Interlude – Nine minus One pt 1
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   Nine minus One pt 1
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Fri Sep 03, 2010 @ 5:20pm
Location   Sick Bay
Timeline   SD 30: After 'The Friends of My Enemy'
Yolanthe and Klia watched the medics buzz around the caitain from a waiting room beyond. Lights flashed, monitors beeped, and more and more equipment was wheeled in.

The Bokkai was a shade of olive, staring intently into the operating theatre, arms crossed. She was still in the clothes she was wearing when Schrödinger had fallen inter her arms. and blood stained them. Klia paced around behind her, chewing her fingernails, unable to watch the medics at work. "He's going to live isn't he?" the smaller woman asked the taller.

"I don't know."

"He's going to be alright." Klia tried to convince herself. "I know Federation medicine is good. But there's so many people. Look at all that stuff they have hooked up to him. It can't be good if they need all that stuff. And there was so much blood."

"Someone tried to kill him." She caught Klia in her pacing and pulled her into a hug. "They may well succeed." She squeezed, wanting the comfort, and to comfort Klia. "I've seen injuries like that before." Not one of the women had come back from it. Some had held on longer than others. But in the end, they all slipped away. She didn't tell Klia that. "There's always hope."

Klia's breath caught, holding back tears. "Its probably related to those diamonds? Dare we get security involved? I mean, he practically admitted stealing them."

"If security follow form, they'll get involved anyway. Its who beat him up I'm worried about. Someone who can inflict that much damage is going to be a handful."

"A handful?" Klia squeaked. "You're not going after them?" Her voice raised an octave in disbelief.

"No." Yolanthe kept the thought that Ding's attacker would probably come to them next to herself. "Do you still have the phaser you got after the Betazoid..." She trailed off, not wanting to raise that incident very much at all

"Somewhere." Klia admitted.

"Find it, just in case."

They lapsed into silence, watching the surgeons desperately trying to save their old friend's life


In Theatre 1 the emergency surgery wasn't going well. "4cc's more..... " Chelsea demanded and received a hypospray almost instantly into her briefly extended left hand. She didn't say thankyou, despite the fact that she was so polite that she would *always* do that, no matter what....... unless a life was slipping away.

Her light Bajoran ridges were crushed together in a deep frown of concentration. On the other side of the Biobed, Kensington was working with a regenerator, struggling to contain torn lung tissue in an effort to re-inflate at least one of the Caitan's collapsed lungs.

"U's and E's?" Chelsea asked and Ed brought up the readings on the screen at the bed head. "Slipping" he muttered, already initiating the counter medication even before the CMO said "Renalmix" the name of the combination in question.

"50cc's?" Ed asked.

"For now..." Chelsea replied with a curt nod. "Have a second dose prepared though."

A nurse reached across and wiped Chelsea's perspiration away from her brow. A point that Ed noted with a rueful twist of his lower lip. Chelsea *never* broke into a sweat. This was a problem.

"Ok?" he asked with concern.

She ignored him, screwing up her face in an expression that said everything. "I don't DO losing.... " she growled. "Not in the Operating Theatre...." she turned to Ben who was still fighting to get air into the lungs. She decided not to distract him but looked at Sally instead.

"400 mg of Penicyclamine... " she instructed, to which both Ben and Ed looked up.

"Don't!" she cut off both of their open mouths with one word. "It's a risk but what else do we have?" Ed put the prescription into the med arch computer and it was replicated and administered automatically.

"Take over keeping this closed off and regenerate a seal." She handed over clamps that were keeping a major artery closed off to Ed.

"When we restart his heart, it'll need to be attached!" She added and moved higher up the bed. She began to assist with the other lung to that which Ben was working on and managed with a struggle to get it to inflate just as he achieved the same the other side. "Thank the Prophets!" she sighed. "We needed a break".

Ben nodded and turned to Sally. "Lower the oxygen instil-aeration to 45%" he instructed just as Chelsea checked Ed's work.

"Okay CLEAR!" she ordered loudly and all the staff stepped away as the Caitan's body rippled inside the well of the bio-support unit.

Chelsea was first to put her gloved hands back in as she massaged his heart with a las-api-polariser. The skin of Ding's chest was damaged but there was sufficient flesh still covering his ribs to rise as the system kicked back in.

"Pulmonary function?" Chelsea demanded.

"60%" Sally replied. "which is 15% unaided"

"I can do the math!" Chelsea muttered ungraciously.

"Cardio/sinus reactions?" Was the next question uttered by the CMO.

"Tachicardia" came the reply.

"Better..... at least it's bloody beating now!" She responded, frustrated but beginning to see some light.

"Sinoatrial stimulation..... " Chelsea instructed.

"Check" Ed replied.

Ben chipped in an observation. "Oximeter reads 75... and yes, I can do the math too... 30 on his own." he grinned at Chelsea, hoping to lighten her up a little.

"Come on, all those stress feramones, a little smile will help you perform better" he encouraged.

"Do you *see* something to smile about?" she shot back with a scowl.

"Yeah, i see that we've turned a corner." he replied.

"Shut up and keep working... we have a LONG night ahead of us here. He's not out of the woods yet." she replied but as Ben shrugged she did manage to shoot him a small smirk.

No-one else in Sickbay would have dared to challenge her mood but Ben had known her a long time and knew that she needed to be less intense once the most critical stage was over, or she'd burn out before she was done fixing this.

She was right about it turning into a long night and he was doing his job by keeping her watching the whole picture as well as the little panicky bits that kept threatening their success.

Her gamble with the higher dose of the much debated wonder drug 'Penicyclamine' had paid off and the Caitan had responded. Now, while he was at least functioning on his own, however scratchily, they had to make the best of their chance to work on just in case he were to decide to throw a spoke in their wheels by going back into shock or Cardiac Arrest again.

The team worked on, oblivious of the worried people outside.


Watching the caitian buck on the biobed, Yolanthe turned an acid green, and Klia squeezed her hand hard. The bokkai squeezed back, as much to reassure herself as it would her small friend. "He'll be alright." The confidence in her voice was in stark contrast to her colour. "They'd be stopping if that was bad."

The words didn't comfort her. She wanted to be anywhere but here, she didn't want to watch the medics trying to work. She wanted to be out of the clothes she wore and in a shower. It was hardly the first time she'd been covered in blood, but this time it made her flesh crawl. A senseless beating by mysterious forces; she couldn't have stopped it but it didn't make her feel any less responsible. He'd come to see her, maybe it wouldn't have happened if he hadn't, if he'd stayed on his ship and contacted her via subspace.

"Once Ding gets through this, I'm going to find who did this and take seven shades of crap out of their hides."

Klia looked stricken. "Don't. look what they did to him. They'll do exactly the same to you."

"Its possible. But I don't care. So much has gone wrong lately I have to do something. This, I can do." The caitian had mentioned an Yridian and a Nausicaan when he'd collapsed. How hard would that odd pairing be to find?

"And if goes wrong, I'd be alone. Please think this through." Klia begged

"I have," Yolanthe said.

"No you haven't. Look, please wait until you hear what DIng has to say. Please."

Yolanthe looked down at Klia's worried face. "All right. But only till then." She turned to the theatre again, clustered around Ding looking harried. “But I can’t stay here and watch this doing nothing. I’m going to go to work. Call me if he wakes up.”

“When.” Klia said. “When.”


A JP Between:

Lt Cmdr Chelsea Adams


Lt Ben Kensington - ACMO
CPO Ed McBain - Lead Nurse Practitioner
NPCs by Jools


Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner & bartender, The Box Of Delights


Genius holoprogrammer and joint Owner of TBOD
NPC by Notty