Things Past – Family Fueds
by Gunnery Sergeant Luke Wyatt

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Title   Family Fueds
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Gunnery Sergeant Luke Wyatt
Posted   Wed Mar 27, 2013 @ 3:24pm
Location   Wyatt residence
Timeline   Current
Abby was so excited from the encounter with Dominic and the dinner date with him later on that day she had ran all the way home to get read for the night. As she walked through the door her cheek's were a warm red and her breathing was faster than usual, looking around she could see a few bags piled in the center of the room, "Mom?".

Anna's face was streaked with tears, she wiped the cloth across her cheek and rubbed it into her eyes before walking into the lounge where Abby was standing looking puzzled "Hello darling, how was the holosuit?" She asked but she could see her daughters mind filling up with a million question's

"Whats going on mom? Are we leaving somewhere?" She asked noticing that her mum's eye's were puffed up and read. Probably from crying.

Anna sat down on the couch that ran adjacent with the wall. A sigh escaped her pierced lips as she spoke "We're Not going anywhere Ab's, I am leaving for Earth in an hour" she admitted knowing that beating around the bush would just be worst especially with Abby's nature to ask question's.

Abby gasped as her hand shot across to her mouth, "What? What about dad I thought you was getting along! I thought that maybe...?" She could feel the tears build up in her eye's as she battled hard to keep them that way but finally a tear escaped and rolled down her cheek.

"It's just not working dear, me and your dad think its better this way we've agreed for you to stay here with him on Deep Space five. He'll look after you" Abby flung herself into her mom's arms. She could feel her wet salty cheek pressed against hers. "I am sorry Ab's things change and people move on"

Abby couldn't stand to hear her mum give up on this "No Mom, you have to stay! I don't want to be split between you two" The tears now a constant flow dripping on to her mum's shirt causing a damp spot above her breast. Her heart was pounding harder than it was when she had been running, she couldn't bare the thought of loosing her mom.

"Don't be silly, you're not split between us. I know how much you love your dad and that's brilliant because he lives a great life and can always provide for you" She lifted Abby's red soggy face and ran her finger's through her hair "Don't be sad dear, I know it's hard and for a while we thought it could work to..." Her voiced trailed off into a whimper.

"But mom..." She embraced the hug pulling her mom in tighter.

"Not but's Abby, its been decided when your dad comes back I wont be here and you can move on. I'll always be around dont you worry about that" She planted a kiss on her forward.

"I don't want to move on, I dont want you to be just around I want you here!" She argued, her mum's lips were as soft as there always had been and she smelt like violets in the spring.

"Don't argue with me Abby Wyatt" Anna could feel the lump in her throat as she spoke it was hard enough to be leaving but leaving something so special was especially hard. "I will always love you Abby and your father but not in the way that we used to. We have both moved on and it's time to really say goodbye" She released herself from Abby and stood up straitening out her top.

Abby slumped into the chair "I love you to mum" She picked herself out and walked slowly into her room, it was best she didn't see her mum leave but when she heard the door's close shut she couldn't help herself let out a scream muffled by the sound of her pillow. She was alone now and there was no one to comfort her, except Dominic. The thought comforted her but only for a short while until another flood of tears came rolling down her cheek. She lay there for a while crying and calling out to her mum wishing she'd come back through the door, she never did.

Abby Must have drifted off because when she opened her eye's they were stinging but bone dry. She peeled her face of from the damp pillow and walked into the next room. The bags that were there before now left an empty plain blue floor. Abby in a way was glad that it was over but she always would have a hole in her heart and she never really got say good bye.

Abby Wyatt - pNPC Luke Wyatt