Things Past – Incursion
by Lieutenant JG Saria Rex

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Title   Incursion
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Saria Rex
Posted   Fri Apr 05, 2013 @ 5:03pm
Location   Lieutenant Madelyn Willard's Quarters
Timeline   Current

Madelyn ran as fast she could toward her little office at the right side of the science labs. She quickly shot between the doors before they fully opened, grabbing a steel case on the way. When she tried to reach her desk, the whole station began to shake again. The station was at red alert, and the claxons were ringing at max. She quickly pulled herself up again, smashing the case on her desk. She took the objects on her desk in her hands, and threw them in the steel case. She opened all of the drawers, but couldn't find anything noteworthy in it, except for her phaser and a few tricorders. She hastily attached the phaser on the left side of her utility belt, and the tricorders on the right.

When Madelyn ran back to the science labs, she saw Saria hastily working on the main Science Computer. Saria noticed her assistant entering the room, and looked back.
"I've purged the databanks of the computer" She yelled to Madelyn. "I'm rigging the computer to blow in 15 minutes. In that time, we've got to get into the shuttles."
While Saria was working, Madelyn headed for the luggage, which she brought to the doors of the science labs, and began to check all the things that saria had either purged or destroyed to prevent them from falling into the wrong hands.

"Okay, it's done." Saria said, leaving the console, and grabbing the phaser rifle on the table next to her. "We've been assigned to Hangar Bay 3, which isn't that far. There is a jefferies tube entry point in the corridors." She said, grabbing the luggage next to the door.

"What about the Romulan core?" Madelyn asked. "Won't we destroy it?"

Saria shook her head. "Who knows what's in that core, may it be good or evil. We can't afford losing it, even if it will fall into enemy hands." She replied. "I'm sure this won't be the last time we will be here."

Madelyn nodded, grabbing her gear as well. She drew her phaser in front of her, and was about to open the door. However, to her surprise, the doors opened themselves. Before she was aware of the situation, two Romulans armed with disruptor rifles stood in the doorpost, shooting Saria with disruptor beams and hitting her in the chest. She flew against the wall, with two hits burned in her chest. Madelyn reacted quickly, and was able to shoot one of the Romulans as well. She jumped over the desk, seeking cover from the disruptor fire. She returned some blind phaser fire, but didn't hit the Romulan at all.

The shootout lasted half a minute, when Madelyn suddenly sprung up with clear sight on the Romulan, and eventually shot him as well. She was nearly shaking on her legs, while she became aware of the situation again.
"SARIA! SARIA...!" She screamed, as she speeded toward her beblooded Chief, laying against the wall. Her uniform was covered in blood, as did the wall behind her.
"Saria! Saria!" She yelled again, shaking Saria heavily by her shoulders.

Saria began to cough, spitting out blood, which she wiped off her mouth with her hand. "Oh shit..." She cursed, when she saw her whole hand being covered in blood. She blinked a few times, as she turned toward her assistant, Madelyn.
"Madelyn..." She said, while blood began dripping out of her mouth. "...I'm not going to make it..."

"Yes! Yes you are going to make it, Chief!" Madelyn sobbed, as tears began rolling over cheeks. "I'll get you a... medkit and... apply some..." She paused as Saria shook her head.

"...I gave my last supply of medkits to the Medical bay when we were under attack..." She said, coughing up more blood.

"NO! No no no no no!" Madelyn yelled, while she broke out in tears. "Don't die on me now, Saria! Not now... please!"

Saria watched Madelyn breaking out in tears, but she was in no position to survive her wounds. She pulled her combadge of her uniform, took Madelyn's hand, and pushed her combadge into her hand.
"Take this, Madelyn." She said calmly. "Take it to the Captain, and tell her I programmed a message into it... Captain's eyes only..."

Madelyn was shaking heavily, but eventually nodded. She took the combadge and applied it on the other side of her chest. "I...I... will deliv...ver it to the Captain, Chief..." She sobbed, wiping the tears off her cheeks.

"Now, Madelyn... I need you to do... one last thing..." Saria coughed, as blood began filling her mouth. "Beam Rex out of my abdomen, and take it with you..." She ordered. "Rex is far more important than me, and needs to carry on."

", I can't... just leave you here..." Madelyn sobbed. "What if...if they get you?"

Saria tried to smirk, uncovering her teeth, covered with blood, and shook her head. "They won't get hold of me. Just... save Rex..."

Madelyn hesitated, but eventually stood up, proceeding to the small transporting console. She began localizing Rex on it's biofunctions, which was quite difficult as they were nearly the same as Saria's. But eventually, she managed to isolate Rex's signs. "Okay, I locked the transporter onto Rex. Transporting... now!"
The transporter pad began materializing, and in a few seconds, a worm-like creature was lying on the pad, wiggling a bit. Madelyn walked up to the pad, and took the creature in her arms. "You're going with me, Rex." She said, as she turned around. Saria was still lying on the same place, but it seemed as she was frozen.
Her eyes were closed, and she had stopped breathing. Saria had died.

Madelyn felt a rush of tears coming up. She wanted to scream it out, but she maintained to control herself. If she would make any noise, she's probably attract any more Romulans. She knelt next to Saria's body, and grabbed her hand, which was in a way still warm. Eventually, she placed the hand on the body's abdomen, as she did with the other hand. Her final resting place would be the Science Labs, something she devoted her life to.

She stood up, and turned around, leaving Saria's body against the wall. She quickly walked to the door, carefully carrying Rex with her. She picked up the luggage she had with her, and strapped them over her shoulders. She took the phaser rifle that Saria dropped, and left the science labs.


After a few minutes of dodging Romulans and navigating herself trough the jefferies tubes, she finally made it to one of the perimeters around the hangar bay.
"Don't shoot!" Madelyn jelled, when she saw the flashlights of the phaser rifles being pointed at her. "I'm a Starfleet officer!"

"Identify yourself." One of the guards said, calmly.

"Lieutenant Madelyn Willard, Stellar Cartographist." She said, panting from all the running.

"You may proceed." The guard replied, as he lowered his weapon. Madelyn approached the perimeter, and brought herself to safety. "I am Lieutenant Suva. Do you know where Chief Rex is?" The guard asked, revealing himself to be a Vulcan.

Madelyn looked down as soon the guard mentioned the name. "Chief Rex... didn't make it, unfortunately. But I have her symbiont with me." She answered, lifting her arm where she held Rex with.

"I am sorry for Chief Rex' loss. But we will take care of the symbiont." The guard said, reaching for the symbiont. Madelyn bit her lip, but eventually gave Rex away. "Thank you, Lieutenant. You may proceed to Shuttle 5."

Madelyn nodded, and walked into the hangar bay. She saw troops, personnel and civilians all over the place, being directed into various shuttles. Equipment and computers were shipped into the cargo shuttles, which were already launched ahead. In the distance, she could hear intercom voices, and yelling of people. She eventually saw her shuttle, number five, standing between the others. Most of the people boarding were Science personnel. "Hey, Willard!" Someone from the shuttle yelled. "Come quickly, we surely need you aboard!"
She quickly walked toward the entrance of the shuttle, and proceeded to enter.


Madelyn woke up, just realizing that everything was a dream. She breathed heavily, and stood up from her bed. She threw the blankets aside, and walked toward her mirror. She studied herself carefully, as her hair was frazzled in all directions. "Just... a dream..." She panted, still recovering from her terrible nightmare.


Lieutenant JG Madelyn Willard (NPC)
Stellar Cartographer

Lieutenant JG Saria Rex
Chief Science Officer