Beg, Steal or Borrow – Last Rites
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant T'Pal

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Title   Last Rites
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant T'Pal
Posted   Wed Mar 04, 2009 @ 6:51am
Location   Infirmary
Timeline   SD 8 - 1145
~Lieutenant!~ Chelsea Adams thought to herself. ~I should send a communication to mum and dad, they'll be miffed if they hear it from someone else!~

She was totally made up about her promotion, all the more because she hadn't been expecting anything and the surprise had made it sweeter. However, as she made her rounds the subject gradually got replaced in her mind by the medical matters that began to take up her attention, in particular an emergency case which arrived suddenly jolting her back to reality.

S’Hauen clutched his hands over his chest, the oversized sleeves of his grey robe obscuring the damage to fabric and flesh caused by the disruptor; had he not activated the emergency sequence he would not be here now and his heart told him he would not be here for much longer anyway.

His pain and desperation must have shown in his face as he stumbled into the infirmary falling heavily to his knees.

A medic tried to catch him, calling out for the ACMO as he fell forwards. Chelsea looked up instantly and ran over, her mediscan already in her hand she began to take readings of his injuries. Some of them clearly didn't need a scanner to tell they were obvious disruptor burns, her trained eye grading them at 1st degree instantly.

"Don't waste your time," he hissed pushing her hands away from the blistered skin, "I need to speak with Kelan."

"You're not in any fit state to speak to anyone" Chelsea replied absently as she scanned his whole body trying to tell how much of his skin and flesh were affected.

"Let's get him up onto a bio-bed and raise the med-arch" she instructed the first medic and another who had joined them. "But gently, he has over 70% burns to his arms and torso."

The medics gently lifted their patient onto the bed by adeptly supporting his thighs and shoulder-blades with the flats of their hands while Chelsea cradled his lolling head in her own hands until the pillow shape of the bed took up the job.

One touch on the screen and a arch raised itself in two parts, one from either side of his upper arms and as it joined itself above him, Chelsea already had it functioning, reading his basics, life signs, blood pressure, U's and E's, major organ functions and brain patterns and pressure.

"What happened?" she asked, trying to get the medscanner to tell her what race he was, or what mix of races.

"Kelan," he rasped, his words grating through his dry throat. "I - don't - have - long."

Chelsea stopped and looked at his face. It was damaged too, but not as badly as other parts of him. His breathing was worrying her and he was generally in a bad way. His chest had been badly disrupted and his lungs were on the verge of collapse. He had deep and debilitating burns that she was already working to regenerate but he was showing clear signs of clinical shock and organ stress.

His heart was fibrillating but the med-arch was keeping it beating whenever it attempted to fail and his liver was in a serious state of disrepair. His kidneys had been damaged too and he was showing symptoms of hydronephrosis as they struggled to drain past damaged tubes.

She didn't know what to treat first and had assigned a whole team of medics to work on each of the critical items on her list. She wasn't one to ever think she might lose a patient but his plea made her hesitate in her resolve that he would be able to talk later.

His eyes held her gaze and the desperation in them touched something in her. She flicked her comm badge with the back of her right hand which still held the regenerator she was using.

=/= Computer locate person by the name of Kelan =/= she instructed.

=/= Ayren Kelan is on Promenade Deck 1 - level 141 - In a Unit designated 'Pizza Cake' - Categorised as a Bakery =/= came the mechanical response.

=/= Patch me through to the owner of the establishment in question =/= Chelsea replied.

=/= Link established, you may proceed =/= the voice reciprocated, followed by the sound of a nasal voice that was decidedly more sentient.

=/= Hello? Who is this? =/= said the voice from the Bakery.

=/= Lieutenant Adams in Sickbay. =/= Chelsea replied. =/= Do you have someone called Ayren Kelen there please? =/=

Chelsea flinched when the volume level pitched suddenly much higher as the Baker called out across his shop. Waiting for a response, the doctor continued with the regenerator, keeping her channel open.

Ayren was getting a bite to eat on her way back to her office. She had really enjoyed getting to know Claire and the conversation was interesting. Today she had to stand in a queue. served her right for coming so close to lunch hour, but this was worth the wait.

"Ayren there an Ayren Kelan here?" came the voice from the bakery owner.

Rather surprised, Ayren attracted his attention. "I am here", she said as she weaved her way forward. "I am Ayren Kelan," she stated, a question in her voice.

"Someone from sickbay wants you," he said gruffly, but not before eyeing her.

