Unity – Piecing it all together
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Colonel James Darson & Commander Karen Villiers & Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Vincent Tan & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Lieutenant Ryan Milarno & Lieutenant T'Pal & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Lieutenant Mathew Totti & Lieutenant JG Taleria von Alesk & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Sergeant Major Charles Doherty & Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw & Arrival Mal'vor Of House KempaCh & Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal

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Title   Piecing it all together
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Colonel James Darson & Commander Karen Villiers & Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Vincent Tan & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Lieutenant Ryan Milarno & Lieutenant T'Pal & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Lieutenant Mathew Totti & Lieutenant JG Taleria von Alesk & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Sergeant Major Charles Doherty & Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw & Arrival Mal'vor Of House KempaCh & Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Posted   Tue Jun 01, 2010 @ 8:51pm
Location   Stationwide
Timeline   15:00 through 16:00

"But most importantly, we have the ability to stop it from ever happening!" Elliot said, slamming his fist on the console. "We have the power to change history so that the War never started, your station intercepted a Romulan artifact that has the temporal coordinates of an Iconian Gateway that we have discovered." Elliot said in a more excited tone. "All we have to do is just borrow your facilities for the time being. If your people cooperate, then no harm will befall them." He concluded.

Davies held his manical gaze for a moment and though he thought they were totally insane, he did not say it aloud.
"Are you serious? That was before this station was anchored here. We'd all be killed!" He remarked as a shiver of fear shot up his spine.


{CO Office}
He eyes fell from Elliott's and he glanced around the room. There were officers he hardly knew, some he did and some he had not even found the time to talk to. He shook his head and smiled as he looked into the eyes of the man.
He could see that the mans resolve was deep, but there was something about the distant look in his eye.

"You are only telling us half a story. The Dominion war was needed, it brought most of the galaxy together to fight a common foe. Yes we lost a lot of good people, but we also came out of it with a totally different perspective. You know as most of us here, the UFP had become complacent and the Dominion shook it to the core. We rallied with every known race and worked toward a common goal and I think that we are better for it. Or do you have thoughts Mister." He questioned.

Bill brought his knees up to his chin, not taking his eyes from their captors, waiting for an opportunity to overpower them. He listened to what Davies had said and he had his own opinion and they differed from Davies Federation view, though he respected it.
He had never thought to enter the Federation for space travel, much preferring to earn his money the easy way, gambling, and that was when he had found, or rather Allen Wisron and the SS Revagiant found him and so had begun a new chapter in his life and he was damned sure that he did not want to relive any of his past, if this temporal device was activated.

"This one put up one hell of a fight."

The doors opened to reveal a tall muscular Bajoran covered in scrapes bruises and a very large gash across his chest. He had a lithe, darked haired, olive skined figure thrown across his back, knocked out from the previous fight in which she had fought with him. "Who knew shrinks could be fighters?" He said as he dumped her on the floor.

The woman's face was revealed as she was drumped on the floor, distinctively Romulan features, but not the Romulan Chief Counselor everyone had thought it would be.

"She's not the Chief Shrink, she got the jump on Farrel and is running loose, no idea where she is but Parker and Jones are on it." He explained to Elliot.

[Chief Diplomatic OPS Office]

Mathew sat sipping his tea and writing the Incident reports for 7 different Admirals and Ambassadors who had requested his view on the current situation, as the lights dimmed and the red alert klaxon started.
"What now?" Mathew stood up and his ears started to ring.
"Computer return normal illumination and silence the alert!"
"Unable to comply, Station procedure requires.." Mathew's patience had run out after all this very long day had thrown at him.
"Override, Authorisation Mathew 19 Jurani." The lighting returned to normal and the alarm stopped.
"Elizabeth might know whats going on." Mathew walked over to the door ready to step through but was stopped by a low beep. He stepped back then re stepped forward.
"Beep" again the low chime went.
=>="Mathew to Elizabeth."
"Elizabeth are you there?"
Mathew was really angry but slightly scared at this point, perhaps because of the rising tension he could feel on the station.
=>= "Totti to Engineering? No?" Mathew's Face dropped.
"Computer open door."
"Unable to comply door controls offline." He was sure the computer sounded happy about this. Now he would have to do it manually.
(5 minutes of Diplomatic Engineering later)
"YES finally!"
The door opened then closed but not fully. Mathew went to stick his hand in and jimmy it but it looked as though someone else was, as a hand pulled the door open. It was Elizabeth.
"Elizabeth? Thanks. Do you know what's happening? Are you alright?"
"Calm down Mathew. I was just going to ask you." She smiled.
"And yes I'm fine."
Just then Mathew noticed the phaser in Elizabeth's left hand.
"Grab your's too Mathew. We'll go see what's happening"

[Klingon Embassy]

It had taken longer than originally planned but their Hall of Warriors now linked the Embassy entrance to his office and main 'council' or conference chambers and would serve as a reception area. He tried to hail Na'Shara and Lektor, but to know avail.

