Things Past – Break to New Mutiny
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal

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Title   Break to New Mutiny
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Posted   Sun Feb 16, 2014 @ 8:03pm
Timeline   SD 58 1900 (back post)

Olin Zen eased inside the door of the lecture room, and slid into the nearest seat. It was dark as the lecturer - a visiting professor of architectural engineering, was flicking between slides and 3d projections to illustrate her points. It took a moment for his eyes to adjust to the gloom, but then he saw her.

Lemat was sitting in the second row, just behind and to the right of the Reptile. Her head was bent forward and she was obviously working on a padd. He had about two minutes before the tour portion of the lecture began, he could tell. Random facts about the construction of celestial classes floated over his head. He only had eyes for the slender Cardassian at the front.

He pinged her padd. Don't look, I'm at the back. Can you sneak away when the tour starts?

Lemat jumped mildly in surprise at the message, luckily being sat behind the lizard. She quickly typed back to her hopeful lover. I can try, I'll meet you outside of here when everyone leaves, then we can find somewhere the damned ambassador won't find us! she smiled giddily as she finished and sent the message, but immediately regained her composure as Getal turned and told her to take a note on an opinion the lecturer had on the celestial class starbase.

Olin didn't have to wait long. Just seven minutes and 34 seconds - not that he was counting - no really, he wasn't, and the class rose to follow their tour guide into the more interesting parts of DS5. He slipped out first, and concelaed himself behind a handy bulkhead, peeking out now and again to see if he could spot his paramour.

The entourage of the lecture theatre left, led by the lecturer. The party of people were numerous and plentiful, but one person clearly stood out of the crowd. Getal, in all of his malevolent glory. He towered far over the crowd, and his armour only bulked out the image further. But, sure enough, by his side was the complete Cardassian opposite of Tharek. Lemat was slender and significantly shorter than her lizard overlord, and she carried off a fine finesse, whereas the Reptile's footfalls were hard and heavy.

She tapped the Ambassador ever so lightly, as you would a large carnivore, and told him something very quietly. Getal waved a dismissive hand and ushered her away. As she left the Ambassador's side a wide grin spread on her face. Lemat pulled her PaDD close to her face and began to type to Olin. Before she even began the sentence, she turned a corner and bumped into a familiar face.

Laughing he pulled her back into the dark recess he was loitering in, waiting for the rest of the class to pass. Giving her a kiss on the nose he whispered, "How long before I have to give you back?"

"I told Getal I'd be gone to the embassy to grab some more equipment, all in all I can spare you half an hour, no more." She put her arms around his shoulders and brought him in closer. "I missed you!" Lemat said through pouted lips.

"Then lets make the most of it. Lets grab a holosuite at the Box, we can have a private drink, and get you back to the tour before Getal misses you." He took her hand and headed towards the promenade's second level

"If you insist!" She said, letting him lead for a moment before switching roles, and dragging him up the stairs with all the excitement of a puppy. "Come on, be quick!" Lemat said with a glint in her eye and a skip in her step.

They dashed into the first place they could find, the kosher deli, giggling like school children. Olin ordered two fruit juices, and settled for staring into Lemats eyes with a daft smile on his face.

She returned the coy look, and began sucking on the straw to her fruit juice; not seductively, but with every inch of sweetness and admiration Lemat could muster. "Thank you for this Olin." She said in a low tone, resting her head again his right pectoral.

He just grinned. "Any time."

Any time was probably the wrong choice of words, as any time was exactly when Getal picked his moment to intrude upon the two young lovers. "Am I interrupting something Glen?" He said with a surprising calm, although that calm looked as though it was paper thin.

The young trill choked on his drink, and coughed hard. "Should I go?" he whispered to Lemat.?

Lemat nodded in a fast but quiet motion. "It would be easier." She said hoping that he understood the gravity of the situation.

He nodded, and said outloud, "Alright, I'll go," but quickly mouthed, "five minutes," to her, promising sliently to be back.

Getal watched the Trill leave, keeping his eyes fixed on the back of his head like a hunter stalking prey. His eyes then quickly snaped back to Lemat. "I expected more of you Berok. You are the face of the Cardassian Union on this forsaken tin-can. I expect you to act as such. Not go cohorting with all and sundry. If I so much as smell you two together again. I will personally slice every limb and every appendage of that spotted bastard and ship them for public display on Trill!"

With his last words, Tharek turned and made to leave, keeping eye contact with the petite woman for as long as possible. He then straightened his hair back, and hulked out of the bar with all of his weight in his footsteps.

Lemat watched on, absolutely paralyzed. She didn't know whether to cry or shout, to scream or sob. Instead, she just decided to fall into a booth and let silent, glistening tears trickle down her cheek.


Vi'Kar Gul Tharek Getal
Cardassian Ambassador

Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner, THe Box of Delights