Judgement – Curiouser and Curiouser
by Citizen Akamu "Ka'er" Makani & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   Curiouser and Curiouser
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Citizen Akamu "Ka'er" Makani & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Sat Jun 11, 2011 @ 6:53pm
Location   Selen'ai
Timeline   SD 37 1200
Prince burrowed through the station security files, legally obtained, of course, searching for on information on the PMA. Ever since Akamu had filled him in on this morning's meeting, Prince had found himself once more confounded by biological tendencies to act outside their socio-economical programming. Andorians had no business running extortion rackets. That was Ferengi programming. Occasionally, humans could be expected to break into such activities, but that an Andorian would do so was... odd.

Reaching a sudden decision, Prince opened a comm line to the PMA offices.

"Eris Tah," he said, using his most diplomatic voice. "I am an associate of Akamu Makani. I'd like to discuss the business proposition you put to him this morning. Could you please report to the Selen'ai in docking bay 1 as soon as it is convenient for you?" He closed the line before the Andorian woman had a chance to respond.

She kept him waiting until nearly mid day before she arrived outside his hull, in a crisp white suit , her assistant loitering behind trying not to attract attention from anyone. The andorian had also obviously not quite yet got round to checing up on the mercenary and his associates, as she seemed to be quite clearly examining the people wandering past the docking bay. After five minutes of that, she banged on the hull.

The hatch slid open with a loud bang a few meters to Eris' right. Prince had no external speakers, so it was impossible for him to communicate with the Andorian unless she entered the vessel. Hopefully she'd get the hint.

The andorian woman glared at the human girl who accompanied her, as if it was somehow her fault, before stepping inside the ship. "This is Eris Tah, Secretary of the PMA." she announced. The human girl climbed in beside her, looking round, wide-eyed. "You wanted to discuss membership of the PMA?"

Prince immediately began running scans on the female. On a superficial level, she seemed to be a healthy Andorian woman. Nothing to suggest her strange - at least to him - behavior. A brain scan might reveal more, but Akamu would never permit that.

"I am Prince." The AI said. His voice synthesizers put on the tone of an aggressive, commanding young man, his usual voice when dealing with strangers. "I am curious as to how an Adorian ended up in such a business as yours, Miss Tah. However, that can wait. The primary reason for this meeting is that I feel that before I can advise Akamu regarding the PMA, I simply wished to meet you myself."

Both women looked around in obvious confusion. "Well," Eris said after a moment's pause, "Please, lets meet. And talk face to face."

The female was apparently as thick as most Andorians. She hadn't yet figured out that Prince had no face? To be fair, most citizens of the Alpha Quadrant weren't accustomed to speaking with self-aware ships.

"I'm afraid 'face to face' is not possible, Miss Tah," Prince answered. "I am the Selen'ai's computer. I have no face to speak of. Can I provide you with a refreshment? Some food perhaps?" A few meters down the hall, a panel slid open to reveal a compartment that looked something like a replicator.

Tah and her assistant exchanged surprised looks, and then the andorain made a curt gesture with her chin, and the human girl scurried to the replicator. "I see. In that case, we should press on. Though I will take this opportunity to suggest that an avatar or other representation would probably smooth many of your dealings here in the Alpha quadrant, and I can put you in touch with several artists who are members of the PMA."

Prince synthesized a chuckle, or rather the closest he could achieve. It came out sounding slightly like a coughing horse; albeit still recognizable as a laugh. "Ever the saleswoman," he said. "The PMA sounds... interesting."

"We exist to represent our members best interests, help them where we can, with the administration, day to day hassles, and of course to represent them when business opportunites arise." She looked around as she spoke, unsure where to direct her comments, since PRince had no face to talk to, "So your...captain..."that seemed like the best word to use, "would be advantaged by membership. Security can be hostile to independent contractors, and we would be happy to bring our efforts to bare on his behalf."

Prince chuckled again. "Almost sounds to good to be true." During the course of the conversation, Prince had monitored the woman's vital signs. He was a half0decent lie detector. Eris Tah honestly believed every word that came out of her mouth, yet she was obviously hiding something. "And what exactly do you expect from Akamu? I assure you, I am looking out for myself as much as Akamu, if anything happened to my friend, it is likely the Federation or another faction would claim me as 'salvage.'"

The human girl came back with what looked like a glass of wine and handed it to Eris. The andorian addressed the middle of the corridor again after taking a sip. "10 strips of latinum a month, and preferential rates for other members of the PMA. Should any of them require his services. And for a consideration I am sure we come to arrangement for representation should someone try to claim you."

"I begin to wonder why Akamu failed to see the benefits of a relationship with the PMA. Your price seems fair to me. Perhaps it's his pride - a result of being raised by Cierians, no doubt."

The PMA's Secretary gave a triumphant smile. "I do not know, perhaps he is unused to organisations such as ours? I hope you intend to persuade him of the benefits of membership."

"He generally listens to my opinion." ... Occasionally. However, Prince foresaw no difficulty in convincing the mercenary.

Eris handed her glass back to her minion. "A thought occurs to me. Perhaps you would care to join, in your own right? Should anything happen to Mr Makani, recognition as an individual entity would no doubt be of help should there be any unpleasant proceedings as to your uh, disposal."

"I shall consider it," Prince assured her. "I or Akamu will contact you by this evening."

"I look forward to hearing from you," Eris gave a short nod of farewell. "Thank you for your time." She retreated to the door, her assistant shadowing her.


Dark Prince(NPC)
Artificial Intelligence

Eris Tah
Secretary, Promenade Merchants Association
NPC by Notty/Yolanthe