Turning to his aid, "Marok, see why the station communication are not functioning."

"Yes My Lord."

As his aid moved to carryout his instructions he retreived his klingon communicator that was link to the Hed'Not systems and not the stations. "Toran to Na'Shara respond."

"Na'Shara here, go ahead," responded the XO of the Klingon ship.

"Has there been anything 'unusual' going on? It appears the station communications are malfunctioning."

"We had just returned from a patrol mission and picked up weapons' firing on our sensors," Na'Shara informed him. "It looked like the station had been under attack," she added, looking at read-outs. She barked orders at the bridge crew, for scans and sensor information.

Toran smelled something....something wasn't right on this station. Turning to his aid. "Deploy the Garrison! Have Lektor link up with the Station Marines and find out what is going on!"

"Na'Shara return immediately! I have a feeling feeling our allies are ging to need the Hed'Not's firepower."

"Acknowledged!" NaShara said. "KitagH, lay in a course for DS5, warp 9!" she ordered the helm. "Red alert!"

[Science Lab 2]

Rh'vaurek had given them what they asked for, well not exactly. He had amended the code that he had extracted under duress deliberately triggering as many of the embedded files as he could get away with - whatever they received would be corrupted. Now, like everyone else he waited, arms folded with a turncoat Andorian, an unstable Trill and a stroppy human for company.

Jana was back where they had started, "So? Now what?" She asked Rh'vaurek but wasn't expecting an answer. Jana sighed and leaned against one of the work tables.

[The Box of Delights]

As marines dropped from the jeffries tubes and spread out along the promenade hunting for insurgents, Klia glanced up from the padd she was programming. None of the patrons had seemed to notice yet. Frowning, but remembering Pelin's comments about normal, she kept her surprise to herself and turned up the volume on the sound system a notch. The customers just kept drinking. The Orion woman watched the black-clad soldiers pass by, followed by the sound of tinkling muzak, and then went back to work.

[Intel office]
The three junior officers sat in the conference room, watching the monitor. They were unable to leave through conventional means, and didn't know if these people had armed troops in the jefferies tubes so they sat and looked at the security feeds as the situation unfolded.

John spoke first, "we can't just sit here for ever, these guys are going to eventually come looking for us."

Marti looked a bit shocked then realized it was the truth "Well they aren't going to get a warm reception when they do get down here, Rhiana see if you can get the locker to open I know the Lieutenant keeps some weapons down here, John go over to the chiefs office and see what we can do about the internal comm jamming, I'm going to try and access the internal sensors and see if we can make use of the jefferies tubes."

The three junior officers scrambled into action, Rhiana opened a small tool kit and attempted to lift the locking mechanism off the locker door so they could get at the weapons cache, mean-while John sat at the comm consoles and started to look at the jamming, there were a few low energy frequencies that could be used, but the range was limited.

Marti started to bypass many of the normal lockout codes in an attempt to get access to the internal sensors, as she gained more and more access she soon realized that the terrorists were in two or three groups while the rest of the station was in one form of lock down or another, "John what's the comm situation like?"

"Low energy bands only, looks like we'll have to break out hand communicators, the jamming is pretty extensive." He reported

Rhiana spoke next, "Is it standard procedure to keep grenade launchers, shotguns, assault rifles, phaser rifles, various hand phasers and numerous other weapons in an intel station?"

The other two officers walked over, the 'locker' looked more like a small room filled with enough weaponry to start a small conflict Marti spoke first "Wow, looks like the rumors of this place becoming a forward op-center were true." she paused, "I'll tie the sensor access I managed to gain into a tricorder so we can have an early warning system, looks like the chief has some flash bangs rigged up like claymore mines, and oh wow!"

The three officers walked over to a standard grey weapons crate and opened it "Three Dragon phaser rifles!"

"These aren't even in service yet, how'd he get three?" Marti paused "what ever lets get our welcoming party ready.

