Judgement – Done Three Impossible Things Before Breakfast?
by Patrick Shark & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Done Three Impossible Things Before Breakfast?
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Patrick Shark & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Mon Jul 18, 2011 @ 9:17pm
Location   Court Office
Timeline   SD39. 07:00
Shark had only been in the base for a VERY short amount of time, but there was someone he noticed walking too and fro in some that trial. A Romulan ambassador that he had a run in with just some time ago, a run in even he’d like to forget. A “black mark” on his record. On any case, he needed to see her. Problem was, her attaché was a little, well, stocked with security, so getting into her office wasn’t going to be easy. But there was one thing he noticed with less security, the court office she was using for the trial. It seemed to be a little less secure than the woman’s actual office, and easier to slip into. And he did just that.

After about 30 minutes of watching the security walk through, he quietly slipped in past the guard and into the office, with no real trouble. But again, there weren’t six security officers standing post. Knowing that the ambassador would be in shortly, he took a seat and put his feet up on the desk and awaited her arrival.

It was not unusual for Isha to have several issues running through her mind and this morning was no exception. Ibalin the bartender was a 'guest' in her spare room deep within the Consulate, the Federation were asking her to ease up on her prosecution whilst her own government were demanding she increase the pressure ... oh, and she had nine hours left in which to work out how she was going to have to go and tell Getal that she was holding his whore hostage until he learned to behave himself and all phrased in a way that allowed her to leave the conversation with her face intact.

She nodded very slightly at the court officials and security that she passed in the corridor - they had grown well enough used to seeing her there and approached her borrowed office.

Isha paused as she pressed the access code into the panel. Either the cleaning crew had failed to lock up properly or she had a visitor; the very thought of threats this early in the morning made her weary, but she fixed the expression of haughty defiance on her face and entered.

It wasn't long before the expression was changed to one of genuine surprise.

"You appear to be sitting in my chair, Mister shark," Isha said in unaccented Federation Standard as she approached her desk, "and I fear you may upset my Federation hosts if you leave heel prints on their nice shiny desk," she added. Why was he here?

Shark smiled as he leaned back in the chair a little further. "Jolan'Tru Llaudh. Been some time, nice to see you too," he said sarcasitcally before he finally got up, not even wiping the prints his boots left on the table. "We both know how much I care about what they think if there are some heel prints on the a stupid desk. Nice to see you alive and well." His tone was almost cutting but somehow still sincere.

"Do you still have a grudge against me, Mister Shark?" Isha asked him as she rested her fingertips on the edge of the desk. "You know, don't you that I saved your life? If I had died, you would have too, your employer would have seen to it. I thought I had explained that to you."

Isha paused for a moment, rolling her lower lip between her teeth as she did. "I assume that you are not here in a professional capacity," she ventured - if he was he was unlikely to have given her time to talk, that was where he had gone wrong the last time. Isha did not take him for the sort of man who repeated mistakes.

He moved out from behind the desk to the side of it, pulled out his custom TR-110, dropped magazine out of the weapon, letting it land on the floor, and rounded the one loaded bullet from the chamber. This was only mainly for effect than it was for anything else. “I may still hold a grudge, but, as you so eloquently put it, you saved my life as well. And you still hold a few keys that I wish to hold.”

He placed the gun on the table and stepped back from it. “You should know by now that I would not let you speak again if I was here on official business. Which, I just might be,” he said with a slight grin. “But my business is not with you. This is of a more – personal – nature. And I think you know what it’s about.”

Isha sighed as she straightened and smoothed her skirt over her hips. "Why is it that nobody ever seems to greet me with a simple Hello Isha, you look radiant!?. Honestly the amount of posturing and stating of empty threats that goes on around here." Isha shook her head, "its a wonder that anything gets done at all."

Isha was rebasing the conversation. Obtusely, the only way she could acknowledge the truth of his words was by dismissing them as bluster. "So how have you been, Patrick?" she asked as she slipped into the chair he had recently vacated. "May I call you Patrick? Its been so long that I forget."

"Because, Isha, this isn't one of those situations, and you know that you look radiant. Part of your charm." He smiled a little and sat down in a seat on the otherside of the table. "And it wasn't an empty threat. It was my way of showing you completly that I'm not here to finish a job I should have."

