Judgement – Casual conversation
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Casual conversation
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Mon Nov 08, 2010 @ 9:57pm
Location   A Vulcan Tea Shop. Promenade Level 1
Timeline   SD35, beginning around 22:00
Even after Chelsea had departed Isha was not quite ready to go back to her embassy. She tapped her communicator, "Deletham, have you managed to locate Legate Turvon?" she asked. Isha may have agreed to consider Getal's evidence but that did not mean that she would not try further to verify its accuracy.

"He is still on Deep Space Five, Ambassador." Even Deletham's voice was thin, brittle and skeletal, just like his frame, "Do you wish to speak with him?"

"Contact him and ask him if he will meet me in the Vulcan tea-shop on level one of the main promenade. I will be there for the next hour," she added before cutting the channel.

The tea shop itself, the same one in which she had spoken with T'Pal was quiet. Isha took a table at the back and waited.

- - - Elsewhere on the Promenade - - -

"Sir, your presence has been requested by the Ambassador of the Romulan Senate onboard this station." Glinn A'Dan Galen stated softly to the sitting Legate.

"Well, will wonders never cease to amaze me." The Cardassian said as he set down his cup of Red leaf tea. It was surprising that he could find such an authentic blend of the beverage so far from Cardassian territory. Apparently the inhabitants of this station had been adequately instructed on the proper way to store and preserve the necessary ingredients.

"Very well, I'm assuming that time is of the essence when dealing with their kind." He said as he stood and allowed his attache to lead the way towards the intended destination.

- - - Vulcan Tea shop - - -

A'dan entered the establishment ahead of the Legate to ensure that this was not an ambush. He scanned the area immediately for several moments before approaching the general direction of the Romulan sitting at a particular table.

Behind his attache', Legate Hydel Turvan entered the establishment with his typical stride full of purpose and expectation. He immediately took in the serene environment before walking to the Romulan Ambassador and addressing her.

"Good evening, madam Ambassador." He stated with the full expectation that she already knew of him and his accomplishments.

"This is truly a lovely place for our rendezvous." he commented.

Isha extended a hand though she did not rise, "Please take a seat, Legate," she said gesturing toward the seat opposite. She made no reference to the pair of bodyguards lingering in the shadow of the wall; she was an ambassador and protection was expected. "I am pleased that you were able to make time to meet with me," she continued, "I understand tht at such short notice these things cannot always be accommodated. Tea?" she finished, reaching for the pot that waited on the table.

Turvan raised his hand. "No, no, I find the various beverages of certain species to be. . .pedestrian, to put it politely." he said to the woman as he took a seat.

"Now, that you have been given my attention, what is it you wish to do with it, Ms. t'Khellian." he said with a growing smile. Although Romulan women were not necessarily his first choice, he did appreciate their physical forms to a certain degree, and the one before him was no exception.

Isha muttered something and one of her guards stepped forward. She took from him a Cardassian Padd. "You provided this to the Cardassian Ambassador to this space station," she slid it across the table and leaned forward, "I'd like to know how you acquired it."

Turvan was not pleased as he reviewed the padd. It was apparent that the Cardassian Ambassador did not have an appreciation for discretion. Freely giving away information to outsiders without conferring with his office was beyond reckless, even for a Cardassian of his track-record.

He would have a talk with that man in the future.

"My dear, how I acquired that particular information is not as important as the contents of it. you have a Cardassian citizen being brutalized by the Federation. It's mere existence should be enough of an outrage to any supporter of equality and justice." He said in a softer tone.

"One can only imagine the pain he suffered, both physically and emotionally." Turvan added.

"Legate," Isha said, "I understand fully how offensive this is to you, and as I am bringing charges of murder against the person in question, I also understand why Vi'kar Gul Getal shared this evidence. I want it's source verified," she added, with a tilt of her head that accentuated her smile.

"My dear, I assure you that you can rest your beautiful head with the knowledge that anything that has come from my office is genuine." He said with a smile as he leaned forward. "Now, why should we sully the beauty of this evening by talking about the unpleasantness of the Federation." he said as he placed his hand on top of hers while capturing her eye-contact.

Elements forbid! He was flirting with her, Isha thought as she forced herself to continue smiling and not to sharply withdraw her hand from beneath his. Her green eyes sparkled as she looked into his grey ones, "Its from the station's own monitoring devices, no?" she asked, not yet ready to be deterred from her question. That would make it almost impossible for the evidence to be refused by the court, unless that was they wished to be accused of a cover up.

~This one is going to be more difficult than the rest~ Hydel thought to himself as he continued to stroke her hand softly. "The particular details surrounding that video aren't nearly as important as ensuring that the brute is brought to justice for his crimes against decency." Hydel responded.

"You shouldn't worry yourself so much, I fear it will cause wrinkles." He smiled.

"But that would never do!" Isha exclaimed as though the idea of wrinkles was the most dire thing that could ever happen to her. She let the subject of the video drop for now. But the origin of the recording was not her main reason for wanting to speak with Turvan; Getal's description of the man suggested that she might find an ally in the Legate - what was it he had called him … a pompous magath; Isha did not know what a magath was, but she knew it was no compliment.

The gentle repetitive friction of the Cardassian's hand on hers was oddly disturbing. Isha placed her other hand over his to stop the movement, the dark green paint on her fingernails glistening in the lamplight. When she had inherited her Husband's House Isha had also inherited a certain family axiom that she tended to live by - its rough translation in Federation Standard was Whatever it Takes and that included using anyone she could against her enemies. But first they needed to be enlisted.

