Beg, Steal or Borrow – A-maze-ing! Pt. 2
by Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   A-maze-ing! Pt. 2
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Wed Aug 19, 2009 @ 11:39pm
Location   Bajoran Gardens - Promenade
Timeline   SD9 21:30 hrs


"So, let me get this straight," John attempted to clarify, finding the whole concept amusing. "There is a maze with the potential for being lost for hours and inside this maze there is a Cafe and the only way to get to it is to walk in there and hope to not get lost?"

"No, the Cafe staff and anyone who's in a hurry can enter from a tunnel from the far side. But that's no fun!" she grinned.

John laughed and shook his head. "I see. You're right, that wouldn't be much fun, would it?" he asked, taking them closer to the maze entrance. "And besides, at least if we get lost we won't be bored. I'm sure we each have lots of stories and such to share."

"That's the idea!" She grinned, putting her arm through his and guiding him towards the entrance. "So you're game to try it then?"

"Of course!" John exclaimed, shooting her a grin.

"Coooool!" she gave his arm a squeeze excitedly and picked up the pace, walking in amongst the neatly trimmed hedge-walls and turning immediately right down an alley. "This way, I remember it now"

John attempted to keep track of where they were once in the maze, he quickly found himself overwhelmed. A small feeling of excitement welled up inside him, but he didn't think it was from the maze, as pretty as it was. He found himself really starting to enjoy the company of the Vulcan. He smiled to himself.

Confidently taking them down several recognised turns, Jenna soon had them deep into the maze, but before too long they came to a junction she wasn't sure of.

"Oh. I don't remember this one. Shall we try left, or right?" she looked doubtful and turned to John, suddenly noticing how nice his eyes were, especially in this dappled, softened light. Without knowing why, she flushed a little and let go of his arm for a moment's uncertainty.

John noticed she was moving a little from him and instinctively reached out for her hand. He blushed horribly when he realized what he had done and averted his eyes a moment. "Um, either way is fine," he replied, voice suddenly more quiet. Suddenly he leaned over and placed a small kiss on her cheek.

Jen blushed a little but didn't try to take back her hand from his. She looked up at him and their eyes met.

"I'm...I'm sorry," John stammered slightly, feeling completely foolish. "I don't know what came over me. I just..." his voice trailed off.

Jen gave him a warm, affectionate smile that lit her eyes with a sparkle. "Don't be sorry, I'm not" she said softly and reached up to do the same to him, placing a small kiss on his cheek too.

To avoid an awkward moment, she turned left. "This way" she said, squeezing his hand and keeping tight hold of it as they set off again. For a few moments she didn't say anything, just enjoyed walking with him, hand in hand.

John figured he should feel awkward in some way, but he really didn't. He did blush a little when her warm lips touched his cheek, but that was normal. At least he figured it was. He could feel himself grinning as he walked along with Jenna. She was really quite nice.

They walked along for a time before he finally worked up enough courage to speak again. "So," he began, making sure his voice was steady before continuing. "Come here often?" his voice was quiet but firm. It really was pretty, agonizing puzzle or not.

Jen grinned, but kept walking and didn't look at him. "Not often enough it seems, I'm kinda lost" she apologised, looking around for clues and things she hoped to remember.

"Still, at least we have more time to get to know each other. Do you have a big family back home? Where *is* home by the way... I think you did tell me but I'm such an airhead" she admitted, hoping it mightn't matter, still keeping tight hold of his hand.

"Yeah, we can spend a little more time together," he replied with a grin and a shade of red. "Home is Earth for me. Not far from Starfleet Command, actually. A town in the Sacramento Valley, if you've heard of it. Mom, Dad, Sister, and my Cat. Thats about it, haha." He looked around, trying to help her out with navigation. He had a feeling he wasn't helping there. "How about you? I feel I've been talking an awful lot about me. Tell me about your home and family."

"My dad was Vulcan, Mom thought all that aloofness was sexy.... til she had to live with it that is!" Jen laughed but her smile was tinged with sadness.

"Divorce is a dirty word on both sides of the family, so they 'co-habit'... but only a few months of the year, the rest of the time they make themselves too busy to be around each other. It made for an eventful childhood, but at least that meant I wasn't afraid of moving around!" She was still smiling. It didn't hurt any more.

"Maybe that's why I have so much trouble with relationships though..." she wondered aloud.

John nodded. "I understand, to a point," he told her. "My folks were never the warmest to each other but they stayed around for my sister and I." He shrugged. "I dunno, never really understood it myself. But I guess we can't understand everything. As for relationships, maybe just haven't met the right person? Lots of stars in the universe ot there..."

