We All Fall Down – Save the Last Drink - Part One
by Colonel James Darson & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   Save the Last Drink - Part One
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Colonel James Darson & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Thu Aug 28, 2014 @ 7:15pm
Location   Box of Delights
Timeline   Day 01: 2250

Darson had ended up dismissing all the crew members who had worked on the rescue and salvage operations after their shifts were done, as there was nothing more to be done this night. Some had headed to their bunks to get some well-deserved rest, some had hit the holodecks to relieve tension. Others had gone to have small chats with the Chaplain that was staying up late with mugs of tea. And yet so many others had migrated to the promenade, sweaty and disheveled as they were, in order to achieve some form of distraction from the day’s events. Darson had followed a group of them and ended up near the Box of Delights.

Looking up at the glaring sign, he remembered Wallace’s half-joking statement in the computer core, about grabbing a drink or six. Heaving a resolute sigh he raised his hand to the side of his helmet and triggered the communicator, =^= “Colonel Darson to Commander Wallace. If you’re still up for grabbing that drink, you’ll find me in the Box of Delights. Darson out.” =^=

=^="I'm two decks above you, I'll be down shortly."=^= Jarred said as he exited Armitage Exports.

With that said, Darson walked through the hatch to the establishment with a nod to the door guard. Making his way through the bustle towards the back of the bar where it was a little quieter, he looked around for either the proprietress or a waiter and flagged them down.

Yolanthe appeared at his side, dressed in simple black slacks and a black wraparound top that made the violet of her skin shine. "Good evening, colonel." her colours picked up a grey hint. "Your people are hitting me hard tonight." By now everyone knew about the disaster at the weapons test. "Was it bad?"

Half interrupting "No...Catastrophic, maybe a bit embarrassing, but not bad." Jarred sat down "Tomorrow is bad, Five container ships, two deuterium tankers and the survey ship Golomore Explorer is coming back from the Chobe nebula for a resupply, and I think in there might be the hangover I need."

Darson nodded assent at the XO and let his hand drift over the table, big enough for a couple more people, "It was...less than optimal, shall we say," He looked out over the bar, "But Mr. Wallace is right, tomorrow will be worse. Much, much worse once the reality sets in. Let them drink away their sorrows, drown them in whatever they can imbibe," His blank mask turned towards Yolanthe, "Spirits to keep away the spirits, so to speak."

He gestured towards the bar where a small group of Marines were quietly getting drinks, "Those marines there at the bar are the ones who flew today. They lost several of their squad. Please do not mention it, please do not draw attention, just let them drink. If anything happens with or to them, please call me immediately. As for me...I'll take three whiskies neat, the finest that you have. Also a Tzartak aperitif, and whatever the Commander here desires as a congratulations on his promotion and new appointment."

"Romulan Ale make it a quadruple, Sangria without the orange slice, and blood wine for everyone." Jarred looked at Darson "Any of them get out of line I could use a few to help with the survey ship resupply and drop off."

Yolanthe nodded. "Coming right up." She put a hand on Darson's shoulder, squeezing the hard composite of his armour. "And don't worry about you're boys. They've been as good as gold." It would take a special kind of stupid to pick a fight with the marines without their boss in the bar. With...well that was suicide. "I'll take good care of them."

Jarred waited until Yolanthe was out of ear shot "Now that I have kept up appearances, After today I'd be happy with another reprimand, but in reality I think there is going to be some fallout of some kind."

A grey uniformed crewman walked over and handed Jarred a new PADD "Sorry sir"

"What now.....?" Jarred read the PAdd "I guess I'm outta here, go figure."

Darson cocked his head to the side, "Well, I guess that that's your prerogative...but you're missing out on your own party. Go on then...Commander." As Wallace left, Darson stared after him and was hit with a pang of a foreboding aura. Letting his gaze rest on Wallace's back as he walked out the door Darson shrugged, he would just have to drink for the both of them. Looking around, he waited for Yolanthe to return with the copious amounts of beverages, the beginnings of a plan starting to dawn in his mind.


A JP Between:
Lt Cmdr Jared Wallace

Colonel James Darson
Marine CO, Ds5

Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner, the Box of Delights