Shark sat there and thought for a moment and shrugged his shoulders. "Call me what you will, but there are not lot of people that call me Patrick. I am normally called some other colorful names though."

"I know you're not," Isha admitted, it was her turn for a little bluster, "I would have been alerted and it is unlikely that you would have made it onto the station." Isha smiled then, and though wary, it was genuine.

"But Patrick is who you are, even if he is not who you prefer to present yourself as," Isha observed as she linked her fingers together and leaned forward slightly. "So do you have business elsewhere on Deep Space Five or did you come here just to look me up?"

He nodded a little at the woman. Her tongue was part of the reason he had issues killing her in the first place. besides what she held over him, she had interesting Philosophies on the way she did and said things. "Business is why I am here, and potential for another job. It just so happens that I saw yu during the hustle and bustle of the trial and I figured I'd stop in to say 'Hey' to my old pal." He smiled.

"Oh, and to find out if you're ever going to get me what I want."

Isha shifted then, raising her arms so that she could rest her chin on her interlinked palms. She wanted to know what that business was, and if he was open for some from her. Isha contemplated this in a moment of silence then she tilted her head slightly to one side and spoke.

"My dear Patrick, if I were to give you what you what you crave I would be no better than any of your other employers. My corporation has never failed to provide you with what you require, but if I were to simply hand over their secrets then ... " I would lose the very real control I have over your actions, which when a dangerous man is involved is hardly wise unless one's insurance policy is activated,, she thought before continuing. "Well, anyone can pay you in latinum. I can provide you with something you truly desire."

Shark laughed a little at the comment, shifting his weight in the chair. You're stalling he thought to himself. "You're right, and trust me, I have enough latinum to retire myself, and quite possibly yourself my dear." Shark pulled a pack of cigarettes from his inside jacket pocket and pulled one from the box. "But you can't fool a fool, especially a damned fool." He put the cigarette in his lips and the packet back in its place.

"But you sound to have a - promising - offer." He thought for a second and nodded. "You have something I need, and it seems you have a job. So let's stop dancing Isha, this tune is old."

In silence, and for the next minute or two, Isha stayed exactly as she was. She dropped her gaze then.

"I do," she admitted as her hands followed her gaze down to the desk top. "Mister Shark, I do have a problem, and despite my best efforts, nothing I have done so far has lessened the threat." Isha gave the man enough credit to have gleaned what he needed to know about the power stuggle on this station.

"Cardassian?" he asked curiously. He knew something was going on with the Cardassian Ambassador, but not enough just yet. But he also wasn't certain that's what Isha was talking about.

"Cardassian," she said, the word a dull repetition of his own.

"I thought that nothing and no-one was capable of bringing me down, yet now I wonder," Isha continued, her words those of one speaking thoughts aloud. "You can't allow that to happen, Mister Shark. It would disrupt your stability," she told him as she got to her feet.

Sharked nodded in consideration of what she said. "Ambassadors are - tricky," he said with a smile. "As you well know." Shark stood up. "I'm going to need a little more than just my stability."

Isha's gaze followed him as he moved. "Then what do you want?" she asked.

"Parents," he said simply, knowing full well that one word is all she needed to know.

For a moment Isha rolled her lower lip between her teeth. "That will no be ... easy," she said as she looked down at her fingers for a moment before returning her agate gaze to his. "Patrick, I have nothing to gain by lying to you - it may not even be possible."

"You may have nothing to gain by lying to me, but you have everything to gain to keep me in your pocket." He pulled a small silver lighter from his pocket and finally lit the cigarette between his lips. "But still, I'm enjoying the thought of two jobs. Time frame?"

"As long as it takes. You take care of my Cardassian problem, and I will do everything within my power to find your answer," she replied her eyes watching the trail of smoke that rose from his hand.

A slight nod came from Shark as the hid the lighter back into his jacket pocket. "Done." He started walking past the woman and stopped just shy from the door. "Jolan'tru hru'Llaudh. You'll see me again soon I'm sure."

"i'm sure I will," Isha said as he left. She chewed the knuckle of her left thumb as she paced back across the room, for once she had absolutely no idea where to start.


Patrick Shark
Bounty Hunter

Amabassador Isha t'Khellian