Incommunicado – Hobgoblins and Geckos
by Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

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Title   Hobgoblins and Geckos
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
Posted   Tue Jun 05, 2012 @ 2:04pm
Location   Cardassian Consulate/Romulan Embassy
Timeline   SD57 10:15

Getal's eyes were white. Not with fear, but with genuine surprise and nervousness. The decloaking of this new Romulan vessel made Getal uneasy. It was clear the Romulans were preparing for something, and with no word from Raedheol, Tharek only assumed that this was done in his absence. This made Getal shake.

After glaring at the vessel for more than twenty minutes, Getal's nervous shake transformed into an angry one. He turned to face his desk, and exploded, wiping the desk with his arms and launching the stationary half way across the room. After his collision of emotions, Getal stormed out of the room, and headed for a place he went to far too often; The Romulan Embassy.

Rianni was just returning from filing a report at the Embassy when she saw Getal bearing down on her like a freight train, "Great, this day is now fracked." She muttered, raising her head to Getal, "So what do you want?"

Getal's entire body shook with rage as he glared down onto the Romulan. "Where do you get the gall to decloak a warbird, right outside my damn embassy!" He erupted, filling the entire embassy with his voice, and the echo remained in the silence that followed for several moments.

"Wasn't me." Rianni smirked, "But looking at you, I gotta say, I wish it was. Anyway, you were just leaving."

Tharek held his ground. His footing became more rigid, and his body language told Rianni that he was going nowhere. "Like hell I am!" Getal bellowed down onto the smaller Romulan. "I am not moving one damn inch in any direction until I get an answer!"

"All you're going to get from me is a knife through your heart." Rianni snarled through a perfect smile, "Just like what you did to my friend, Klia. Don't think I've forgotten that, Getal. Now, leave unless you're declaring war on behalf of your pathetic government. Oh, and if you are, rest assured you're going to be the first prisoner of that war."

Rianni surreptitiously motioned the Gaishan guards over to her, "Men, escort Gul Getal out, or kill him for invading the Embassy, it matters very little to me which." With that she pushed past Getal, not going to let him impede her a second longer.

"You still don't know, do you?" Getal asked, as he shook free from the guards momentarily. "I didn't kill Klia. We know who did."

"It might not have been your hand doing the killing, but your hand was in it, Lizard." Rianni replied, continuing to walk away from him, "You're probably too much of a coward to do the dirty work yourself."

Something wouldn't let her leave though, something in the way he said it had the ring of truth. She didn't know if he was merely manipulating her or if he was really telling the truth. If he was, there was someone aside from him she owed some payback, and she was by God determined to find out who. Waving off the Gaishan she stepped back to him until they were close enough to kiss, "Okay, tell me who."

Even though their proximity to each other was almost intimate, he lent in until his breath could be felt on her ear. "The man who killed Klia, and who attempted to kill Yolanthe, was an El Aurian. His name, is Draylin Tal." The Cardassian spoke the words with anger, disgust and spite. "If you want to help Klia, then divert your attention to the massacre of that dog, rather than your petty comments toward me or decloaking vessels on my doorstep."

Getal stepped back and relaxed his composure. "I hate you. And your goblin species. But I will cooperate to kill this man. I'm even bringing something that will make cooperation, all that easier. The Kagor will be here within a day. Then Draylin Tal dies."

"Finally something we agree on." Rianni smirked, her whispered reply dripping with venom like nothing she'd ever said or thought before. Draylin Tal was going to die, after she got some answers, Tharek Getal, as much as she hated him, would have to wait for later, he'd just been replaced as her number one priority.

"The only thing we agree on rhamoulda skrăgh. Bare that in mind." He said, as he turned his back to the smaller women and made to walk back to his shadowy den, awaiting his vessel to appear, and await the same type of reaction from this girl, as the Kagor appeared outside of her window.

The thought of turning him around and slitting his throat was almost too much to fight, but she did. Right now Tharek Getal was meaningless to her. ~Later, lizard. We got all the time in the galaxy.....~


A Joint Post By:

(G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian


Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal