Beg, Steal or Borrow – Leading the Chase
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Leading the Chase
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Sun Jul 05, 2009 @ 11:57pm
Location   USS Castor
Timeline   SD9 - Early Morning (05.00) (Backpost)

The proximity alarm startled Tasha from her sleep.
She was in a comfortable place and for a moment, forgot where it was she was sleeping.

"Computer, report!" Tasha enquired, snapping herself upwards from the bunk and feeling a dull ache in her left shoulder.

"Ship approaching at high warp at bearing 180."

"Directly from behind." Tasha remarked as she headed forwards, waking Rakka & Zorana in the process.
She wondered where Jayfe was as she entered the bridge area and took the helm.

"Computer, bring aft shields online, 50 percent. Increase speed to warp 6." She ordered as Rakka automatically assumed the tactical position.

"Ship is Romulan. Current speed warp 5 but they are increasing to match our speed." The Commander informed the Captain. "Shall I power phasers?" Rakka asked.

Tasha, as Rakka, was fully aware of the attack yesterday on the station and she had an inkling that this was a follow up to that.

"Not yet, but keep your targeting system active. Let them know that we have them locked as a target, but do not power them up until we know why." Tasha said, about to open a channel to them when Zorana entered.

"Nice timing Lieutenant. Take the comms and signal the Romulan ship, asking their intentions." Tasha ordered, making a number of calculations, "And Rakka, find out what the top speed of that class of ship is and whether we need to think about out-running it."

"Ay sir." Zorana took her seat and signalled the ship. "Message sent on all frequencies...yet to get a response."


“The Federation vessel has increased its speed …”

“Match the increase. How long before we are in weapons range?”

“Just entered wea … it is hailing us.”

“Order them to drop out of warp, come to a halt and prepare to be boarded. They are carrying stolen goods – remind them of that too.”


"Captain! They are ordering us to drop out of warp and prepare to be boarded." Zorana called out, "Something about stolen goods on the vessel?"

"What!" Tasha exclaimed. "Put me on comm, voice only." Tasha ordered

"This is Captain Tasha Tahir. Please expand on your claim that we are carrying stolen property?" She enquired a little more than surprised.

Tasha waved her hand below her chin, a signal to mute the conversation.

"Rakka, check all the storage compartments, even the food rations." She ordered the tall Nausicaan. "Jayfe, scan every inch of this craft and help Rakka. I need to know if they are telling the truth. I will try to ascertain and clarify their claim." She nodded to Zorana.

“Federation vessel, USS Castor, I repeat, you are carrying stolen goods which are the legal property of the Romulan Star Empire, we will do what is necessary to retrieve our goods. We have no interest in your craft or your crew. I repeat, drop from warp and allow us access.”

Tasha nodded at Zorana.
"Stolen goods!" She exclaimed, "What stolen goods. You have just attacked a space station and you expect me to lower shields AND allow you access." Tasha paused for effect then chuckled aloud. "I think not. Now if you will elaborate on your accusation, considering I have a communicade from your Romulan Command apologising a for the actions on DS5, you now chase my ship and crew across the galaxy and expect me to yield? I am sure that if you have adequate proof that we are carrying stolen property, then you will relent your aggressive stance and back of." Her hand cut across her throat for Zorana.

"Maintain a tactical on their ship, if they appear to be ready to fire their disruptor, I need to know." Tasha ordered, her fingers tapping on the armrest of the Pilot seat, her nerves on edge considering she had not yet had a coffee.
"And find out how Rakka and Jayfe are doing."

"Repeat the warning," the commander of the Romulan vessel said, "be prepared to fire on them immediately if they continue to ignore it."

"Captain, no other message except the warning...continuously."

The stalemate was set.
Tasha had reduced speed, but only by .5, giving a lesser lead over the trailing Romulan ship. She considered the options.

Turn and fire and restart another battle so far from Earth, DS5 or the nearest starbase.
Accelerate to emergency warp, putting as much distance as possible, or as the Romulans asked and allow the Castor to be boarded.

"Well, the next move is theirs," Tasha said aloud in response to Zorans question. "I have asked for proof and they have ignored my request. I don't think they can substantiate their claim, there is nothing on here." Of that much, Tasha was sure.

"I don't see how there could be anything aboard this vessel."

It was only a few seconds later that a call from Jayfe started Tasha onto a new course of thinking.

"What is it?" She called back, swinging herself out of the pilots seat.

"I think this may be what they are looking for!" Jayfe replied, holding a dark blue carryall that was partially unzipped, displaying a small ivory coloured statue.

Tashas' eyes widened. "Where did you find them?" She asked as Rakka appeared at the doorway.

"In the lower storage compartment, behind the tool supply." He advised, offering the Captain the bag.

