Beg, Steal or Borrow – Diplomatic assistance
by Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Lieutenant T'Pal

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Title   Diplomatic assistance
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Lieutenant T'Pal
Posted   Wed Mar 04, 2009 @ 7:55am
Location   Quarters of Lt JG Kasikova
Timeline   SB 8 11:00
Claire stood up after the meeting was ajourned and looked at Ayren. ~Care to discuss strategies in my office?~ It was the first time she had allowed herself to open her mind that way since the mind storm, she knew it was risk but how else was she to be herself again?

Ayren was slightly surprised at the thought in her mind, but smiled inwardly, sending that with the thought. ~Certainly~ she asnwered back in the same way, careful not to let on to the non-telepaths that they were communicating this way. ~Now.. after the meeting?~

~Unless you want to meet later?~

Ayren walked up to her and smiled. "Now will be good," she said audibly, stretching out her hand. ~This is if I can have coffee and something to eat... didn't sleep much last night~ she added. "Lead the way..." she said indicating with her arm.

~Zorana left me her recipe for apple strudel...I'm sure I can replicate some and make some coffee to go with it.~ Claire lead the way to the turbolift back up to her quarters.

~Now that is talk I really like~ X'aedell chuckled, following her, She was quite happy not to go to an office, but to her quarters.

Claire opened the door to her quarters and let Ayren in. She heard the beeping for an incoming message. "Excuse me for a moment, please make yourself comfortable."

She went into her room and saw the screen blinking. ~Maybe it is a message from Zorana.~ She hoped. Claire saw that it was encrypted and knew that it wasn't from her friend. She entered her authorization to receive the message. Jarred's face came up on the screen and she listened to the message stunned.

=/=Computer locate Jarred Wallace.=/=

=/=Jarred Wallace is not on the station.=/= Was the computer's reply.

"Shit!" She swore.

=/=When did he leave?=/=

=/=That information is classified, level five clearance required.=/=

Claire sank into her chair, her head in her hands.

"Be safe." She whispered a prayer to Jarred. ~Come back to me please.~

Claire sat there for a couple more minutes before she realised that Ayren was sitting in the other room. ~OK...pull yourself together. He'll be fine.~ But in her heart she knew that there was trouble brewing.

Claire lifted herself out of her chair and went back to were Ayren was sitting. "So how about that strudel and coffee." She hoped that her voice and emotions wouldn't betray her.

Ayren looked up at Claire, who wasn't quite able to hide her emotions from the sensitive empath. She smiled and nodded a 'yes to the coffee and apple strudel. "Anything I can help you with..." she asked gently.

"Umm..." She turned to replicate the coffees and the apple strudel. Claire tried to regain control over her thoughts. She sighed. Placing the food and drink on the coffee table, she sat beside Ayren. "Jarred Wallace...he left suddenly on some mission...a dangerous one I believe. I don't have a good feeling about it." She paused. "But it's his job and I guess I have to get used to it."

"That is a hard one... she said, having empathy with Claire. "Are you close? " Ayren asked warmly.

"I guess you could say that. I had an overload of emotions in his quarters last night, he wanted me to let go of all the other's emotions I had been keeping bottled up and I did." Claire sighed, she still felt guilty about hurting him the she did. "I'm not sure what happened...if something connected or...but even though he said he had to leave and the computer is saying that he isn't here it still feel like he is." She looked blankly at the wall for a moment trying to process what she had just said.

"But that isn't why we're here now is it? We have a situation that we have to deal with." How easily she shut everything down to deal with what was at hand.

Ayren sensed and recogniize her ability to compartmentalize, something she as very capable of doing herself. "True.. but if you want to talk, I used to be a counselor, so I can listen well...." she said with a smile and shifted her position slightly. "But yes, lets get to business. Was ther anything specifically you wanted to discuss?" Ayren made sure her mental barriers were in place... certain thing needed to stay secret ... for now anyway.

"Thank you Ayren. You will be the first one I come to when I need to talk. I am not used to being 'at service' for so many crew. Like you I was on another career path before joining this crew." Claire laughed. "How were a counsellor and I worked in the diplomacy office back on Earth at Head Quarters."

Claire had taken this position as a favour to Zorana and now here she was wanting her old job back. She was a good counsellor and had been trained as such but found solving conflicts with different races much more appealing and thrilling. It gave her a purpose but now she felt useless with the Romulans knocking at their door.

"Ayren...please let me be part of your team...I feel completely useless, there isn't any sort of pressing matter that needs attention (except for maybe my own personal issues) in my department and I have been trained in diplomatic matters." She had been all but begging. Claire wanted to keep busy so she could keep her mind off Jarred.

Ayren studied her for a few momenst before answering her. "I could often use a skilled diplomat, believe me," she said after the pause. "However, you need to clear it with HR and the CO. I wouldn't like there to be a conflict of interest between the two departments," she said, getting the oficial part out of the way. "As far as I am concerned, we can work together by all means."

"I will talk to him shortly and will find you when I have found out the verdict." She smiled.

"Good," Ayren said and rose to her feet, placing her cup and plate down. "Thank you for the coffee and apple strudel, I enjoyed it."

As she left, she projected a thought to Claire. ~Jarred is going to fine you know, I am sure he can take care of himself~

Lt. (JG) Claire Mackenzie (played by Zorana

Ayren Kelan