[ Ops ]

"Cat got your tongue?" Davies pushed at Elliott, "Or is the reality of the situation beginning to have an adverse effect on your well laid plan?" The pain in his side made him wince as he tried to chuckle callously and that was soon followed by a thudding kick from Elliott.

Davies screamed as teh pain bolted from his chest to his brain and the tears welled up in his eyes, but he was not going to go down without some sort of battle.
The Commander rolled over onto his side and, then to his stomach and despite the agony on his right side, he began to push himself upwards from the floor.

"You're going to have to do better than that!" He remarked, a force grin on his lips.

[Marine MTAC]

The cavernous room was a hive of activity as the military might that was the Marines struggled to get back on top of the situation. Flynn strapped a vest on her over the uniform she was wearing as she barked orders to her subordinates. She had the technicians in the room working non-stop in order to get their sensor systems back online and reestablish outside communications as quickly as possible. Luckily enough, the secure Marine channels still worked, as did any tight beam or radio communications.

“Command Sergeant Major Rajuk, report!” She yelled, trying to gain the attention of the enormous enlisted Klingon male. He lumbered over and stood at attention while he recited what he knew.

“Captain, the situation is critical. The team who originally went to check Main Operations has arrived there, but they report that all exits are sealed shut. There is also a large amount of jamming in the area, transporter and communications. So long as the sensors are down, we’re blind. We don’t know the conditions of the hostage situation, how many hostiles, and etcetera. The only thing we do know is the identity of their leader.”

“That’s right,” Lt. Chau’saura said as she appeared from the crowd, her Vulcan façade keeping her looking as cool and composed as ever, despite the beads of sweat on her forehead, “the only thing we know about them for the moment is the name of their leader, a former Starfleet Commander named Elliot Hartsfield,” she handed over a PADD to Flynn, “I pulled all the applicable records and compiled them here for you Ma’am.”

Flynn perused the information quickly with a frown, “Well…this guy does certainly have a bone to pick with the Dominion, doesn’t he? But…to travel back in time, is that even possible?”

“Unknown ma’am,” Chau’saura said bluntly, “However, our secure line with Commander Villers has luckily remained open. She has apparently been taken into custody in the science lab with the Romulan computer core that was salvaged during the attack.”

“Ugh…the Romulans again?” Flynn sighed, “Alright…so we have ears in there, but not eyes. Who else is there?”

“People we have identified are the Commander herself, Yolanthie Ibalin who owns a bar on the Promenade, Chief Warrant Officer Second Class Mercedes Denoublier who is an administrator on the Promenade, and apparently a Marine.”

Flynn looked at the Vulcan in surprise, “Who? I thought everybody on our end was accounted for.”

“Unknown Ma’am. No name or rank has been provided, though she is apparently wearing infantry armor of some sort. We’ll check back on that. Others in the room appear to be the terrorists, as well as an apparently incapacitated Cardassian who is presumably the Chief Science Officer, Lt. Commander Tovon.”

“Alright…now, the message sent out by that nut-job indicated that he took control of Main Operations, Main Engineering, Main Sickbay, and the Main Amory. We also know that he has men in Science Lab 2. He really knew how to hit us. Good thing though that we’re still here. He must have known that he wouldn’t be able to take the complex, and settled for the easier targets and hindering our progress. How is our progress going, by the way?”

“Slowly. Turbolifts are still down, so squads are moving by Jeffereies tubes. The Marines on Deck 13 are already in position, and the ones that are on the way to 54 and 56 are about halfway there by now. Main Engineering is on Deck 1,128, almost a thousand decks below us. We have a team rappelling down through the turbo lift shafts right now. The security offices and Main armory are on 576. They’re rappelling down by now.”

Flynn nodded her approval, “That’s good…but as long as we’re still blind, we don’t know what to expect." She turned to the technicians, “What do you guys have?”

The lead tech popped her head out of the floor and removed her darkened goggles as she responded, “We’re mostly done Ma’am. We’ve remotely rerouted most of the relays necessary, but there are a couple that have to be manually moved to different relay banks. This system was originally designed to be as autonomous as possible, and had all the main connections in low traffic, high security areas to avoid tampering. We’re going to have to open up a new one to get the new connection though.”

“Where is the nearest box?”

“Near the Promenade…Embassy Row if I remember correctly ma’am.”

Flynn scowled to herself at the mention of the Embassies. She was certain that at least some of the foreign nationals holed up down there had some idea of how this all came to be. “Alright…take a platoon down there, and do what you need to do. Keep a guard on it, and we’ll change it back after this is all over. Double time Marine!”