She frowned a warning at him and tapped her commbadge, wondering if there was something wrong with hers. =/= Kelan to sickbay=/= she said into it. =/= Who is looking for me? =/= She turned her back on the man and walked out of the takeway shop to get out of the throng of people.

"My name is S’Hauen," he managed, gritting his teeth as he forced the words out, "Tell her my name ... I must see her."

=/= Chelsea Adams here. I have a patient who is very insistent that he must see you. His name is S'Hauen. If you want to talk to him, I would have to suggest you didn't delay too long as he's badly hurt and we'll be treating him for a while before he's out of the woods =/= Always professional, Chelsea wasn't going to say he didn't have long, nor was she going to let him know she was losing the fight to save him. She wouldn't even admit that to herself until she had no further options but nonetheless, she was obliged to put at least some of the true situation into the message, but carefully because he was listening too.

"S'hauen?" Ayren said in shock to herself before she tapped her badge with fingers slightly trembling. =/=On my way!=/= Ayren immediately literally ran to the nearest turbo lift, impatiently waiting at the door. She walked into a couple exiting, who stared annoyed at the dark haired Betaxoid who hardly apologized. "Sickbay!" Ayren instructed, pacing the floor until the lift opened.

S’Hauen allowed his head to fall back, the strain in his neck too much, but he had to keep himself awake. “Doctor, thank you,” he croaked, “Please do not let me pass out before she gets here, it doesn’t matter what you have to do to keep me awake … I must be conscious … we don’t have much time.”

Chelsea nodded, still struggling to save him but beginning to accept his right to finish what he wanted to do in case she wasn't able to.

Ayren rushed into sickbay, anxiously looking around to find her Romulan contact. A nurse approached, but her senses had already located him and with a dismissive wave of her hand, she made her way to his biobed.

"Who did this to you?" Chelsea murmoured suppressing her voice in an attempt to control and hide her frustration at losing this battle and her growing anger against whoever was responsible for the wanton destruction of this man's life in such a brutal manner.

He laughed, a damp gurgling sound, “he’s one of you,” S’Hauen said, it might hurt to talk, but it kept his mind operating and kept him away from the encroaching darkness, “with the earring. Their main agent here, they’ve paid him enough … it is far worse than I guessed … what I know now, if I’d known then I’d have told her when we met. Doctor, what are the Guardian Platforms?” he asked, “the man with the earring, he has disabled them all, one by one … when the ships attack they will not work and this place will be at their mercy …” his words were interrupted as he choked on the liquid that pooled in his throat. “It wasn’t meant to be like this … where is Kelan?”

"I am here," she said, wincing inwardly at what she saw. It was clear that he was dying. ~No... not this.. no!!~ she screamed in her thoughts. Her face remained composed as she greeted the doctor, but her attention was on S'Hauen. His anxiety and urgency filled her with dread... this can only mean one thing. Ice cold fingers gripped her heart as she watched him.

~The Guardian Platforms? How could they be disabled without it showing up on the systems as a failure of the grid?~ Chelsea wondered still not stopping her work.

“Move this thing away,” S’Hauen said referring to the medical arch that the doctor had covered him with, “I don’t have the strength to speak more, but I can still tell you what has happened. Kelan … Ayren, come closer.”

Ayren bent forward and placed her hand gingerly on his arm, sensing what his intensions were. Already she prepared her mind, dropping her barriers for what was to come, but bracing herself inwardly.

Reluctantly, Chelsea stopped the Arch and lowered it, waving away the medics still assisting her attempts to improve S'Hauen's fluctuating life-signs.

S’Hauen raised his arm and reached for Ayren; he had hidden it all his life, taken refuge in a religious order all to avoid his talent being discovered and the resultant obligatory future helping the Tal’Shiar develop new exploitative techniques as tended to be the fate of known psionics within the Empire. Without it he would never have learned the true plan, they would never have tried to kill him and he could not have passed the message on; S’Hauen was a rare thing among the Rihannsu, a touch telepath as able as any Vulcan.

His soft brown eyes met Ayren’s as his fingers contacted her brow.

Ayren closed her eyes, and allowed there minds to meld, assisting his mind with her own. Her head jerked slightly backwards as the meld was established.

“When did you realise?” S’Hauen asked, finally free of his body’s pain, “if you could have seen the look on his face when he realised what had been sitting under his nose all these years - he had to kill me, Enarrain Taibek ir-Elahu, the blinest Tal'Shiar operative in history." S'Hauen sounded almost amused, "Religious orders like mine are a natural refuge for those who cannot fit in and he would visit from time to time looking for people like me, sometimes he found them, and took them and they never came back. When I told you that we were on our way to make a gift to some distant relatives that we hoped would become our allies, I told you the truth, but the gifts, some quite beautiful figurines that were presented to participants in a treaty negotiation were stolen; they were a bequest to my order from a man who held the ideal of re-unification close to his heart, they should have sealed a new understanding, not come close to prompting a war.

