Beg, Steal or Borrow – Love taken away (part 2)
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Love taken away (part 2)
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Sat Jun 13, 2009 @ 2:04am
Location   Privus Prime Research Development facility
Timeline   2376 (Shortly after the treaty of Bajor)
Tag   Back story
(2376, after the Dominion War)

Dorian stepped off the transport shuttle and glanced around the facility. It was the exact opposite of the expansive environment that Dorian had grown accustomed to while serving at Starfleet Command. Perhaps if he wasn't so far away, then he'd still have Her. Dorian tried not to let those depressing thoughts weigh him down. Commander Muldeen's report was not extensive, but it was the only bit of information that he could rely on at the moment.

Gabriel looked up and saw an officer approaching him. Gabriel looked at the three pips and recognized the man immediately. "Commander Muldeen, thank you for meeting with me." Gabriel said as he shook the man's hand.

"Yes, thank you for agreeing to assisting with the investigation, I know that this has to be difficult for you. However, your knowledge of the victim, as well as your experience in Security Investigation should help us resolve this quickly." Muldeen said as he led the Officer down the corridor and towards the nearest turbolift.

"Medic Bay" Muldeen said as the lift began to ascend towards the facility's morgue, or at least what was forced to pass for one. "The facility's medical staff are performing the autopsy as we speak." Muldeen said as the men continued to ride in silence.

Gabriel began to brace himself for the onslaught of emotions that he was going to experience upon entering the Bay and seeing Her lying on a biobed lifeless as medics examined every portion of her. He knew that he would have to deal with it if he wanted to learn what happened and what, or possibly who was responsible for it.

"Right this way Gabriel," The Commander said as they entered the room and came upon the bed. His heart stopped momentarily as he looked at her body and the lack of any substantial wound, outside of the bruising near her face and midsection.

One of the medics approached the officers and handed a Padd to them. "We weren't able to gain much information regarding cause of death outside of shut down of her central nervous system in addition to asphyxiation." The Medic stated. "We were able to obtain fibers from her jacket that corresponded with a particular fiber that can't be replicated by our systems. We assume that it came onboard with one of the non-Federation researchers or scientists." The medic stated.

Gabriel examined the padd's information on the fiber. It appeared to be commonly woven into clothing based on its malleable structure. It did not take long for Gabriel to run a cross-reference of the fiber before the computer gave him a list of dealers that use that particular type of fiber and the areas of space in which they commonly operate within.

"Commander, I want to have a meeting with Dr. Kur'ann" He said as he quickly turned on his heels and began to walk towards the nearest turbolift. "Bring a phaser too!" Gabriel said angrily. In Gabriel's mind, things were beginning to come together: It would make sense that a fiber that is common to Nausicaan space would be found, considering the only Nausicaan within the facility worked for the very Romulan that Mya suspected of being involved in something illegal in the first place.

Dorian stepped off the lift and proceeded to follow Commander Muldeen as he led him towards the Security Office that would also have to double as an interrogation room. He withdrew his phaser and set the weapon to the maximum level of stun that was possible without killing a person. He wanted answers at the moment, a dead body, perhaps later.

"Dorian, you wait here in the office while I collect Dr. Kur'ann and bring him here to talk. I want that phaser set on stun and holstered, is that understood?" Muldeen said with intent as he looked at the younger man's weapon. Gabriel nodded in response as he sat and awaited for meeting to start.

- - - 30 minutes later - - -

“Well?” Dr Kur’ann said, “I’m a busy man, I don’t have time to take out of my schedule to accommodate your whims. You have ten minutes, then I am going to return to my work.”

Gabriel looked up from his Padd as Commander Muldeen escorted Dr. Kur'ann into the confined room along with his lumbering Nausicaan assistant. Gabriel slowly rose from his seat and looked at the man for several moments before speaking.

"Dr. Redding is dead." Gabriel said solemnly. "Her body was found inside of her office, asphyxiated and slight bruising that appears to be consistent with foul play." Gabriel continued in as much of a measured tone as he could muster. " you know. . .about her death?" He asked as calmly as possible.

“How dare you assume that I know anything about her death. A competent assistant, no doubt, she’ll be hard to replace, not least because of the background knowledge that any replacement will have to develop in short order. Quite honestly the woman’s behavior was erratic, I would not be at all surprised if she simply couldn’t handle the stress of the job. Suicide is remarkably common in the scientific community you know, sometimes directly and sometimes indirectly – a miscalculation here, and oversight in safety protocol there – it all amounts to the same thing.”

