Judgement – Demons of the Past
by Arrival Alexander Sinclair

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Title   Demons of the Past
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Arrival Alexander Sinclair
Posted   Wed Feb 16, 2011 @ 6:21am
Location   Box of Delights
Timeline   Day 26 1900 hours
AJ sat in a corner booth in the Box of Delights. The crowd was picking up and the place was getting pretty crowded. If he had not been so internally focused he may have noticed the many women that moved about the place. Some of them were wearing just barely enough to be considered legal and were probably of questionable morals character. One of them probably would have been taken in enough by his charm to take him home for the evening.

He would twirl the glass around in hands between gulps as he stared at the dark liquid. He really wasn’t seeing any of it though. The deafening music, loud voices were all just back ground static to his thoughts. He was back on the bridge of the USS Tiger. He could remember being scared and excited at the same time at being in the Captain’s chair. He had always thought that he would make a good Captain. He had the knowledge, patience and skills to be that. He had known the USS Tiger inside and out. He was ready.

Well that was what he had thought that day he’d sat in the chair. The coveted chair that so many aspired to sit in. The chance to make a difference. Unfortunately to AJ it was the day he learned that he did not have what it takes to sit in that chair. 73 beings lost their lives that day because of him. Fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters were all dead because he sat in that chair.

He tried to block the thoughts from his mind but he could still remember the horror of their deaths. He could see in the eyes of the survivors their hate and contempt for him. Their loathing that he had sent their friends to their death and he survived like some kind of coward. He wished he hadn’t survived, that he had died that day. It would have made everyone far happier and the universe would be in balance again. It would have made him happier and he never would have seen the coldness in her eyes.

A pang of remorse shivered though him as he remembered his loss of her. Shannon O’Neil had been his one. He had loved her from the first moment he had seen her, though he did not know it at the time. She was a security officer and when he met her she was giving someone a good piece of her mind. He remembered being impressed that her vulgar vocabulary had been so extensive. He had been trying to figure out how to approach her and ask her out when she had asked him. It had caught him by surprise at first, but once he got to know that she stated whatever was on her mind, he learned to appreciate her straight forward blunt attitude. He missed her, still.

He was not sure how much he had to drink, but his body was warm and his head was getting cloudier by the minute. It wasn’t enough yet though because he could still think. He had to drink enough that he would just fall asleep and the dreams would not haunt him. He did not have them every night anymore but they were often enough still that sleep was something that he never wanted, but something he had to do.

He finally looked up and out amongst the people. All he saw was a lot of happy people. Giggling, laughing and smiling. None of which he felt, though he was trying to feel nothing. His eyes finally set on Lobes. It took him a moment to realize that the Ferengi was sitting at the table with a woman. It was hard to see her from where AJ was sitting, but by the way they were carrying on she was enjoying herself.

AJ could not believe it. Lobes? Getting some? It was almost too much for him to handle and he took a big gulp from the glass in front of him. The drink would have burned on its way down if he had not been so intoxicated. He did not care at this point and finally decided that he had enough.

He pushed himself up from the table and staggered toward the door. As he bumped a table and pushed off of someone on his way to the door he was glad that he was able to operate at full capacity when drunk. He hit the corner of the archway as he exited the Box of Delights and headed toward his ship. He needed his bed and since it looked like Lobes wouldn’t be home tonight he would have the place to himself. If he could just find it.

Sinclair, Alexander "AJ"
Civilian Trader