Judgement – You Don't Know Me, I'm Your Sister!
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   You Don't Know Me, I'm Your Sister!
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Sun Oct 31, 2010 @ 8:43pm
Location   CMO's quarters
Timeline   SD 34 - 18..00
Chelsea was very happily sitting amongst Rick's family, talking, laughing and getting to know them when a call came through on the control panel on the wall.

"Excuse me, I'll get rid of this quickly" she apologised to her guests, rolling her eyes at Rick. Crossing to the panel she hit the button to connect and replied:

=^= Adams =^=
=^= Ma'am I have an incoming call from a Bajoran transport ship for you, the caller says it's personal. =^= the voice at Main Ops explained the intrusion with an apologetic tone.
=^= Did he say who he was? =^= Chelsea was thinking about doctors she worked with mainly as she couldn't imagine anyone else calling her personally from the planet.
=^= It's a she, Ma'am. She says she's your sister. =^=
=^= I don't HAVE a sister and that's a bad joke by any.....=^= Chelsea began but faltered. She blushed and began to wonder, her eyes darting to look at Rick and the others who were all watching her intrigued.

=^= Ma'am she says to tell you her name is Soran, Anata and that when you were a baby you called her Yanyan. =^=

Chelsea went white and leant heavily against the desk.

Rick shot up from his seat and went to put a supporting arm around Chelsea. His look was shared with the rest of his family one of confusion, but his also had added element of bewilderment. Chelsea's family had never come up in conversation before. Never. Rick had always felt that in time she would want to, but respected and loved her enough to let her do it at her own pace.

She looked up at Rick and her eyes thanked him for his help. "I think i should take this - I'll go in the bedroom?" she said, her tone a question requiring his yay or nay.

Dunham looked at her sympathetically and nodded in agreement.

Chelsea looked across at the others and apologised. "I'm sorry, I won't be long. Please excuse me?"

"Do you want me to go with you?" he asked quietly after her.

"It's okay, you stay and see to our guests" she squeezed his hand.

"Be right back" she said and left the room.

She came back about ten minutes later, still apologising for the rudeness of leaving them all but with a smile on a tear-stained face. It had clearly been a very emotional call.

Rick got up from his seat on the sofa, he looked at Chelsea. Then pointed at the door. "Everybody who is related to me in some way please leave. We'll meet you on the promenade in an hour." After everybody had left Rick wrapped his arms around Chelsea for protection and comfort. "What's happened?"

Chelsea nestled in close to his chest, the scent of him as comforting as his strong arms around her. She looked up into those oasis eyes of his and smiled. "I'm the luckiest woman in the universe" she said, nuzzling his neck. "AND.... I seem to have a sister too.... "

She took a deep breath and started at the beginning. "I don't remember this but apparently my dad had a daughter by a previous relationship and she used to visit him when i was little. He died when I was six so it's all a blur. Sometimes I can barely remember him at all." she took in another breath which shivered at the thought of forgetting her dad. She had to pause for a moment.

Dunham pulled her in more tightly into a loving embrace. His words of 'ssshhh its ok' carried a gentle quiet sympathetic tone. "What did your sister say?" he asked. The words sounding unfamiliar in his mouth.

"She said when Dad died and my mum took me back to Earth she was too young to keep in touch and later, when she tried to contact me, my Grandfather told her I didn't want to speak to her and that I never wanted to see my Bajoran relatives again as i said I felt it would be too painful. Rick I never said any such thing. I think he was protecting me in his own way, but he should never have made that decision for me without asking me." Chelsea said, taking comfort from Rick's strong arms still around her, soothing what might have been a moment of frustration from her as the tale unwound. Her hand clenched but unclenched again as his fingers touched them gently.

"I told Annie that I never said that." she said fervently denying it just as she had when she had been speaking to her sister a few minutes ago.

"She said that she knew I'd come to work on Bajor a few years ago but in the light of what Granpa had said that I had said, she left me to contact her and was hurt and angry that I spent a year there and never did even call her." Again Chelsea's hand closed tightly and again Rick's fingers touched them, helping her to release the tension.

"I explained i didn't remember I ever had a sister and i told her how sorry i was. i was just a tiny girl... i would never have treated her like that... i didn't know.... " Tears formed in Chelsea's eyes and two fell, one on either cheek.

Rick wiped way the tears softly with the back of one finger. It gently stroked the skin of her cheek. He looked her in the eyes "Whatever you want to do we'll do it together."

"Thank you, you're the best!" she replied gratefully, thanking the prophets and all other deities in the universe for her wonderful Rick.

"I can't regret anything in my life because every step brought me closer to you, but now i'd like to see my sister again. She said she'll come to the wedding.... I asked her.... i hope... i was sure you wouldn't mind.... I just think i ought to meet her a bit beforehand too.... so she said she'd come to see us. I told her about you and how lucky i am and she wants to meet the handsomest, most amazing, awesome hero who ever lived.... she says you can't be for real... but you are." Chelsea grinned as she watched his face while she told him what she'd said about him.

"I meant it!" she added quietly.

Rick blushed at the praise lavished on him from an adoring Chelsea. He did wonder to himself sometimes what he had done to earn such devotion from the woman he loved. "I look forward to meeting her, what ever you want to do." He paused for a moment. Remembering he had thrown out the rest of the now ever increasing in size family. "Come on lets go find the others" he said giving her a hug.

"I hope they don't think I'm rude" she replied as they left the quarters and made their way to the Promenade with their arms around each other.


A JP between:

Lt. Cmdr. Chelsea Adams


Lt. Cmdr. Rick Dunham