Beg, Steal or Borrow – finding answers
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Ensign Brian Moxis

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Title   finding answers
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Ensign Brian Moxis
Posted   Thu Apr 30, 2009 @ 12:57am
Location   Out side the shield generator room
Timeline   SD 8 1530hrs
Martina paced infront of the doors too the generator room, she'd been down here for 10 minutes waiting on Ensign Moxis, she knew that security was overwhelmed but still this was an important investigtion. Cheif Ayers was talking to the suspect about what ever he'd done. From the brief that Chief Ayers had shown her a Lieutenant Freeman had been assulted and suspicions were that the person who did it also sabutaged the sheilds and other defences. As she turned around she saw the ensign coming down the corridor.

Brian walked through the corridor. Reading the padd he had received. He could not believe what he was reading about Lieutenant Freeman. glancing up he saw Martina pacing back and fourth. He quickened his pace and finally arrived. *Sorry got held up.* Brian smiled to try to relieve the angry look he saw. *Shall we begin?*

Martina just looked at him, "What do we know about the assult on Lieutenant freeman and how it ties into the sabutage on the station?" martina trying to remember the little she took on investigative procedure "The Chief is in talking with Joran now, so we need to move fast."

"The reports say information was received about a man with an earring disabling the platforms at 1145.Lieutenant Freeman was found on guardian platform 3 at 12:24near the bulkhead. It is my guess that the saboteur was there other wise why would the CEO be knocked unconscious? The CEO had to be checking on the platforms to make sure they was online when he ran in to the person." Brian stopped to get Martina's take on what he said.

Martina mulled over the info "thats where the report about the sheilds going off line is from too, Cheif Ayers said something to the effect that the guardians and sheilds sharing a common control or something, so we start here. then" she opened the maintenace hatch.

Brian placed the padd he was using in his pocket and pulls out a light and his phaser." you can never be to careful." He says as he enters and starts to climb into the maintenance hatch. Climbing to a certain point Brian looks around inside just to see if any sort of clue could have dropped inside. He waits for Martina to enter.

As martina entered the hatch she looked around, there was some battle damage, and signs that there had been a struggle. "Ensign, do you know where they found Lt. Freeman in here?" she looked around realizing that this could take loner than needed.

Pointing his flash light to the bulkhead. "On the side of that bulkhead." He moved over to the location. He took and shined his flashlight over and around the bulkhead. He stopped at bottom of the bulkhead. "He was hit hard here. I see dried blood over the bottom."

Martina looked at the floor, she saw something on the floor a meter over from where ensign moxis was, "Hey look at that." as she pointed at a chunk of metal.

Turning around to where she was pointing the flashlight gleamed on a metal object that lay on the ground. The light hovering over the object. "Looks like it could have been used as a weapon." He looked over to Martina as he motioned her to come take a look. He did not want to move it.

She looked at it, " theres blood on it, and....a bloody finger print too!" martina felt her heart start pounding "We found the weapon. now we need to find the sabutage that was done."

Brian puts on gloves and picks up the suspected weapon and places it in to a bag. Moving down a little bit. "I guess all we can do is keep crawling. I am still new here so i am not sure where this will lead." Brian checked for the map he usually brings but couldn't find it.

"Well we have the weapon, now we have to find where the sabutage took place, any ideas?" Martina could only make a bad guess her self.

Brian shrugged his shoulders. "If the platforms never came on maybe the power supply was forced off. Just got to keep looking." Brian's answer was bad and was probably wrong but it was the only one he had at the moment.

"theres a maintenance pannel there lets take a look at the readout and see if the problem registers, its better than a kick in the face." martina suggested.

"Agreed." Brian crawled down to the maintenance panel. "Doesn't look like it's been opened at least." he opened the panel and took a look inside. No components was missing. Brian figured he would let Martina take a second look before they started to look at the readout.

"whats with the scratches on the one side here" she pointed to some scratches on one edge of the pannel. "some one forced this pannel open I think."

Brian couldn't believe that he did not notice the scratches. "Perhaps he used this weapon to pry it open? He suggested. "Wouldn't some kind of alert go off though if it was pried?

She searched the edges, she found something of interest, "The alarm was bypassed here," she pointed to a small pannel "then he went to work on the sheilds," opening a tricorder she continued "Finger prints, one set, can I see the weapon?" she took it from Moxis's hand "the prints are a match." she said with some satisfaction.

Brian looks over the inside of the panel. "The coupling here. There's something weird about it." Brian examines it more. " I am no engineer but this doesn't look like it belongs here." He looks over the top right side of the coupling. " There's a single finger print up here as well."

"it looks as if its bypassing something. We'll need to get an egineering team down here, who knows what else this guy has done." Martina said with some degree of fear.

"Indeed. The sooner the better." Brian moved down a little more while Martina looked over the panel some more. Reaching the end he took one last look around. "Nothing down here. I think we should inform Chief Ayers and get that engineering team down here asap."

Brian Moxis
Security Officer

Cadet Martina Perth (npc'd by Andy)