Unity – Wrestling with shadows
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Lieutenant Vincent Tan & Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   Wrestling with shadows
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Lieutenant Vincent Tan & Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Tue Dec 01, 2009 @ 8:25am
Location   Briefing room
Timeline   SD 16 - 13:30hrs
Jarred had another PADD in hand, he was less than happy that Security and Ops were dragging their heels on investigating the live fire incident that almost killed him three days ago, and he was more annoyed at the new head of Operations who seemed to be more interested in violating secure comm use than doing his own job, he'd have to remind him of that same matter like he did with Darson a few days earlier, he saw the Lieutenant as he rounded the corner on his way to meet with Dorian "Lieutenant Tan, I need to speak with you."

Slightly taken aback by the roughness of this remark, Vincent responded sarcastically. "A pleasure to see you, too. What do you want?"

Lieutenant Duquesne noticed the recent arrival of Lieutenant Wallace on the Operations level and figured it had to be something regarding his investigation. So far, the Security department had its hands full and hadn't had enough time nor the resources to give anybody an exact answer as to what happened and why a Cardassian's DNA was found near the torpedo chamber, a Cardassian who mysteriously turned up dead less than a day later. Regardless of his reason, he could tell that Jarred was far from happy.

"Lieutenant?" Duquesne said, attempting to get the man's attention. "How is the investigation coming along?"

He looked at Duquesne and tried not to snarl "The DNA was planted!" he started "the decay from the samples don't match with the Time of death on the Cardassian body that was found, there also was a trace amount of a preservative used in DNA collection in the samples found in the torpedo bay, and there's also one other inconsistency that has me really annoyed, the whereabouts of Lieutenant Tan."

"The list of people who had access to the launch bay after the exercise munitions were loaded is limited to eight people, of those eight three don't have valid alibis, You, Colonel Darson and Lieutenant Commander Gabriel." He paused waiting for the Lieutenant to lie to him.

Vincent only shrugged. He sensed that no matter how loudly or vigorously he proclaimed his innocence, it would have no effect on this man. It was quite possible that the contrary would occur. On the other hand, he was not about to admit he had been in a backroom of his own department desperately reading up on strategic operations. "Sure. I may have had access, but I had nothing to do with the incident." He shrugged again.

"Someone has a large number of access codes to vital areas of the station, I think it would be advisable if we did a station wide recoding of all of them, it would also be smart if we changed security rotations, some of the assignments haven't changed since Commander Rakka was in charge so anyone who has a good eye can pick up on the security schedule and plan anything." Jarred paused "I also suggest we crack down on smuggling and commercial traffic that is suspect, and I want to drop the hammer on Natrina and Kaia, impound their ship and lock down the bar, every time we've had an incident Kaia hasn't been on station as if she knew it was going to happen, that makes her a suspect."

Duquesne wasn't a fan of witch-hunts, and he knew that the recent activities onboard were making everybody much more paranoid than usual. He knew that if Security didn't handle the investigation, it was going to become much more complicated than necessary.

"Lieutenant, Security just removed the restrictions on Natrina's bar. We can not seize her property again, unless there is concrete evidence point towards her and some illegal activity. Unless Intelligence has more information, there is nothing that Security can do to her or her Kaia." Duquesne replied.

"Kaia is still a suspect in the theft of the transwarp prototype, and Natrina is known to participate in espionage and other illegal activities on the station, plus I have a confirmed report of Kaia being in possession of the transwarp drive." he paused "Colonel Darsons' little expedition caught something on their sensors that has been identified as a transwarp signature, one that is consistent with the warp drive prototype, plus there is other information on Kaia that is classified and I'd like to keep it that way." Jarred said hoping that would be enough to keep security busy.

As much as he hated to launch another witch-hunt, Jarrod was correct about the two. "Lieutenant, if you receive a warrant, then I will have security escort you in apprehending the two suspects." Duquesne stated in a flat tone. "As far as Lieutenant Tan is concerned, I doubt he knows more than what he has already reported to Commander Davies, if anything, he's probably still in shock over what Commander Gabriel tried to do to him." He said as he stood up.

"So what do you suggest happens next?" He asked.

"Let it out that Dorian is only being held on the one public incident, and that person guilty of the live fire incident was killed in a shoot out on one of the lower decks, see if that flushes out the real guilty party or lulls them into a false sense of security." Jarred said, "one other matter, Lieutenant Tan if I catch you or Darson playing spy on the Black channel again I'll arrest both of you and personally execute the two of you for treason, am I clear?" Jarred snarled.

"No more fiddling," Vincent said, putting up his hands in mock surrender. He wondered why, if they were so concerned about security, they had discussed all their arrangements in front of him, but he dismissed the thought.


Lieutenant J.G.
Michael Duquesne
Tactical Officer

Lt. Jarred Wallace
CIO DS5 - TF21

Lt. j.g. Vincent Tan
Chief Strategic Operations Officer