Incommunicado – Its only a crime if you get caught
by Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   Its only a crime if you get caught
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Fri Mar 30, 2012 @ 11:37pm
Location   Fredrick Templeton's Private Quarters
Timeline   TBC
The Vip quarters of DS5 were quiet, tastefully lit, and somewhat opulant in compariosn to the more functional minamalism of traditional starfleet design. And as this was where starfleet and the federations great and good would be quartered when visitng the station, a figure in a starfleet uniform drew less than no comment. Meidcal Teal was all that was needed to render Merigor Drull effectively invisible.

As he approached Templeton's assigned staterooms, he let the electronic security breaker hidden in his sleeve drop into his palm. he held it over the panel as if pressing the bel, and a moment later, the doors whispered opened long enough for him to step forward and into the suite the surgeon had been given, and whisper shut behind him.

Satisfied that he had several hours before his victim returned , the Bolian looked around the suite for anything that might contain Templetons notes, papers or similar that would satisfy Dr Murdoch's curiosity, and prove his guilt or innocence.

The quarters were spartan, as befitting somebody who had just arrived on the station. Several suitcases of clothes were hap-hazardly strewn about. But it was the workstation that caught Drull's attention. Two class 4 security briefcases were tucked neatly under the desk.

Drull gave a smug grin for a moment and slid them out from under the desk, and laid them on the bed. Class 4. Well well well, if he didn't know better, he would have assumed the Good Doctor was paranoid.

Not paranoid enough.

In Drull's long an interessting career he had aquired a passing familiarity with a great many skills, and the ability to get around security restrictions was one of them. It took something like five minutes, but then one, and shortly after that, two suitcases gave up their contents.

The first was filled with several PADD's and two medical tricorders. The second appeared to be hard copy backups as well as several patient case studies.

Wasting no time, he linked the padds to slender isolinear rods he had brought for the purpose, and started leafing through the hard copies. Templeton's notes were painstaking and extensive. The wonderful human phrase 'anal retentive' jumped to drull's mind, and he smiled briefly. The good doctor had been busy. His notes indicated elegant procedure, insightful discovery, and some large inutitive leaps. Very large. Described in a rather stilted formal language that gave the Bolian pause for thought. there was something in there.

The isolinear rods beeped, their copying complete. Drull quickly disconnected them and replaced the contents of the briefcases exactly as he found them. Locked again, he slid the cases back into position and headed for the door.

And heard a girlish giggle right outside the door, answered by a deeper male voice.

What was Templeton doing back so soon?! Drull looked around the suite, and made a decision. He dived under the desk, hidden from the door by the modesty panel.

A deeply inebriated Templeton stumbled through the door half supported by a couple of girls from the Dabo table at the Casino downstairs. There was several moments of giggleing as they all collapsed on the bed not two foot from where Drull crouched, and then the unmistakable sound of a belt being whisked out of its loops, and the sound of a zipper being pulled down.

Drull risked a peak around the edge of the table. Templeton was lying in the lap of one girl, giving a slobbery drool ridden kiss. The other was on her knees in front of him. The Bolian allowed himself a thin smile. And a little bonus for himself he saw in this. taking the tiny camera he had brought just in case from inside his jacket, he took a few snaps of the inebriated Templeton enjoying his companions' attentions.

But if he was going to get out, it had to be now, the rooms occupants were distracted, and if he waited, the more likely it was he'd be caught. Tucking the camera back into his pocket, he cautiously edged out from under the desk. Through the arch, the three were getting noisily into the swing of things. He walked quickly to the door

The trio didn't even notice the faint hiss as the door slid open, Drull stepped out into the corridor, and set off with a spring in his step.


A Post by

Merigor Drull
Lab technician

Assorted NPC's
By Brad