Cascade – The Couriers
by Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman

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Title   The Couriers
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman
Posted   Fri Apr 26, 2013 @ 11:31pm
Location   Shuttlebay 26, Deck 74
Timeline   SD 72 1400
The airlock to the Danube-class USS Takaka hissed almost inaudibly as it opened. The two occupants of the small craft were already waiting by the hatch, as the more senior of them wanted to finish their mission and get home.

As soon as the hatch popped, Steve moved in closer and held out a hand in greeting, "Commander P'Trell. An'ta. Welcome to Deep Space 5, though I wish it could have been under better circumstances."

P'Trell took the offered appendage and gave it a firm shake. "By that I assume you mean you'd rather it be Drakt here instead of us? No offense taken, Mister Wyman - I don't want to be here either. But your scaly little friend, aka my senior officer plays the martyr better than anyone and talked me into playing errand boy for the two of you." Jerking a thumb behind him he added, "Though it didn't exactly take any prodding to get Mister An'ta to go with me."

"Commander Drakt wished he could be here. But his new responsibilities have him kind of tethered to the base. He asked us to send Gwen his love, though." An'ta chimed in, taking Wyman's hand in welcome.

That brought a smile to Wyman's face. "That's what Gwen misses most about Utopia Planitia - she doesn't get to see Drakt anymore. This is looking to be the first birthday of hers that he's going to miss. But she's starting to understand that he does work that's important to Starfleet. She just doesn't like it."

As the friendly exchange went on, Sharas stood as silent and emotionless as the statues on Easter Island. When it seemed that they weren't going to stop catching up, he cleared his throat. "If you two are quite done, I have the data you requested from Drakt." At that he produced an isolinear rod from his pocket. "The Klingon who provided it assured me that should this data become public, he will disavow any knowledge of ever meeting with me. I suspect that means he'll kill me. For your sake - don't go spreading it around." As he handed the small storage device off he added, "Because before that Klingon can kill me, I will kill you."

Most people would take that threat as a joke, but as Wyman had known P'trell for years (since the Andorian's time as headmaster of the Andorian Military Institute, at which Wyman spent a semester during his Academy years), he knew full well how serious it was. But after what had transpired in the short couple of days since he had arrived at DS5, he honestly didn't care. "I'll keep that in mind, Sharas. Thank you for coming all the way out here to the edge of anything to bring us this. Things have been pretty screwy since I got here, and any little bit we can figure out about the Yevad can only help."

"As much as that ringing endorsement of this backwater hellhole makes me want to stay and help, the Lieutenant and I must be going. But first I need a word with your executive officer or your captain - whomever can give us clearance to leave without filing a flight plan." the towering Andorian explained, looking around the shuttlebay.

Seeing the look of confusion on Steve's face, An'ta piped up, "Commander Drakt needs this entire thing to stay quiet. Which is why we hand delivered this rather than just transmitting it over subspace. On his orders, no flight plan was filed when we left 182. But, obviously, he doesn't have any authority to order the same thing here."

Nodding slowly as the obviousness of it registered in his oddly foggy brain, Steve motioned toward the door into the corridor. "I guess we can check with Commander Villiers. She should be able to get you two out of here on the QT. I can't say I want to bother the Captain with this..."

Already walking toward the door, Sharas called back over his shoulder, "Whatever gets us on our way faster, Mister Wyman. Lieutenant, I want the ship prepped and ready when I return!"

"Thank's again An'ta. I'll make sure to give Gwen that message." Wyman quickly remarked before jogging after the older man.

Lt. Steve Wyman
Chief Engineering Officer

also starring

Lt. Cmdr. Sharas P'Trell
Deputy Chief Intelligence Officer
Starbase 182

Lt. (JG) An'ta, Son of the Forty-ninth House
Strategic Operations Officer
Starbase 182