Things Past – Sins of the Father... Part 7
by Citizen Akamu "Ka'er" Makani & Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   Sins of the Father... Part 7
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Citizen Akamu "Ka'er" Makani & Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Fri Jun 22, 2012 @ 2:09am
"Commander! We're picking up additional signatures outside of the nebula!" The tactical officer shouted.

"What. . .why would the. . .by the Spirits!" Re'Lan came to the fatal realization too late to stop his fleet from hurtling directly into the path of an ambush.

Tev and Ari, both Charger-class warships, opened fire upon the unsuspecting Takian fleet as the enemy hurtled towards them, unable to halt the high-speed advance. dozens of smaller Telian warships darted into the fray, picking off the enemy one at a time. Takian phasers may have been safer in the nebula, and the didn't need the any time to recharge, but they were no where near as deadly as Telian pulses. The highly charged protons tore through the weakened Takian shields, searing great, gaping wounds in the hulls of ships. Ari almost felt sorry for those crews, sucked out into the cold embrace of space long before emergency shields had a chance to activate.

Re'Lan watched from his viewscreen as the first several vessels were caught off-guard by the circling vessels. Their minimized shields were unable to fend off the brunt of their attack before the hull began to disintegrate around the penetrating blast of the ship's weapons.

"Bring us about, have the Temptest and the Measure concentrate their fire on the lead vessel, their weapons will still need time to recharge after that opening volley." Re'Lan said as he began to quickly review the damage reports that came in.

As the two Takian vessels took aim at Ari, six Harbingers soared out from his sensor shadow. The three-man ships were beyond miniscule beside the behemoth that was the Redoa Aryn. They acted as a defense screen to the larger vessel as Ari's weapons recharged. Frustrated, the Takian vessls turned their attention to the Daran Nosha, one of the oldest ships on the battlefield. Mercilessly, the Takian phasers tore through Daran's hull, cleaving the ship in two. As Daran's hulking form drifted helplessly through space, it collided madly with Tev, ripping his port nacelle clean off. Awkwardly, Tev veered away from combat, mech drones already scurrying over his hull to stem the "bleeding."

It brought some comfort to the 1st Commander to see the enemy's vessel fall before a Takian weapon. However, he could easily see that removing those two vessels from the battle would not be enough to win the day.

"Brace for impact!" He commanded as he gripped his command chair tightly.

What little was left of Daran's skin sheered across the top of the Takian vessel, jarring all aboard wildly.

"Report," Shale demanded calmly. He may have been acting calm, but he was far from it. Daran Nosha had been his first military posting when he'd been fresh out of the Mek Hala Academy. The ship was an old friend who would be greatly missed.

"Most of the Takian vessels are either destroyed or damaged, including the Bashtor." Mari responded smugly.

"And the device?"

"Transported into their secondary cargo bay. Even if they find it, it's disguised as an undetonated warhead," Tev said. "They won't realize what it really is for a few days."

{Onboard the Bashtor}

"Commander. . ." the voice said in the darkness.

"Commander. . ." the voice continued as the surrounded area began to come into view.

"Get me the Primary Medical Officer!" Dru'shil, the tactical officer said as he stood over the prone form of the 1st Commander.

Re'Lan groaned as he began to regain consciousness. He could feel the bridge spinning around him. He gasped as he finally became cognizant of where he was and what had taken place.

"Rep. . .report!" He wheezed as he rolled onto his side and slowly came to.

"Sir, the fleet has been devastated. We've taken heavy damage and our systems are just now coming back online." The tactical, and one of the few surviving officers onboard the bridge, reported. "I've ordered a general retreat." He said as he helped the officer to his command chair.

Re'Lan hated the mere idea of retreating, but he knew that the task force had been caught off-guard and if they remained they wouldn't be able to stand much more. He felt the blood dripping down the side of his forehead as he looked at the smoke-filled bridge of his vessel.

"Signal all surviving vessels to lay in a course for Tuknal Prime." He said in pain.

The Bashtor, Temptest, Measure and all remaining Takian vessels received the command and immediately engaged their drives and left what would be remembered as a burial ground.

As the Engineering crews began to assess the damage to the Bashtor they came across the warhead within the hold of the vessel. It was quickly decided that it was best to take the device and study it for any potential weakness that the Takians will need in their ongoing war.

As the device crossed the ship from one side to the other, no one was aware of the deadly aura it left in its wake. The crew of the Bashtor was dead. It was only a matter of days until they discovered the fact.