As the tech hauled herself out of the floor, Flynn lead the Sergeant Major and the ILO to the Cage in the back of the room and buzzed them in with her access code. Once they were inside, she said , “That’s all well and good to see what’s going on, but that doesn’t change the fact that terrorists still hold the station. I don’t care what they’re doing here or off the station at this moment, but our first objective should be to regain control.”

She gestured at the large security box covered with warnings that housed the tertiary command override, “This will give us command over that station’s systems, and we’ll be able to see, hear and feel everything. But we have problems of our own with this. We need the CO and the CSO…or at least whoever holds those positions. Let me a chain of command Structure, Sergeant,” She said to one of the Marines sitting at the console, who dutifully obeyed.

“Alright,” she said to herself as she traced the chart on the screen, “Davies is the CO, but we know that he’s being held hostage, so he’s gone. Villers as XO would be next in line but she got herself captured too, so she’s out.”

“Who’s left?” Rajuk growled with curiosity.

“No second officer has been assigned since Commander Rakka departed the station…and we’re not at a state of Marital Law right now, so we don’t have any claim here. That means whoever is the next highest ranking Starfleet Officer. Who is it?”

Chau’saura moved forward and pointed at the screen, “It appears to be a four way tie between Lt. Commanders Gabriel, Adams, Tovon and Monteros. Of those, we know that Tovon is unconscious in the Science Lab, Adam’s was last seen in the Main Sickbay so there is a high probability of her being a hostage, and Monteros recently tried to commit suicide and is still in recovery. That leaves Gabriel.”

“Killing two birds with one stone,” Flynn muttered to herself,

“Alright,” She said firmly as she leaned back, “Lieutenant, Sergeant Major, Sergeant…please note the time and date. As of now I am issuing a formal situational recommendation that owing to being in either a state of incapacitation or duress that has been confirmed with actionable intelligence, the following personnel are to be removed immediately from the chain of command. Commander Davies, Commander Villers, Lt. Commander Tovon, Lt. Commander Adams, Lt. Commander Monteros. This will be until such a time as their command capacity can be reevaluated. Do you all concur?”

Nods and acknowledgements all around.

“Any objections?”


“Good. Sergeant, upload that decision now,” She turned and left the room, the others in tow, going back to the main chamber.

“Our priority now is to find Commander Gabriel. He’s the key to all this. Use any means necessary.


The three junior officers from intelligence had found an unobstructed jefferies tube to navigate through the station, they were making a futile attempt to crawl there way three sections over from the intelligence office, "Would you quit complaining you two!" Marti called out.

"sorry, it kind tought to lug this much equipment and still be able too craw through these worm holes that pass for crawl spaces." Rhiana said as she pushed a backpack ahead of her.

John spoke next "Hey how'd i get stuck with the gernade launcher?"

"would you both shut up!" Marti hissed.

John stopped for a second, "We need a plan instead of plodding our way through the tubes," john paused then spoke again "Based on the location of the intruders are there any senior staff that aren't captured?"

=^="Lieutenat Kreallia t'Jay"=^=

Marti looked a bit confused, "Lieutenant t'Jay"

Lektor and his warriors moved through the station squads breaking off at predetermined areas to aid in securing the staion in an emergency. By the time Lektor arrived at the Marine Headquarteds onel he and his 4 elite squads remained.

"Captain Flynn, we stand with you." Holding out klingon comm devises, that operated independently of the station's nonfunctioning communications. "Here these will help..."

[somewhere in the station]

The three junior officers had been crawling for close to twenty minutes, they thought they were near the ops deck, or were they somewhere else, John spoke first "Where ae we?"

Marti looked at her tricorder "We're right above the captains office I think."

"You think?" Rhiana

John tried to speak "uhhh..." *Creeeek!* "Uhhh...guys"

With a sudden snap the roof gave and the three jnior officers fell through the roof, down on an unsuspecting Elliot and company. As the dust settled they looked around them they looked up, "Uh pizza delivery"


Commander David Davies

PO3C William Harries
Flight Control
By Mark

Lieutenant Mathew Totti

Lt. (JG) Jana Kasikova
Alien archaeologist/anthropologist

erie'Khrein Rh'vaurek Raedheol
The other Romulan Ambassador

Holotech and part-owner, The Box of Delights

Intel junior officers
Armed and scared silly

Marine Captain Miranda Flynn
Acting Marine Commanding Officer

Ambassador Toran
Klingon Ambassador

Commander Lektor - NPC
CO Klingon Garrison