“The Rhiandhaell is riddled with spies and activists, it seems. One woman I could trust enabled me to reach here, without her assistance in concentrating and modulating the signature I could never have got here to warn you, without the interference of that transporter beam that disruptor would have disintegrated my body as was intended; perhaps they realise I escaped, perhaps not, it doesn’t really matter now as I doubt there is much the doctor can do for me.

“There’s not much time, for any of us. The thief, if it was a thief, had help and he has achieved three purposes; without our symbol of peace and goodwill all the efforts of the D’ravsai to reach our cousins will wither; how can we claim peace after our involvement in this incident? No, they will be all too ready to believe it was an intended deception … with stolen goods that cannot be recovered because I believe them not to be on the station, our escort who are pledged to aid us will have no choice to attack; with that assault the tentative relationship that has grown between the Empire and the Federation will begin to unravel, how can it not if this station is destroyed?”

Ayren had a hard time to remain calm and her heard pounded with the news, struggling to stay connected to his mind. "How, S'Hauen?" she asked agitated in her mind, sensing that his life was slipping away.

“Your Guardian platforms have been disabled, you may have time to rectify this before they begin … if not then the warbird will cause much damage, as much as the Bajoran and his associates have been paid to cause at least.”

Ayren gasped in shock through the link as her head arched slightly backwards, her heart now pounding in her chest. She had to keep this link going and for that she needed her own mind stable. Regaining control, she bent forward again. "The other purpose, what is that..?" she asked.

“The third purpose? Perhaps the most base of all … the final destruction of a family. We thought he was sincere when he agreed to fund our mission, a wealthy benefactor was a blessing to the brotherhood, he seemed to understand, to believe but his motivation is nothing but power and the goal of this unworthy creature is to usurp a position to which he has no right or claim. We are blessed, I suppose that he feels the need to justify his actions and hear that others believe him, and gain absolution for he came to me and when I blessed him in the name of all the stars I saw his mind, and learned all that I tell you now. And I learned of the murders he has already committed in his efforts to seize a throne. He’ll sacrifice you all to see her deposed.”

"Who are you talking about? What is his name....? Please...tell me... and who is the agent here on the station? Do you know his identity?" the Betazoid urged gently to the man she had learned to trust and who had become a friend.

"tr'Illialhlae, it won't mean anything to you, he killed his own brother ... the war was very convenient to him ... but the agent, that's more pressing and if I help you fnd him, I might feel a little satisfaction before I sleep. I don't have his name, tr'Illialhlae thought it beneath him to bother with it ... the agent was ... I've lived a very sheltered life, Ayren, I just don't know what he was ... he's like the doctor, with the earring and the nose."

"A Bajor....." An ice cold feeling ran down her spine. She had no idea who it was, but she had a bad feeling about this. 'You have already been a great help, my friend... you should rest and get better," Ayren said and indicated that she was ready to break their link. She needed to speak to the CO immediately.

As S'Hauen fell back against the bed and Ayren disengaged and left Sickbay, Chelsea moved straight back in, raising the medarch again and barking instructions to the awaiting team of medics. The struggle to save him continued but to no avail. As he faded away the efforts of the team to regenerate and repair vast percentages of his flesh and epidermal layers, an operation to repair his left lung, re-synchronisation of his heart and reconstruction of part of his intestines were all in vain.

Lt Adams and her team were finally unable to do any more other than to watch the light leave his eyes.

~Damn!~ Chelsea choked silently. ~I HATE losing a patient. It always takes away a piece of me. One of these days there won't be enough of me left to keep doing this damn job any more! ~ The empty eyes always haunted her.

She gently closed S'Hauen's eyelids and drew a cover over his face in respect. Walking heavily away towards the office she left the team to put his body into stasis and clean up as she threw down her gloves in frustration. Her deeply furrowed brow was pulled down in a dark scowl which warned all the staff to leave her alone . McBain alone felt it would be better that she shouldn't deal with this on her own, but he knew the CMO would be the person to call. Out of earshot from Chelsea, he flicked his comm badge.


Ayren Kelan.
(Played by Sharon)

S'Hauen, priest, re-uinificationist, and corpse, NPCd by Louise

Lieutenant Chelsea Adams, ACMO