Judgement – "....'tis a consummation devoutly to be wished..."
by Commander Richard Dunham & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   "....'tis a consummation devoutly to be wished..."
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Mon Jul 04, 2011 @ 6:32pm
Location   Romulan Embassy Function Room
Timeline   SD38 18.30

Chelsea and Rick's wedding was on again. It was now eight hours later than originally planned and most of the intended guests had dispersed believing that it just wasn't going to happen. Now, at last, all the obstacles had all been removed or fixed and they had to gather up the strewn relatives and get them to the Romulan Embassy.

First of all, Chelsea got onto the comm with Tasha.

=^= Adams to Captain Tahir =^= she put in the call as she was hurrying through the corridors back to the Visitors Quarters which was where the Computer said her family were now assembled. Rick had gone on ahead to the docking ring to find his own family who had returned to the USS Hagnon to await the next development or news.

Rick had found a faster way of travel by having the USS Hagnon beam him directly to the ship, however there, he to had to run, as he made his way to the Hagnon's Captain's ready room. Jubilation and happy excitement ensued, as Mrs Dunham was informed of the reschedule to the day. Soon the family was on their way to the Romulan embassy, with only one member expressing just a faint hint of concern that it would be in the Romulan embassy. However this small protest came from Kim, who felt green would not go with the outfit she was wearing.


=^= "Chelsea?" Tasha questioned, hearing the excitement in Chelsea's voice. "What's wrong?"

=^= Captain, we've found Rick and it's a long story and I'll explain all later, but basically, we'd like to get married please, if you're free?"

The silent pause before the Commanding Officer replied spoke volumes.


As she closed the comm after her call with the Captain, Chelsea was nearly at the Visitors' corridors so she was able to immediately ring the chime on her grandparents' room, that being closer to her than her mother's.

As it was, Summer was in her parents' room too so Chelsea was able to ramble the plans to them quickly and hurry them back into their finery and along to the Embassy as fast as possible.


Rick spoke to his own parents and family who had been hanging around in agitation in Rick and Chelsea's quarters after making a bit of a fuss with clothes and appearances they made their way down to the consulate. The small flock of Dunhams arrived at the Romulan embassy. Kim the youngest in tow at only thirteen, looked at the menacing Romulan guards with a bemused smile on her face.


Arriving shortly after the Dunhams, the four Adamses arrived, Grandma was looking a little overwhelmed too, but Summer and Peter were impressed rather than concerned.

"This explains a lot about that *big brother* of Chelsea's" Peter muttered as they were searched by Security and formally marched through to the Function Rooms, accompanied at all times by several Romulan officials or officers.

Between the Dunham's and the Adam's the Romulan consulate was now full with either starfleet personnel, former starfleet personnel, or wanna be star fleet personnel. It could well be that at this point there where more starfleet types in the consulate then Romulan staff.


"t'Merek is going to kill me for all this," Isha whispered to Rh'vaurek as they watched the gathering assemble from the doorway of Isha's office.

"What's the point of being Ambassador if you can't host a reception?" he said, "You never had any trouble asking me to accomodate your whims, why do you care what she thinks?"

"Its complicated," Isha replied, "besides, its done now. I think we're about ready to go in."


She came back into the office. "Are you ready Chelsea?" Isha asked.

"Yes" the doctor said, clearly, resolutely and without any hesitation. All her nerves of this morning were gone. She held Rick's hand but not because she was in need of support this time.

"I'll see you in a minute" He said with a smile, squeezing her hand and giving her a loving kiss. He then left to take his position in the next room.

"Very well, lets give everyone a few minutes to settle down and then we can go in."


Rick stood straight and tall, by his side was Paul, his Marine uniform more sharply pressed than Ricks. Nearby were Chelsea's and Rick's respective families, each looked on in anticipation and happiness, one or two had tears in their eyes and this was not limited to the women. The music for the occasion had been downloaded from the station's main computer and played joyfully as Chelsea prepared to walk down the aisle. Rick turned his head, glancing at her from the other end of the room, though he had seen the dress, there was something about the occasion that made her look even more refined and elegant.

Chelsea held Rh'vuarek's arm, looking up at him as any little sister should look adoringly up at her big brother. She was so relieved he had relented, at least on the surface, and agreed to let her do this. She was aware that if Isha had allowed it earlier in the day, he might have reshaped Rick's anatomy but now he seemed to have relaxed a bit.

She tugged at his sleeve gently to get him to look at her and attempted to persuade him to smile back, even just a teeny bit. "Thank you" she muttered, inaudible to the rest.