Gabriel gritted his teeth as he tried to remain patient. "That is completely beside the point." Gabriel said. "The forensic evidence that we've gathered do not indicate any form of suicide or negligence on her part." Gabriel said as he could feel himself becoming more and more angrier at Dr. Kur'ann's cavalier attitude.

Kur’ann folded his arms, “I still don’t see what this has got to do with me,” he said.

"You are here because we found fibers that are consistent with those incorporated in your 'associate's' clothing." Gabriel said while indicating towards the Nausicaan who simply stared silently at the gathered officers. "Now, we want to know exactly where you two were during the hours of 17:50 and 24:00 hrs yesterday?" Gabriel said in a more stern tone.

“Running a test. The lab assistant will verify that if you bother to ask. You do bother to verify things, don’t you?”

Gabriel took a deep breathe while placing the Padd on the table and sliding it in the Romulan's direction. "Dr. Kuraan," Gabriel said, still not having perfected Romulan dialect. "Recent logs demonstrate that you have made several subspace communiques to an unknown source regarding your work here. Your work, that for all intents and purposes has been deemed classified." Gabriel said as he noticed that the Nausicaan became slightly agitated at the revelation of information.

"Now, we know that you were scheduled to have a meeting with Dr. Redding last night. We believe that it had something to do with her discovery of the communications." Gabriel said as he studied the man's movements.

“Believe whatever you want. I am free to communicate confidentially whoever I want,” leaning towards the Nausicaan he spoke in a lower but deliberately audible tone; “Stupid little tart probably overstepped her ‘cultural boundaries’ and got involved in a painfully adventurous fuck she couldn’t get out of without a hastily reconsidered and convenient cry of ‘rape’. I had no conversation with my assistant about any communications, it is fluke or coincidence if her schedule claimed that, because mine did not.”

It was taking all of Gabriel's strength to keep his emotions in check while dealing with this Romulan. "Coincidence? Is it merely a coincidence that the one link between the unauthorized communications, her death, and your 'associate' just happens to be you?" Gabriel said while leaning closer to the man.

“I think you need to calm down, whatever your name is. If I say I had no such communication then I had no such communication. Can I say it in another language that you would find easier to understand?”

Gabriel leaned back from the table and laughed aloud. "That. . .that's funny!" Gabriel said with a grin on his face, "That's just fucking hilarious!" Gabriel shouted as he flipped over the table onto his Nausicaan companion while grabbing a nearby chair. Gabriel quickly raised the chair and smashed it into the Nausicaan's face. The chair shattered into several pieces all over the floor leaving several shattered and jagged pieces strewn across the ground. Gabriel quickly grabbed a shard and advanced towards the Romulan.

Gabriel used the confusion to attack the Romulan by slamming his foot into the dazed man's chest and pinning him to the ground. Gabriel grabbed the Romulan by the throat and held the sharpened edge tightly to his throat.

"I'm tired of playing your twisted games. . . I know that you are responsible and I am going to kill you, do you understand me!?! The very last thing you ever see in this world will be my hands wrapped around your throat slowly as your airway is crushed and your brain begins to shut down from lack of oxygen. . .and then, just when your eye-sight begins to fade away, you'll see me driving a knife into that decrepit abyss you call a heart!" Gabriel said intently as he started into the Romulan's eyes.

“Fuck yourself,” Kur’ann spat, “No one else will, not even the frigid bitch you’re so eager to find. Hell will come as a surprise to you ..”

"Then I guess you'll have to save a seat for me!" Gabriel said as his hands wrapped themselves around the man's throat. Before he could tighten his grip around the man's windpipe, he was roughly seized by Commander Muldeen who had managed to clear through the chaos, restrain the Nausicaan and finally grab a hold of the vehemently angry officer.

"Get Gabriel to a holding cell!" Muldeen yelled to a Security officer that was responding to the ruckus.

Clutching at his throat Kur’ann spluttered, “Commander, that man just tried to murder me. I will take this to my government if something is not done,” he glared around the room as he grasped the nearest piece of furniture for support.

Gabriel tried to lunge at the man but by this time, security had managed to restrain him and drag him into a nearby holding cell to calm down.

“I won’t stand for this any longer! It’s the end! I do not need this facility, there are plenty of other places where my research and my person will be respected without me having to put up with these outrages.”

Muldeen looked at the man as he tried to regain order. "I would advise against that Dr." Muldeen replied. "An investigation is still active and it would be best if you could be here to further assist with any questions we may have." The Commander replied.

“Then ask them quickly, Muldeen. I will be gone by the end of the day, and the entire quadrant will know why!”

Commander Muldeen
Chief of Security
(NPC by Gabriel)

Dr. Kur'ann
Romulan Scientist
(NPC by Louise)

Dorian Gabriel
Security Investigation Officer