Beg, Steal or Borrow – A New Agent
by Lieutenant Vincent Tan

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Title   A New Agent
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant Vincent Tan
Posted   Mon Jun 15, 2009 @ 3:17pm
Location   Starfleet HQ, San Francisco
Timeline   Several Days Ago
Lieutenant Colonel Jacinta Banks completed her final lap of the morning. It was her habit to complete six miles every morning, even when she was travelling and despite the finest efforts of San Franciso's rain and fog, Colonel Banks had jogged anyway. She liked to keep in shape and enjoyed working out. As the leader of a battalion of Starfleet marines, she also had more than aesthetic reasons.

A low wolf whistle from a man seated on one of the benches next to the oval made her spun around. "Nothing like a jog to get a woman all hot and sweaty."

She squinted for a little bit at the man before snapping to attention. "Sir, just doing my best to stay in shape for duty, Admiral, sir."

"At ease," the Admiral waved dismissively. "I'm the one that needs a favour from you, mate."

"What do you mean?"

The Australian Admiral looked around at the empty field before continuing. "I need you to make contact with someone, through discreet means, to discuss a rather sensitive proposal that involves tracking a hidden individual who is currently on a top secret mission. If you make me say any more, I shall blush."

Colonel Banks actually did blush. "Why me, sir? Surely this would be best left to someone in Starfleet Intelligence?"

"We have reason to believe that SI may be compromised. I have a feeling lots of other departments may be compromised, too. Except for the marines. He doesn't have access to you guys..."

"Sorry, sir? Who?"

"Don't you worry," the Australian said, already aware he had said too much. "I'll draft orders for your battalion to deploy to the Romulan border on some patrol duty. You'll stop by on Deep Space Five on the way. It is your job to recruit this man - James Darson," he handed over a folder, "to carry out these orders," he slipped another folder, this one sealed, to the marine. "This is of utmost importance. He is to report to you and you are to report directly to me. Understood?"

"Yes, sir," Colonel Banks, not really understanding. "Sir..."

"I have to get going, Colonel Banks. It's probably best if we were not seen together. Remember, this is top secret and important stuff. Don't screw up," the Admiral said as his farewell.

"No, sir," Colonel Banks replied automatically to thin air as she was left holding two very important folders, in the middle of an empty park, staring at the back of her father-in-law.