Incommunicado – The road left behind
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace

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Title   The road left behind
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace
Posted   Mon May 07, 2012 @ 12:30pm
Location   Intelligence office
Timeline   SD 53 1500

Rhiana slumped in desk as the computer informed her she had an incoming communique from Starfleet for the second time in three hours. She just wanted to ignore it and go back to her quarters for a shower, she turned to open the file and paused, she knew it was going to be a late night if she opened this one, ~to hell with it~

The message was a brief on a recent mission that had failed miserably and the potential for retaliation by Romulan operatives due to the exposure of this operation. there was a request from an Admiral Gordon to evaluate Romulan activities on the station for the next 96 hours.

~just great more observation of the damn Romulan's~ She growled to herself, she made a note to assign this one to the Chief since the rest of the senior staff were occupied with other duties, plus the chief was in a foul mood following the rather sudden departure of Dr Stapleton.

She looked over at the vacant office of her mentor, she had to face the facts Jarred was gone where she didn't know, but he was gone. She stood up, switching off the computer and as she started to exit she looked at the vacant office and saw the faint glow of the computer terminal in the office, she figured that John must have been in there and didn't log out.

As she walked over to the desk and turned the computer around to turn it off she saw the incoming message icon on the screen, she acknowledged it.

"This recording was made on stardate 62630.55. This is to inform you that the package was delivered as planned and is secure at the arranged location, the two small packages and their keeper are to be relocated as soon as possible, ensure that they are secure, HQ out."

The recording stopped and promptly erased, who were they talking about could the lieutenant be alive? was he relocated because of some thing? and were they in fact protecting him from something and why?

Rhiana might be wrong she reflected, she knew that Jarred was occasionally involved in witness relocation's after high profile trials and this might be one of those, so she shrugged it off and walked out of the office, as she did she looked back the whole idea of him still being alive started to seem like some fruitless hope, she knew he was gone, and started to accept that fact.


Lt (jg) Rhiana T'Sahen