Unity – Bear Baiting
by Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   Bear Baiting
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Tue Mar 23, 2010 @ 11:00pm
Location   Security Offices
Timeline   SD17 - 12:15

Greo shuffled toward the doors to the security office, people giving him a wide birth and trying not to stare. It reminded him of his youth and the inherent racism that had permeated the communities he had come across. His wounds still hurt and it didn't help that the doc had given him another lecture after his episode at the romulan embassy. He felt stronger though, strong enough maybe to go bait a bear. He paused for a moment. Am I being reckless? he asked himself. He realized he was being more assertive since his brush with death. Maybe that's the way of these things.

The doors to the security offices slid open and he half stepped, half hobbled into the world of Lieutenant Commander Dorian Gabriel. Into the Bear Pit!

As the limping man entered, Alexia didn't quite know whether to call Gabriel to see him or the doctor. He asked to see the boss and she felt too sorry for him to give him a hard time. She went to the door to ask 'El Guappo' if he'd see an injured Cardassian who apparently wanted to talk about Romulans. It was a risky thing to attempt and she had time to have second thoughts by the time she had knocked but it was too late.

Gabriel closed his eyes and counted to five very slowly before he stood up and looked towards his doorway. "What part of 'not to be disturb' did you not understand the first time?" He asked rhetorically. "I have the weight of an entire station on my shoulders and I do not have time for this administrative crap! Whoever it is, tell them to schedule an appointment for sometime when the station is NOT in danger of exploding." He yelled with a dismissive gesture of his hand.

"Um... but Sir...." Alexia tried again, tentatively. "Lt. Cmdr. Tovon is asking about the Romulans.... "

Gabriel straightened up as the woman gave him the name of the individual who's shadow had darkened his doorstep. He walked around his desk and walked through his doorway into the main foyer.

"You think the Romulans are responsible for the bombing?" Gabriel stated with the slightest bit of enthusiasm. Any lead towards the bombing would help alleviate the stress that he had suffered in the past day.

Greo shuffled forwards a few steps, enough to let the doors close behind him. He didn't want the whole world knowing he was investigating the explosions. His body ached as he moved, a live wire writhing within his flesh. His bio-monitor beeped happily on his neck.

"I'm afraid not, Dorian. Sorry to get you excited." He glanced at the woman and back to Gabriel. As much as he didn't want to move, to aggravate the fire in his body, he felt that a bit of privacy might be needed. "What I have to tell you is extremely important. Maybe we should continue this conversation in your office?"

Alexia looked affronted. ~Charming!~ she thought. "If you have any doubt about the confidentiality of matters that happen, or are discussed, within the *SECURE-ity* department, Sir, please dispel them. Commander Gabriel runs a tight and dependable ship, I can assure you" she defended with staunch loyalty.

Gabriel raised his hand to silence the woman. He looked at the Cardassian before him and studied him for several moments. He was a broken man who should be in sickbay, a sickbay on his own planet.

"Speak, now, before my patience runs out, completely." he responded to Tovon.

Greo paced forwards, anger building as he did so. He had forgotten Gabriel's attitude problem. In his pained state he had assumed the man was a decent human being. Guess again.

"Gabriel, grow up!" Greo couldn't hold it in any longer. "I know you've been knocked down a peg or two recently, but I don't need your shit right now. Bombs are going off and I think I have a lead on one of the perpetrators." He took a breath, calming himself. "But if you are too stupid to accept help, or give a little yourself, I'll go chat with Lieutenant Tan about all this."

Gabriel's eyes narrowed as he focused on the individual in front of him. The fact that he had hobbled into his office meant that he had something to say. But his obvious disapproval of Gabriel's methods were not going to stop him from handling the matter in his established manner.

"You won't do any such thing. Anything that relates to the security of my station will be addressed by my department and nobody else. Tan's job is to stare at star charts and speculate. I deal in reality and I am currently dealing with the reality of complete anarchy on this station." He said as he took a step forward to look the Cardassian in the eye.

"I'm assuming you had a point when you came in here," Gabriel stated as he stopped short of actually addressing this Cardassian with a Starfleet rank. "Get to it." he stated.

"Funny you should mention star charts." Greo could laugh at the man, but thought better of it. "Seems that the bombers were interested in a data storage component of the romulan computer core that I have been examining. That I was examining when the thing blew up in my face. Bad news is the device contained sensitive data concerning star systems in the local area. East targets you might say. Good news is I might be able to track it using the stations internal security sensors." He paused for effect.