Tasha raised her hands in surrender.
"No thank you, I don't want to touch them, they have caused us enough problems thank you very much.!" She retorted.

"Federation vessel, Castor, we know you have our property. If you do not comply with our demands we will have no choice but to assume that you are complicit in the theft and will take appropriate action. This is your final warning."

"Captain! We have received a 'final warning' do you want me to proceed?" Zorana asked.

Tasha gave a loud sigh as she began tapping at the flight console. "Onward." She grinned as the Castor began picking up speed. "Computer, maximum warp, direct course for sector 001." She turned to Rakka.
"Commander, if you would care to load the 'Stolen property into the torpedo launcher, the Romulans can have their statues back when we begin to put a little distance between us."

"Captain?" Rakka questioned, not taking in the meaning of her command, "Torpedo launcher, are you expecting them to be of use as a weapon?" She enquired in a gruff voice.

"Not at all. As we pull away, we fire them out into space and the Romulans can pick them up at their leisure." She informed the Nausicaan in an easy manner, understanding her confusion.

Rakka nodded, grasping what the Captain was thinking of.

Jayfe chuckled behind them, offering to help the Commander as loader.

The Romulan ship did not waste any more time exchanging 'pleasantries' with the shuttlecraft; they were armed and waiting. Losing patience they fired.

"They're firing weapons!" Zorana exclaimed.

"What!" Exclaimed Tasha at Zoranas warning, but she had no time to exchange in conversation, hitting the console and calling out at the Romulan craft as she turned the craft sharply failing to avoid the disruptor fire, which bucked the Castor.

"Damn" Tasha muttered as she programmed erratic manoeuvres into the computer.

"Everyone OK?" She asked, before ensuring her own safety. "OK Zorana, shields to maximum, phasers to maximum, lets not pussyfoot about here." She craned her neck about.

"You got it!" She replied, her fingers flying over the console. She targeted the other vessel. "Romulan vessel targeted...returning fire!"

"Jayfe, Rakka, how are you doing?" She called.

"Needs just a few more seconds captain." Jayfe called back, his voice echoing into the chamber below where half of his head was already missing.

"Make it quick!" She replied.

The little ship could not evade them for ever, not with a little fancy flying. The disruptor banks were powered and ready to go, in ... three ... two ... one ...

"Ready." Called Jayfe as he pushed himself from the cove in which he was working so diligently and picked up the hatch casing from the floor.

"Incoming!" Tasha informed, as she braced for the impact.

Zorana felt something hit the back of her head but before she could react she was unconcious on the floor. Blood started to seep from the wound.

Tasha felt the impact jolt her chair, but could not turn around to see what had happened behind, she was busy concentrating on piloting the Castor out of danger.
"Everyone OK? " She asked in a short loud voice as she glanced at the tactical. "Zorana, update on the Romulan ship?" She asked, but no reply came.

Jayfe opened his eyes. The flash from the hole had blinded him. As his eyes came into focus, the first thing he saw, or rather felt, was the weight of Rakka lying across him and for a second, he felt quite happy that at last the Nausicaan had chosen to embrace him then realised she was actually protecting him.

"Wh...what happened." He asked, his voice shaking.

"You were about to be hit by the exhaust of the artefacts erupting into space. I thought it best to throw you to the deck!" She remarked, still holding his shoulders.

"Oh!" He remarked a little dejected as Rakka pushed herself from the lieutenant. He looked around and saw Zorana lying on the floor at the back of Tashas' chair as the Captain asked if everyone was OK.

"I think we're alright." Jayfe said as he pushed himself upwards against the bulkhead under the watchful stare of Rakka. "Zorana." He enquired stepping forwards and saw the beginnings of a small blood pool spreading from beneath the womans' head.

His hand shot to her neck, her pulse thready and failing. "Medkit!" He screamed to Rakka, who had already assessed the counsellors situation and had jumped back towards the med-centre and a kit.

"Here." Rakka threw the kit at Jayfe.

Tasha now looked over her shoulder, hearing the tension in the officers behind her. "Is she Ok?" She barked, her concentration torn between what was behind her and also behind the ship.

Jayfe shook his head. "Not good." He advised in a low tone.

They had not come for the ship. In a matter of minutes they realised what had happened and reduced their own speed trying to relocate the items that the Castor had fired at them. A certain amount of swearing could be heard on the bridge of that ship, crackling curses promising dire consequences if it was encountered again by their vessel. Not half as dire as the consequences were going to be if those statues were not recovered though.

Zorana groaned weakly, her head felt as it would explode from the pain, she slipped back into the world of the unconscious.


CO: Tasha Tahir
Also playing "Rakka" & "Jayfe"

Some disgruntled Romulans NPCd by Louise

Lt. (JG) Zorana Kasikova
Chief Counselor