Interlude – Keeping it Casual
by Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Arrival Thomas Whitlock

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Title   Keeping it Casual
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Arrival Thomas Whitlock
Posted   Sun Jul 04, 2010 @ 1:43am
Location   Whitlock's Quarters
Timeline   Current
Jana was tired of the lab and she was tired of sitting around her quarters. Claire was busy tonight and she had no one else really to talk to you at the moment. Perhaps she could go visit Tom. Getting off the couch she went to her closet and found her favourite jeans, grey tank top. After changing her clothes she went back digging through her closet of shoes and found her black suede FMBs. Before she left her quarters Jana passed by a mirror and quickly fixed her hair.

Thomas grabbed the glass of wine from the replicator and returned to the chair by the window. He reached for the book and smiled as he opened it to his saved place and started reading again.

Jana found herself in front of Thomas' quarters, her fingers hesistated just above the chime momentarily before she rang it.

"Come in," Thomas said, surprised by the sound of the chime.

Jana came in, she saw him holding his book and saw the glass of wine sitting on the coffee table. "Care for some company Tom?...or am I intruding?" She gave him a wicked smile.

"I was just reading a book and trying to relax" Thomas said to her. "I could use a break, though."

"What are you reading?" She asked sitting down next to him and taking the book from him. "Interesting...although I should of expected you to read something like this."

"That's private," he said, taking the book from her and remembering their last encounter. He looked at her and said, "Why do you say you should have expected me to read something like that?"

"I study human and alien behaviour...mostly the past but sometimes if I see something I like I study those in the present. I meant no harm Thomas...I just came here for a little fun...if you want me to leave then I will." She replied and made a move to get up and leave.

"I didn't say that," he said, gently grabbing her arm. "Do you want something to drink?"

"Sure." She replied keeping the fact that she would rather kiss him to herself.

Thomas nodded and walked to the replicator for more wine. He returned to the sofa and sat beside her, handing a glass to her and smiling. "I'm a bit surprised you stopped by. I didn't think we got off to a good start."

"Perhaps not...but I thought we could change that." She replied and took a sip of her wine.

Thomas looked at her and smiled. "I would really like to change things between us," he said. "How do you suggest we go about it?"

"I am sure your head is full of ideas." Jana looked at him from the rim of her wine glass. She waited to see if she could have him squirming in his seat, she would push until she got what she wanted and she was sure that he would do the same to her.

Thomas looked her up and down and smiled as he sipped his wine. "I have a couple ideas in mind," he said to her. "So how was your day?" he asked.

Jana shrugged, "nothing exciting, came looking for some fun."

Thomas winked at her and said, "I enjoy having a little fun." He tipped his glass to his lips and realized it was empty. "Would you like more wine?"

"Please." Jana said and held out her glass so he could pour her some more. "What kind of fun did you have in mind tonight?" She asked.

"I'll leave that up to you," he said, filling her glass before adding more to his. "I wouldn't want to make you feel uncomfortable."

Jana placed her glass on the table and waited for him to sit on the couch again before she leaned in and kissed him, "if I was uncomfortable...I wouldn't be here." She whispered against his lips, her eyes not leaving his.

Thomas marveled at the feel of her lips against his and smiled. He set his glass on the table and put his arms around her, pulling her closer and kissing her again.

Jana went willingly into his arms pressing her body against his. She had been through enough in the last few days and needed to feel something again. She needed to feel wanted, no strings attached but wanted nonetheless.

"Would you like to go in the other room?" Thomas asked a moment later, "Or would you prefer to stay here on the sofa?"

Jana stood up, taking his hand and led him to his bed. Facing him she took off her tanktop revealing a strapless black laced bra.

Thomas looked down at her body and smiled before pulling off his own shirt and stepping closer to kiss her again.

Jana pulled away slightly and looked into his eyes she saw his need for her, "no strings Thomas."

Thomas looked at her for a moment then nodded. "We're just two friends trying to have a little fun," he agreed.


Jana laid next time breathing hard and looked at him. "Now...that was fun." She smiled seductively.

Thomas continued to lay beside her with his eyes closed and a smile on his face. A moment later, he rolled on his side and lightly ran his hand over her body. "We'll definitely have to do that again sometime."

"Are you kicking me out already?" She asked slyly.

"Not at all," Thomas replied, leaning over and kissing her softly. "I was simply expressing a desire to do it again in the future."

"I like that idea Tom, let's just keep it casual ok?" She said kissing him back. Jana had been through enough to know that she wasn't ready for anything serious, as long as whatever 'this' was between the two of them as nothing more than light and fun she would be ok.

Thomas nodded and smiled. "I think you and I are going to get along just fine."


Thomas Whitlock
FNS Reporter

Lt. (JG) Jana Kasikova
Alien Archaeologist/Anthropologist