posted   Wed Feb 26, 2014 @ 1:37am
Location   Docking Bay 4
Timeline   SD 74 : 1100

The Desire was a bulbous monstrosity. A beetle with one pulsating eye - really the deflector - fore and two tiny warp nacelles aft. In places, Akamu could see where solar winds, or maybe weapons fire, had stripped sheets of skin from the hull. Exposed wires peeked out from bad attempts to patch her up. Some sort of red grime clung to the surface just under the exit hatch, it looked like a stalwart algae the Desire had picked up planetside and had managed to survive, if not thrive, in the vacuum of space. And she was in desperate need of a paint job. Akamu shook his head sadly. He would never let the Selen'ai get to that point. To be fair though, the Desire probably wasn't preparing a few choice words for her captain.

The man - if a Ferengi could be called a "man" - who emerged from the hatch was small. Short, even for a Ferengi, and thin. He was all bones, wiry muscle and flabby skin. And in sharp contrast to his ship, his clothes were nothing short of opulent. Not even the Grand Nagus wore clothing as gaudy as these rags. The coat was of the typical Ferengi style, tight across the chest and waist with the tails going all the way to the ground. It was trimmed in what looked like solid gold rope, with little ruby fasteners. As the little troll shuffled forward, Akamu couldn't help but feel that the clothes gave off the impression, not of great success or wealth, as was the intention, but rather of severely over compensating for something.

The little Ferengi stared up at Akamu, unblinking. "What do you want, Hew-mon?" he demanded after a long silence.

Akamu arched his brow skeptically. He was aware that Telians looked remarkably like Humans, and was accustomed to be called such. He didn't mind it so much, coming from strangers. But, having met enough Ferengi over the past decade, he was fully aware that the term "hew-mon" was a choice, not a result of being unable to say or understand the proper word. It grated him the wrong way when anyone was referred to in such derisive terms.

However, he chose to let it slide. Lt. Telenar wanted him to be diplomatic, after all. So Akamu bit the inside of his lip and smiled.

"My name is Akamu Makani," he said, with as much respect in his tone as he could muster. "I have been tasked with representing the Telenar Family's interests here on Deep Space Five."

The little Ferengi bobbed his head stoutly, then pushed past Akamu. "I see," he said. "Well, as I am a very busy man, perhaps you should call at another time."

"Captain Lise," Akamu turned and hurried after the little thing, trying to maintain some semblance of decorum. He really hated the Ferengi. "You have several artifacts in your possession that the Telenar Family would be..."

"I have no idea what you're talking about," Lise snapped, increasing his pace. Sadly, his little legs could only carry him so fast, and Akamu had no problem in keeping up,

"Master Telenar isn't asking for charity, Captain," Akamu reasoned. "He's more than willing to pay for the artifacts."

"Perhaps you should take the matter up with my... um... secretary." Lise gestured vaguely over his shoulder at the Desire, where a young Orion woman was trying to look busy with the captain's bags. Akamu was willing to wager money that she wasn't a secretary, and certainly not a cabin boy. There was only one reason a Ferengi had an Orion female on his ship.

Before Akamu could say as much, Lise had rounded the corner and entered a turbo lift without him. Akamu stood there, caught between going back and asking the slave questions she couldn't answer, and getting his own turbo lift to follow the Ferengi. The earlier option was pointless, and the latter would do little more than make him look foolish.

He needed a third option.

Akamu "Ka'er" Makani
Civilian Mercenary

Captain Lise
Ferengi Trader