"Which, in case you didn't guess, is why I came in here."

Gabriel paused slightly. "Where is this core located right now?" he replied.

"The core fragments have been relocated to Science Lab 2 so that I can assess them as part of my investigation."

"Contact Lieutenant I'Pho, and tell him report to Science Lab 2 with a security team and secure the contents inside, immediately." Gabriel said as to the secretary without breaking eye contact with the Cardassian before him.

Gabriel's anger was apparent. "You have been hiding Romulan technology on this station without my knowledge or clearance?" He asked rhetorically. "There is no telling what vital information is located on that device and how value it holds to the Federation." He said as his chest continued to rise in fall in time with his wording.

"But of course, what would you and your kind care about the Federation." He added.

"I want to know every damn thing you know about that core, now." he commanded.

"I don't have time for that now I'm afraid. I don't like your tone either." Greo moved to a nearby wall and leaned against it heavily. He held up a hand at Gabriel's angry face. "Before you bite my head off, let me clarify. I will give you all the data, but I can't at this moment in time. It's simply too much. I can tell you the core had been temporally inserted into the wreckage for us to find. With a detailed examination of data stored within I was able to identify Federation programming protocols deep within the architecture. Someone reorganized the information so we could find it easily and prevent attacks on the locations detailed within. Locations which must therefore be very important."

In the meantime, as soon as Alexia was instructed, she instantly got onto the Security Dept's internal comm channel and relayed the instructions to Lt. I'Pho, word for word as Gabriel had spoken them. Once the communications link had cleared she returned to her original function, sitting silently glaring at the 'intruder' ready at any second to leap to the defense of her boss should the opportunity present itself.

If Dorian had ever had a dog as a pet when he was young, he couldn't have asked for one with fiercer loyalty nor more single-minded determination to defend him no matter whether he was right or wrong. No-one had pointed out to Alexia, however, that behaving like a pet dog was hardly one of her secretarial duties but she felt that Dorian was getting a kicking from all angles and it offended her sense of fairness enough to make her want to wade in and try to redress the balance a little.

Sadly, wanting to help and actually being of effective assistance were two different things in reality but Alexia's heart was in the right place even if *she* seldom was.

"Apparently, whoever planted the core wanted us to find the information and use it to prevent something from happening at those strategic locations. We won't be doing any good by standing here waiting for you to catch your breathe." Gabriel stated, obviously annoyed by the Cardassian's labored breathing and belabored appearance.

"I'm having a team secure the core and deliver it to Security for further examination. Either you get started or you have an assistant do it, but either way I am not going to sit by as ANOTHER attack is pulled off under my watch." He said intently.

"You'll do no such thing." Greo pointed a finger at Gabriel. "The science lab is the best place to analyze what's left of the core and I have all the records there. This is my investigation Gabriel and no matter how hurt I am I'm more than capable of this task." He stood tall and moved towards the door.

"I am heading to Science Lab 2 to examine the remains and get the technical specifications I need from a romulan expert. I already have some security in place, but I would be grateful if you would accompany me. No matter what your methods, you are an intelligent man Dorian."

Gabriel watched the Cardassian walk out of the office and waited for the doors to close before he began to address Alexia.

"Tell I'Pho and inform him that he and his team are to keep the core secure and prohibit any person NOT wearing a Starfleet uniform from entering the lab or surrounding area." He said to the secretary without turning his gaze towards her.

Greo took a few paces out of the security office, his blood boiling. He was angry once again at the tyrannical security chief. I can't believe I have been defending that guy, he thought to himself. He tapped his commbadge.

=^=Computer activate site to site transport Tovon 4.=^= As the shaft of shimmering light surrounded him he noticed the secretary talking, hopefully relaying the order to not move the core.

As the woman was speaking Gabriel went back to his office to retrieve his phaser and the accompanying holster. He walked back into the main foyer of the office as the woman finished her inquiry.

"I'm going to find out what the hell that spoon head has been hiding before anybody else gets their hands on it." He said as he continued to walk through the area and directly out of the door with his phaser set to *heavy* stun.


Lt Cmdr Greo Tovon
Chief Science Officer

Lieutenant Commander
Dorian Gabriel
Chief of Security

Ensign Alexia Jackson
Administrator assigned to Security
(NPC by jools)