Beg, Steal or Borrow – Ears and Eyes
by Lieutenant JG Petro

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Title   Ears and Eyes
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Petro
Posted   Sun May 03, 2009 @ 2:33am
Location   DS5 - Unknown Sublevel
Timeline   SD8 1715 - 1800 hrs

"Our plant has gained information that we will need to be swift in responding to. Our preparations are almost complete and now with that Nausicaan out of the picture it will be that much easier for us to do our job." He said.

A smaller man, known to a scant few, watched and listened. He wasn't much for speaking so when he did, all eyes turned to him. "When will they arrive?" He asked.

"Lahy." The leader said, smiling. "It is good to have you with us. I was afraid we might have to go looking for you."

Lahy looked up at the Orion and smiled. "My interests here are no secret." He said. "When are they due?"

"Our source tells us that they only recently went to Warp. It might be a few days before they arrive but we will be ready long before that. Dorian Gabriel has his hands full with the Marine Detachment on the station. Tahir is gone and Davies is in her place. There is enough distraction up there to allow us to take care of business. You will get your share when the time comes." The Orion said. "Newell is now in the custody of the Sarek's Chief of Security. He's a Nucolli."

At the word Nucalli, a couple of men stood. "Nucalli?" One of them asked. "We can fetch a good price for their hides."

As eyes turned to the speaker, the Orion waved his hand as a form of introduction. "We have with us a couple of d'trana, which will come in handy when the Sarek arrives. They will handle the Nucalli at their own risk but Newell and Hardwinger belong to us."

"Newell is expendable. He has already shown us that he is incompetent in following our orders. We'll greet him as family and then..." the man ran his finger across his neck. "Hardwinger may still prove to be an asset provided he hasn't realized the part he plays."

"You are correct Mr. Cordova." The Orion said. "However, if he has been compromised then he will share in Newell's fate. This does not deter us from our eventual goal in either case. Mr. Kirtrov has reported to us, much to his endangerment, that the Gorn ship that he is on will also be coming to DS5. He has been a key player in his role, so much so that a warrant from Starfleet has been issued for his apprehension. We cannot allow that to happen lest they come to know the truth behind his, defecting." The large green skinned man laughed.

Anthony looked at the Orion standing next to him. He was much larger than the one they 'called' leader but not as outspoken. Kal just nodded as if he understood what was going on. Truth was, he was about as clueless as the rest of them.

"And what of Denice?" Anthony asked.

"There has been little information shared in her respect but it seems that the young lady is somewhat traumatized. We've created enough of a rift in the Sarek's intelligence department, as well as their engineering team, to slow progression enough for our time tables. When our Romulan Counterparts are finished with their guise, we will have our opportunity. We only have O'Dwyer to thank for that, though he didn't know it." The Orion smiled and lifted a glass of Romulan Ale. "We've been carefully watching and patiently waiting for our time to come. We've had to wait out the Pirate attacks. We've waited while the Lytosians did their business. We've been patient during the time of the uprising and now we are coming near to our next objective."

"Is it worth it?" Lahy asked.

The Orion glared at him. "Gaining presence on the Sarek has been a slow but progressive process. Getting the Gorn and the Boaoran's to do what we wanted them to do has been arduous but effective. Sewing dissension is not something that comes easily but yes, it will be worth it. When we gain control of the Sarek, we will have with us one of the most underestimated vessels in their fleet. The modifications that have been done over the years will prove to be useful.

"If Newell is escorted by the Nucalli, that could complicate matters." the other d'trana said.

"No need to worry about that." Cordova said. "He's easily manipulated but equally as resourceful. He will figure out a way to escape and come home." he sipped on his own glass of ale and smiled. "Like a pigeon for the pie."

A barrage of laughter filled the small room as each person imagined what they would do with Randy Newell. The Orion held up his hands and silenced the crowd. "When his usefulness has expired, so will he." Again the room erupted in laughter.

"To the downfall of the Federation." the Orion said, lifting his glass again. The others followed suit, whether they had a drink or not. The two d'trana said nothing and drank nothing. They were focused on ways to capture the Nucalli. A dead one was valuable but a live one was priceless. Their purpose for joining this crew of over throwers had nothing to do with their cause. Their only interest was in what they could capture and cash in on. The rest of the matters were meaningless to them.

"And when will we purge the Sarek of its crew?" Someone asked.

"When we are certain of those who will fight with us and of those who will not. The enemy will be discarded like bad eggs and the rest will be sifted like wheat. The Sarek will be ours and the Station will collapse. Everything we've been preparing for will come to a head when the ship arrives and all of Federation Space will know that the Followers of the Founders never give up."

Hoots, cheers and hollers echoed around the chamber as the band of infiltrators celebrated their inevitable victory.


Followers of the Founders

by Petro