"Now, I'm sure you didn't go through the trouble of requesting my presence just so we could discuss insignificant details." He said as he noticed her place her hand on his. ~ That's more like it. . .~ he thought to himself.

He leaned closer and maintained eye-contact with her. "Just what is on that pretty little mind of yours?" he asked in a lowered tone.

I'm wondering that if having been raped by a power -addled Cardassian despot I am now putting myself at risk of being molested by another one who happens to be a lecher, Isha thought behind her serene guileless smile.

Isha too leaned a little closer. "Why would I not wish to meet someone resourceful enough to procure that evidence?" she said briefly lifting her hand to signal to one of the bodyguard to take back the padd - just in case Turvan decided to try and take it with him. Then she laid her hand back on his. "I suppose I could have asked Getal for a formal introduction but I somehow do not think that he would have ... understood."

Hydel's face soured at the further mentioning of the Cardassian. "Yes, yes, Vi'kar Gul Getal." he said in a less than enthusiastic tone. "The man lacks the necessary vision for an individual of his position. He treats his position as if it is a military garrison when instead it is an opportunity for the rest of the galaxy to interact and enjoy the benevolence of the Cardassian Empire." he said.

"While I have no reason to doubt the accuracy of the video he provided you, I would be leery to believe anything from him." Hydel added.

"I have already accepted your word about the video, how could I not?" Isha said with a placating smile and the slightest squeeze of the hand that lay between both of hers; she could feel his momentary tension. As to the benevolence of the Cardassian Empire ... she had first hand knowledge of that. "I can assure you that he and I are far from friends," she continued, "I find him ... disturbing," Isha said dropping her gaze to where their linked hands lay on the table.

"Disturbing is putting it mildly," Hydel said in an exasperated tone. "The man fails to appreciate subtley over brute force and needless violence." He said while shaking his head. "Don't get me wrong, at times it is necessary to show a strong hand so that others understand who exactly is in charge." He said in an explanatory tone.

"But there are times when a much more gentler approach would be appreciated by those around you. They should love you for your merciful demeanor, not simply fear the extent of your might." he added.

Isha was not going to raise her gaze, not yet, but when she did ... she would inject a little glory into it but she wished to appear humble a moment or two longer.

"I see," she said. "Are you not here to replace him?" she ventured.

Hydel leaned back gently in his chair as he thought for a moment. Although he had just recently accepted the position of Chief Diplomat onboard the Starbase Protector, he recognized that assuming such a position board this station would be quite an impressive boost to his career. Not to mention the strategic value the station inherently had being so close to the Neutral Zone, it would assist him in his tactical development plans for the Warship Dumar.

"The thought had crossed my mind; however, if I knew that I would spend my time. . .negotiating. . .with a creature as lovely as yourself, then I might be even more persuaded to transfer here." he said, leaning back in and stroking her hand.

Isha did not trust this one any further than she could throw Getal, which was by experience no more than a foot or two, but she surmised that Turvan would be far easier to work with than the burgeoning dictator.

"Why don't you?" she asked, her eyes meeting his in a flash of green over her coy smile. At the same time she shifted her hand he held and threaded her fingers through his.so that their palms touched; had he been a Vulcanoid she would never have risked such a thing, but he was not. Isha thought the likelyhood of any chemical reaction between them to be nil.

"Oh believe me, certain motions have been put in place to resolve that inconveience." he said with a knowing smile. "Now, what do you say about us getting away from our 'escorts' and go to a place a bit more secluded so we can learn each other even further." he said as he intended to skip to the point.

"Legate Turvan, we have barely met," Isha said with a laugh that disguised a reticence that bordered on fear. "What sort of woman do you think I am?"

"Oh my dear, I take you for a very intriguing woman who recognizes when a once in a lifetime opportunity presents itself." he said assuredly.

"I can have my assistant prepare us a magnificent Cardassian meal that would have your palette cry out in joyous culinary celebration." he continued.

Isha very much needed someone on the Cardassian side who was not bound to Getal's heel but this was such a risk ... could she?

"I agree. How could I resist such a temptation," Isha said aloud, "But first there is an urgent matter I must attend to." She stood and leaned in, adding in a whisper, "If, after my business is concluded I find the idea of your company that agreeable I will visit you," she breathed into his ear.

Hydel smiled upwardly towards the woman. "In that case I shall make the proper arrangements." He said.

"Very well," she replied with a glance at his less than enthusiastic aide as she repressed a shudder, "I will visit in an hour." Isha turned and walked slowly towards the door, the ice blue silk of her gown rippling like water over her hips. Her escort followed.

"Sir, do you really think it is wise to be caught fraternizing with a Romulan Ambassador; especially one of her familial history?" Galen stated as he approached the Ambassador.

Hydel continued to watch as the Ambassador and her escorts left. "I know that very well A'dan. I also recognize that above all else she is a Romulan, which means that she will place the self-interest of her own kind over that of herself if given no other alternative." He said as he stood up.

"Her connections extend well beyond this station and into the Klingon Empire." Hydel said as he returned to his customary demeanor. "Starbase Protector is merely a stepping stone towards obtaining the necessary material and information for our project. If she can assist me in my plans for the project as well as Vi'kar Gul Getal, then so be it!" He said as he entered the necessary instructions into a Padd.

"I fully intend on accomplishing any and all business before I get on to the pleasure aspect." he said with a slight smile as he handed the padd back to his attache and continued out the door.


Ambassador Isha t'Khellian

Legate Hydel Turvan
Cardassian Empire