"That's a lovely way to put it" Jen sighed and looked up. Through the roof of the Atrium several decks above them, past the balconies of the rest of the promenade section, she imagined she could see the stars winking at her. She stopped walking and stood looking up, causing John to have to stop too.

"Which ones do you think are us?" she asked, pretending she could see lots of individual stars from this distance.

"Those ones," John pointed out without thinking. "Two small stars in a sea of black. Close. Beautiful. Serene." He smiled knowing it was slightly cheesy, but he didn't care. He looked at her. She truly was beautiful. Did it take him this long to realize?

Jen was moved. "Awwwww!" she bit her lower lip and tilted her head to one side as she took a long look at John. "That's so beautiful!" she whispered, standing very close to him, her fingers wound between his. Looking up at him with a new quizzical look she was wondering what he was staring at her for, as if he'd only just met her three seconds ago.

"John?" she asked gently. "Are you sure you don't have dozens of girlfriends all queueing up to rip out my hair for kidnapping you like this?"

"Girlfriends? No," John replied quietly with a chuckle. "It's just me and my cat, so to speak. Why do you ask?"

"Only you're so nice and I can't believe you're not married to at least four lucky women because who could have met you and walked away?" Her eyes sparkled with a little bit of mischief but what she was saying was genuinely meant. Staying very close to him, she was willing him to repeat his earlier impulse to kiss her.

~This time, if he does it again.... I'm going to turn and .... I wonder what he kisses like.... ?~ she thought and it made her cheeks colour prettily as she scolded herself internally. ~will you STOP! what are you like?~ she felt as if she should be shocked with herself but being here with John felt so natural and it seemed like they'd known each other forever. She just didn't know how to tell him that and was afraid if she was too forward she might frighten him away or give him the impression she was like this with everyone.

She chewed her lip again, not realising she'd been doing that for a while now while she was lost in thought and he was looking at the stars.

John watched her for a moment, wondering what was going through her head. He felt comfortable around her and had already kissed her cheek, but he wanted to kiss her again. He couldn't decide if that was a normal feeling or not. It felt right, but he didn't want to be too forward. With a mental shrug, he decided. In one motion he wrapped his arms around the Vulcan and pressed his lips to hers.

It was exactly what Jen had hoped he would do and she put it down to wishing under the stars. Legend had it that you could get your wishes to come true if you could see the stars while you made them and this seemed to prove that true.

Returning his kiss softly at first, Jenna slipped her arms up around John's neck and when he didn't seem to object, she kissed him again, this time less shyly and with more feeling.

John lost himself while holding and kissing Jenna, the whole galaxy feeling so far away. He kissed her like he never had kissed anyone before. After what felt like hours he slowly pulled back, eyes closed, savoring the the warm fuzzy feeling he was experiencing.

"That was amazing" she breathed softly, nestling her face against his neck. "How did you know I had wished you'd do that?" she asked, grinning to herself happily now she was sure he *did* like her.

"I had a feeling because...I wanted to as well," John replied softly, holding her close against him. Her touch felt wonderful. He could stand there the rest of the evening holding her if he had to and not be put off.

"Come on..... let's go find the middle of this maze and then we can get something to eat. I'm starving..... " she bubbled, on Cloud 9 now. Before he could reply, Jen had grabbed his hand again and was tugging gently towards the lefthand passageway. "If this is a dead end.... i have to give you a kiss and then you choose at the next crossroad and if you get *that* wrong, you have to kiss me!" she declared, mischief shining in her eyes.

"Oh?" John asked with a small laugh. "And why are we to do it this way? Why not just say the person who chooses the least dead ends just buys drinks?"

"Because if you don't like kissing me you'll have to find the right way out of here quickly and If you do, we could be here all night!" she laughed and tugged at his arm again. "Come on, what are you scared of?"

"Well," John's voice trailed off, not really sure on how to explain it. He liked her, but kiss after kiss could lead elsewhere. He wasn't sure where, and maybe that's what alarmed him.

"oh alright then, if you don't want to kiss me anymore, i'll understand" she stood still, tracing an arc in the dust on the floor with her toe, looking thoughtful.

"Nono!" John quickly protested, growing red. "I, well, see.." again his voice trailed off. He leaned pulled her close again and gave her another kiss, this one a little shorter than the last. "I enjoy the sound of this game," he finally told her, a grin of his own creeping on his lips. With a laugh he pulled her to a random direction, hoping it would lead to a dead end.


JP Between:

CPO Jenna Minton
SB5 - Administrative Assistant


Ensign John Elliott
SB5 - Asst. Chief of Operations