Beg, Steal or Borrow – Bad Timing
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   Bad Timing
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Mon Mar 09, 2009 @ 4:37am
Location   Intelligence Office
Timeline   SD-8: 12:55hrs

Gabriel was exhausted and it was barely noon. He had to deal with Darson's incompetence, not to mention the looming threat of the Romulan Task Force along with Davies complicity in the entire affair. To make matters worst, he had a neurotic Counselor hounding him about his now-dead Assistant Chief.

He rounded the corner of the office and walked into an empty main foyer. The room was empty because the man who manned the main desk was gone. "Great. . .what now?" Gabriel asked himself in an annoyed tone.

He walked further into the office and saw Chief Ayers standing over a monitor in Wallace's office next to a young woman whom he didn't recognize.

Chief Ayers looked at the Cadet, they'd stumbled across the one piece of information that might explain Mr. Wallace's disappearance. The chief half expected to get chastised about security and the like, he'd heard it all from everyone in the past. "Shut up and let me do the talking cadet." Craig growled.

She nodded and stood at attention when Lt. Gabriel saw them.

"Chief! We are in the middle of a emergency and you are back here messing with someone else's monitor?" HE asked incredulously.

"Sorry sir, this was to important to broadcast over the comm sir, I found this in Mr. Wallace's office. looks like a mission profile for a classified rescue mission."

Gabriel feigned interest. "Oh, of course, that explains everything. I mean because it must be proper protocol to show classified information to NON-AUTHORIZED individuals!" He said in a normal tone. "Who the hell is this anyways?" He asked.

"Cadet 1st class Martina Perth. I'm here on my final semester field study sir, its a pleasure to meet you sir." she said with a little too much enthusiasm.

"Great, a newbie, go make yourself useful and replicate me a cup of coffee." He said as he looked towards Ayers. The only purpose that a Cadet had was to simply watch and observe. There really was nothing much she could contribute to the matter at the moment.

"Yes sir we'll get back too the Intel office and lock the doors in case of boarding. any final instructions?" the Chief petty officer added.

"Yes, lock down this entire department. If we are boarded, the Romulans will hit this department and the armory first. I want to make sure that they don't find a spec of information." He said as he turned to walk away. "And stay the HELL at the front desk, and keep your phaser armed." He said as he began to head towards Ops.

Dorian Gabriel
Chief Intelligence Officer

Chief Ayers
Cadet Perth
(NPC'd by andy)