Judgement – First Day
by Commander Richard Dunham & Ensign Addison Falkland

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Title   First Day
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham & Ensign Addison Falkland
Posted   Tue Aug 02, 2011 @ 11:23pm
Location   Starfleet Diplomatic Detachment Department
Timeline   SD38

Cadet McCain looked about offices of the Starfleet Diplomatic Detachment Department, it was a hive of activity as as purple collard starfleet officers went about their business like bees around hive. He stood there, mouth slightly ajar, not having a clue where to go or what to do. He looked a little nervous as he stood in the middle of the organised chaos one hand held a PaDD with his orders on it the other held his small kit bag. Not only was this his first assignment, but his first time off earth.

"Can I help you?" Addison had just returned from the meeting in the conference room with the diplomatic bigwigs and was looking forward to quiet time poring over notes when she almost inadvertently walked into a young man waiting in the middle of the room. "You look a little lost..."

"Yes, Ma'am. I am Ma'am" Said the cadet standing smartly to attention just like they academy had taught him to when talking to a superior officer. Deep down he was really hoping that he had in fact come to the right department. He had heard scare stories of cadets 'accidentally' arriving at star fleet intel departments and never being heard from again until graduation.

"Relax," she said. "My first day here, too. Ensign Addison Falkland of Alien Affairs. Want to come into my office?" It wasn't really an office. Just a really small room wih a desk but it served her purpose very well. She eyed the PADD in his hand before she gestured to a door just off the way of the main lobby. "It's over here." She led the way, not sure if the young man would be following or not.

The Cadet followed obediently, hauling his duffle bag over his shoulder and accompanying the Ensign to her officer. He felt relief that it was someone else's first day to, and began to ease up a bit. Though he still didn't have a clue what he was doing. McCain looked about with deep interest as he was led to the office, so much so that when the officer stopped at her office door he wen't in the back of her "Sorry Ma'am" he said apologetically and blushing.

She glanced behind her curiously after he bumped into her before she continued on into her office. "Well?" she said as she stepped across the small room to the replicator. "Would you like a drink? I'm a big tea drinker myself. It helps relaxation somewhat." She put an order into the replicator for a cup of green tea and waited to see if he wanted any.

"Yes please Ma'a,m" said the Cadet little nervously "can I have a cup of tea to please, sweet, milk." She made the order and McCain watched the cup and saucer materlize on the small replicator pad. The Ensign passed her the drink he politely said thank you and took a sip of the drink, it certainly was refreshing. "So urrrm what do we do in the Diplomatic Detachment?" asked the cadet without a clue.

Addison sat behind her desk and leaned forward, resting her forearms on the desk, fingers crossed. "Well, first of all, the Diplomatic Detachment represents the Federation and its interest." She paused before adding as a joke, "We keep the fights under control." The blonde chuckled at her little joke. "With that aside, do you know which specific department you're assigned to? I personally am the liason between governments."

The young cadet relaxed again as the Ensign eased the tension surrounding him. He opened his mouth to answer the question but didn't know the answer, he had to check the Padd that he still held in one hand. As he read it he frowned "Urrrmm, assistant cultural adviser......" The young cadet frowned at the information that he just read out. "Not sure what that means though." This was totally out of his depth, he was training to be scientist.

"Hmmm..." Addison said as she entered information in the console, "It seems that may be my department after all, we will be working towards the same goals, then." She wasn't sure if she had the authority to officially assign him to the team but she hated just sending him off. "Do you have any questions for me, Cadet? I'd be happy to answer any."

The poor ensign had literary got off the transporter pad and headed straight down to the offices of the diplomatic detachment. His ship hadn't even docked with the station, just made a cursory cruise pass and beamed him on-board. He knew next to nothing about where he was. So he guessed that was as good a place as any start when it came to questions. "Whats this station like Ma'am?.....I haven't really seen any of it yet." In fact he didn't even know where his quarters where, everything he owned was in his duffle bag.

"This is nothing like a ship, found that out the hard way. Do you have your orders with you?" Addison said and once again eyed the PADD in his hand. "I will see what I can do to get you set up with quarters, at least and then we can go from there, hmm?"

The Ensign was very thankful "That's very kind of you." he passed her the Padd. "Here are my orders...I must admit I'm a bit out of depth with this Diplomacy stuff. I was looking at the sciences as my specialty when I move into my final year at the academy." He smiled a little nervously again "I suspect they did that on purpose." Then the cadet had a thought, "I suppose I will be bunking with someone, not being an officer and all?"

"Unfortunately," she replied as she glanced over the PADD. "I think they like cadets to try different avenues before they settle on one." She rifled through information on her console, updating the cadet's as she did so. "Here," she said after a few minutes and handed it back. "Updated. You should be able to find your quarters now. As for when you start, I added you to our duty roster the day after tomorrow. Give you enough time to settle in. I'll clear everything with the Chief."

The Cadet got up from his chair and shook the Ensigns hand gratefully. "Thank you for your time Ma'am. You have been a real help. I look forward to working with you." The Cadet then headed out eyes full of wonder and hope and ready to explore the station on his first day.


Alien Affairs Diplomat
Ensign Addison Falkland


Cadet McCain