Judgement – ...and Burn (Runabout Tyne)
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   ...and Burn (Runabout Tyne)
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Thu Feb 03, 2011 @ 4:34pm
Location   Feltor Prime - enclosure
Timeline   SD 36 - 00:00 hrs

Duquesne continued to watch the surrounding area from his perched view. Darkness had already set, but the group from the Runabout Tyne had managed to escape from the crash site before the rebels had converged on their location.

He wished they had been able to gather more supplies from the vessel before having to abandon it, but they couldn't risk being captured by the enemy by the time their reinforcements had arrived. It was more likely that they forces would have killed them all rather than risk a direct engagement with Starfleet.

He turned to look in the direction of their make-shift base camp. He groaned through clenched teeth as the pain from his covered-wound made itself known. Duquesne held his side for several moments until he was able to stand and make his way towards the other officers.

If this were any other situation, Duquesne would have gladly accepted medical attention, but he knew that supplies were dangerously limited and there were other officers who needed attention ahead of him. He'd have to wait until they met up with the rest of the detachment before his own needs could be addressed. Until then, he would continue to proceed as if nothing was wrong.

"Status?" he said in as calm of a tone as he could manage to maintain despite the situation.

Jana groaned against the pain in her head. Her concern wasn't for herself but for that of her baby. "Ben?" She croaked.

Ben brought Jana some water and helped her to sip at it. "Try to rest, babe" he begged. "The last thing we need is for you to overdo anything. Everything will be okay, you *have* to trust in me". He tried to soothe her, holding her hand gently and scanning her. He wished he could get her back, she really needed intensive care and soon.

Garan looked up from the tricorder she had been calibrating and recalibrating. "Passive scan still only gets to about a kilometer. If we want more warning, I'm going to have to boost the power." She didn't have to add, and if we can see them, they'll be able to see us.

Ben looked at Garan, this was getting desperate but he didn't want to alarm Jana so he just looked, hoping that it would be more obvious to someone less sick than Jana was.

Duquesne nodded as he kneeled down close to Jana. He held her hand inside of both of his as he whispered a prayer for her. He smiled in as much of a reassuring smile as he could muster despite the situation.

"You need your rest as the Doctor has instructed. Worrying won't bring your strength back any sooner." He said calmly.

Jana simply blinked her eyes as a response, her head too sore to move. Silent tears fell down the sides of her face, she closed her eyes and did what both men instructed she do. A hand went protectively over her abdomen in a vain attempt to protect her and Ben's unborn child.

He nodded and stood up slowly. He caught Dr. Kensington's eye as he gestured for the medical officer to follow him.

"Garan, please begin an inventory of our supplies. We need to know what we have with us and what we will need to obtain in the very near future." he said as he began to walk towards the opposite side of the enclosure.

"Doctor, how is Jana doing? Will she be well enough to walk on her own?" he asked.

Ben turned away from Jana so that, if she was awake, she wouldn't hear what he was saying, and signed with a shake of his head and a thumbs down, that she wasn't doing well at all.

Jana started coughing and somehow managed to roll herself over. She got sick, opening her eyes she red. "BEN!" She shrieked, coughing again.

Whilst she worked, Garan imagined what she was going to do to the service crew that prepped the Tyne. Shoving them out the nearest airlock featured prominently, but so did sensitive body parts and cages of starving cardassian voles. The job, unfortunately, did not take long, and she brought her bad news to Duquesne.

"Inventory Sir," out of habit she had listed it on a padd, but she verbalised the key parts as she handed it over. "Four litres of water. Three packs of sterilising tablets. Six ration packs. Two man shelter. Two first aid kits, not counting the doctor's supplies, one survival kit, emergency beacon. Type one phaser, half charged." She grimaced as she said that. "Four maybe five one-second shots in total. 4 meters of fishing line, 15 meters suspension line rated to 100 kilos and grapple. No pitons."

She took a deep breath and moved on to what else was missing. "No flares. No insect repellent. No long range comms, even single use. No heat blankets. No waterproofs. And beyond the basics in the survival kit, no other tools either."

Duquesne nodded. "Then we will have to make do with the small gathering of supplies we have now." He responded. "Get your rest, we'll need to leave at daybreak. This location won't be secure for long." he added.

He wanted to add that Jana's condition was worstening, thus they needed to find medical support. However, he could tell by her condition that it was a situation that didn't need mentioning.

Ben nodded, gave Jana her next shot of mild pain-killer and natural anti-nausea herbal remedy. He couldn't give her strong drugs in her condition but she clearly needed something. He was frustrated to hell with the lack of options he was faced with and could only hold gently to her hand, trying to keep her as calm as possible. They needed this to be over and soon, or Jana and the baby would die. He tried not to think of this and started sorting through what few medical supplies his med-kit had to offer with his free hand. It was at least a distraction and he was a man with the world on his mind.

Garan moved over to a clear patch of ground, lined with moss, and tried to settle. Once she was vaguely comfortable she took a small ear phone from her tricorder and pushed it into her ear. If anything large enough to be dangerous, animal or sentient, came within a kilometer of the makeshift camp, she'd get an alarm she couldn't ignore. Staring up at the stars she could glimpse between the trees, she wondered if one of them was actually the Nemo or the Thames, and rescue was actually only a few kilometres up. She was still wondering when she fell asleep.


Michael Duquesne
Tactical Officer

Lt. Jana Kasikova
Chief Science Officer

Petty Officer Garan
Ops specialist

Lt. Ben Kensington
ACMO - Npc by Jools