Interlude – Help not wanted
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

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Title   Help not wanted
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
Posted   Fri Jul 30, 2010 @ 10:00pm
Location   Personal Quarters
Timeline   SD 17
Giruana had been watching from a distance, hoping her old friend wasn't going to do anything to make his situation worse, but, sadly, he did. Walking over to him quickly she produced her ID, "Hi, yeah, I'm from State, Mr. Gabriel is with me." She then turned and focused her intense brown eyes on Dorian, "And we were just leaving."

Rianni just laughed, ~Hiding behind his girlfriend, how cute.~

Dorian wiped his shirt off and turned to walk away and muttered under his breathe as he left the entire episode behind him. "Stay the hell away from me," He said bitterly as he briskly passed by Giruana.

Giruana just shook her hairless head in disgust, he was always ugly when he drank and today was no exception, ~Come here to save his career and he's not making it any easier.~


"Wait a damned minute, Dorian!" Giruana yelled, scrambling hard to keep up with him.

"You are still here?" Dorian said in a non-inviting tone as he walked through the corridor towards his personal quarters.

"Yeah, I'm still here." She spat back, "And I'm trying to help you, but you are not making my job easy!"

"Help? You help me?" He asked increduously. "I never asked for it, and I sure as hell don't need it." He said as he stopped to unlock the door to his quarters. As he passed through the loosened his shirt collar and made his way to the replicator without pausing.

"Regalian Ale!" Dorian barked to the computer.

"Selection unavailable" the computer replied in a monotone level.

"Senior level override, Tango-4-2-3-3-Alpha." he stated.

"Selection available" the computer replied in the same monotone level. Within a few moments, the drink materialized before Dorian's hand.

Girauna stepped between him and the drink before he had a chance to grab it, "Don't you think you've had enough, Dorian?" She asked, her pretty face wearing an ugly scowl, "What the frack were you thinking out there?"

Dorian groaned in annoyance. "Not this shit again." He said as he brushed past her and grabbed the recently-replicated glass and walked back into his main room. "I'll be damned if I ever let some damn Romulan give orders to me on my station." he said ruefully.

"What are you talking about them giving you orders?" Giruana sighed, replicating a glass of Regalian Ale for herself,~If I'm going to deal with him I'm going to need a drink myself.~ "Dorian, I saw it, you attacked them. You're lucky you're not in jail again."

"Like I said before, I don't need your help. I'll take care of that J.A.G. Officer and if need be, I'll deal with that Romulan turncoat as well." He responded as he sat and took a long sip from his glass. "If something was going to happen, it would've taken place by now." he added.

Giruana paused for a second, realizing that he had in fact just said what she was afraid he had said, ~Yeah, he just threatened the station's XO and a member of the Romulan Ambassador's family. Great!~ "You know Dorian, when I told you all those years ago you could get by on your looks, it was a compliment, not a suggestion." She groaned, "Seriously, use your head, man! And don't give me anymore of that tombstone courage crap, 'If something was going to happen, it would have taken place by now.' I really hope that's just the booze talking and you haven't really lost your rabbit mind that badly."

"Look, believe it or not, I am here to help you." Giruana continued, "And it's got me in a Hell of a spot. State wants you out, Dorian, I'm trying to convince them otherwise, but you're making it harder by acting like a psycho."

Dorian took another long drink from his glass before he looked up. "Psycho? I'm the Psycho!? We have three different non-Federation goverments all making different political power-plays onboard this station. A Chief Diplomat who is completely INCOMPETENT and has no clue what is going on within the realms of this station and a clown that walks around with a cape and a mask with a fully-armed battallion under his command, and the Federation believes that *I* am the psycho?" he asked.

"They have no clue what is happening out here. I'm one of the few sane voices of reason left." he replied as he took another drink from his glass.

"Yeah, you're sure showing the poster child for sanity right now." Girauna sighed, "Look, Dorian, I know this place is a nut hatch, but it's working. I know you're suspicious of everyone, especially those who for reasons even we don't understand, care about you, but maybe this time you're focusing on the wrong things. Or at least the wrong people."

Dorian groaned inwardly as he thought about the Romulan scientist again. "That sonovabitch received a fitting end to a worthless life. Just because I didn't shed any tears for him doesn't mean I'm the one who killed him or his guard." he replied defensively.

"Yeah, and statements like that aren't convincing anybody you didn't, either." Girauna reminded him, "Come on, Dorian, I was SF security and a civilian cop, you know I of all people understand where you're coming from, but there's a certain way you have to play this game."

"That J.A.G. Officer is on a witch-hunt to find anything to make her existence here relevant." he shot back. "She has no clue what an investigation is, nor what actually happened nearly 10 years ago. She's worthless, just like this conversation." he said as he stood up and walked back towards the replicator.

"Regalian Ale, entire bottle." he ordered.

That was it! Girauna got up and grabbed his shoulder and turned him around to face her, "Look, frackhead, getting wasted and feeling sorry for yourself is not going to make anything better, okay?"

As Dorian was spun around he lost his grip on the bottle and it went flying from his hand and crashing onto the ground. He looked down to the ground before looking back at her.

"Are you happy? You've managed to COMPLETELY ruin my night, mission accomplished!" he said, dropping the glass into the replicator and walking past the woman and rubbing the bridge of his nose in frustration.

"You ass, nobody is trying to ruijn your night!" Giruana screamed, "And right now you really can't afford to turn me against you, you need every friend you can get right now!"

She was right, but he wasn't going to admit it to her. He knew that there was a force at work against him and he was going to put an end to it before it could succeed in ruining his life any further.

"Look, Dorian, I know you didn't kill that Romulan doctor." Giruana said, stepping closer and putting her arms comfortingly around his waist, "We just need to prove it is all."

"I'm not going to just give up and roll over while whoever planned this gets away. I wouldn't let it happen before, and I'm not going to allow it to happen now that I have an even greater responsibility." replied. "Commander Villiers has no clue what happened 9 years ago with that Romulan Doctor and any investigation on her part is a complete waste of time." He added.

"That's why I'm going to ask her to let me assist in her investigation." Girauna said, "I mean, I've got every qualification I need to run this investigation and you need someone who's willing to work under the presumption that you're innocent. It's the best way to do this."

Dorian was too tired to argue. He waved her off as he walked towards his room. "Do whatever it is you want to do." he said as he continued to walk away.