"Don't thank me," he said as they walked, "thank her. Isha sees the world with a very different set of eyes to mine."

It was very rare that Isha entered a crowded room behind anyone else, especially in her own embassy, but this time she deferred to them, and followed Rh'vaurek and Chelsea down the makeshift aisle.

Tasha stood to the side. It felt strange being in a position of importance in a realm that was not hers and she felt inadequate to do what was necessary but nevertheless, was prepared to do what she felt was an honour to perform.
She watched as Chelsea strode down the aisle with all the buoyancy and flair that a bride should have. She felt the emotion build inside her, and swallowed hard to stop herself from blubbering like a fool as she sidestepped up the single step to the new podium, not taking her eye from the bride.

Tasha could not resist a grin as Chelsea moved to Rick's side and his face was a picture. His smile spoke volumes, more than love, but a respect for the woman he was about to marry and with that, Tasha gave the smallest of smiles and a nod to Isha in thanks for all her work behind the scenes to get this ceremony back on track.

They had agreed to write their own vows and naturally Chelsea's were written in her memory for all time. At the appointed moment, promted by Tasha to begin, Chelsea turned to face Rick and looked at him, her eyes liquid with love.

"My beloved Rick, do you remember the very first day we met? From the very moment I saw you, I knew you were the one for me, the one that I know I have to spend the rest of my life with. Our courtship was one of the best times of my life, for you have become not just my lover and companion, but also my best friend.

I want to be *your* lover, your companion and your best friend for the rest of my life. I promise to love and cherish you, to keep you close and with faithfulness, to be your prop and helpmate in times of need, to make you laugh and to hold you when you cry, to hold you to the highest respect and honor as you so deserve for the rest of my life."

Rick took a breath, almost overwhelmed by Chelsea's love and adoration, but now it was his time to speak. "You are the universe's precious gift to me, my springtime, my hope and my joy. You are everything that’s good and pure and true and I worship you with my mind, body and soul.

How blessed I am to be able to say that you are mine, to be able to love and cherish you for the rest of my days. I vow to always put you first in my life, always be there to comfort you in your sorrow and rejoice with you in your victories. May our hearts and very breath become one as we unite this day as husband and wife.

I promise to be your true love from this day forward and forevermore." He breathed out, letting loose air that he hadn't realised he had been holding in. He looked at Chelsea, smiled, he was blushing a little hoping the words were not too embarrassing. "I love you"

"I love you too Rick" Chelsea answered softly as they both turned back to face Tasha.

The glow of warmth ran through her as she rested her hands on the stand. She knew what she was supposed to say, but the emotion caught her unawares as she coughed, clearing her throat.
"Marriage is a bonding of two people whose love and devotion is honoured in this ceremony." She glanced at them both, still holding hands and looking expectantly to their Captain. She tipped her head and felt the trickle of tears tracking down her cheeks. "Both Richard and Chelsea are blessed by the love of family and good friends and we honour them by celebrating this union." She pushed herself back a little, glancing around the faces, some she knew, some she didn't know so well. "It gives me nothing but an immense pleasure, to preside over this union." Beaming she knelt down to be level with Rick and Chelsea, placing her hands over theirs. "By the powers vested in me, I hereby pronounce you husband and wife."

Rick placed one hand on Chelsea cheek, cupping it softly, he then leaned in a kissed her. He was the happiest man alive.
Applause irrupted in the Romulan consulate as people rose from their chairs clapping and smiling.

The Bride and Groom stood blushing and emanating happiness as they thanked Tasha, Isha and Rh'Vaurek and began to walk back down the Aisle stopping to hug and thank everyone in the room but not letting go of each other's hands even for a moment.

Romulan waiters carried drinks and food atop elegant silver platters around the room. Guests mingled smiled and laughed, as they helped themselves to the treats they bore. With all the formal receptions it had held the Romulan embassy was well accustomed to throwing a party and the food and drink was a mix of multii cultural delicacies from Earth, Bajor and Romulus.

Everyone sipped on drinks and nibbled on food as they smiled and chatted, the day's events seeming to drift away for most as everybody enjoyed each other's company, happy in the knowledge that those they loved where finally safe and together.


A JP Between:

Captain Tasha Tahir


Lieutenant Commander Rick Dunham & the Dunhams


Commander Chelsea Adams and the Adams Family


Ambassador Isha t'Khellian & erie'Khrein Rh'vaurek Raedheol by Louise