Interlude – Lost
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek

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Title   Lost
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek
Posted   Tue Sep 21, 2010 @ 10:15pm
Location   Romulan Embassy
Timeline   SD 33, morning
Tag   are we ready to sogn off and post?
Yolanthe's search still hadn't turned up Klia. It was like she'd disappeared entirely. She wasn't lurking in any of the bars or the public holosuites. The admins hadn't seen her. The guy at Guess Who's Coming To Dinner hadn't seen her either. And as far as the statuesque bokkai was aware, Klia hadn't yet found a regular partner to help with her species' heightened sexual drive, so that wasn't an avenue for investigation.

But she wasn't prepared to go to security until she'd exhausted every thing she could manage herself. So now she was going to have to go to the last place she wanted to go. She knew Klia and Rianni had had a long drinking session together the evening after the party. It was a long shot, but Klia may have sought the half-Romulan out for a shoulder to cry on.

The turbolift pinged open and presented her with the entrance lobby of the romulan consulate. Taking a deep breath she stepped forward, and only hesitated a moment before heading towards the reception

But before she could even take a few steps, a pair of hands felt onto her shoulders to halt her. "Hold it right there, Ms. Ibalin," one of the guards said. He was tall for a Romulan, but not nearly as tall as Yolanthe of course. "I'm afraid you can't proceed any further."

Caught by surprise, her body flashed through all the colours of the spectrum. She was shifting her weight and was moving her hands towards those of the Romulan on her right before she realised they were men. Just as quickly she squashed her initial instinct and forced her hands down. Her body stayed a shade of marigold.

Then she thought about what had just been said. "What? But I haven't even got to reception?"

"I've been instructed to turn you around or detain you. You may leave peacefully if you wish or you may wait for the Head of Security and discuss the situation with her. She's been notified of your arrival and is on her way."

"Detain me?" Yolanthe threw off the restraining hands with an irritated shrug, but made no further move to go forward. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. What had she done? "Hell yes, I want to talk to t'Merek!"

After a few moments, the familiar figure of Arrienye t'Merek rounded the corner and made it's way to them. Her step was confident as she came closer and then stopped in front of Ibalin.

"Ms. Ibalin. Is there a problem?" The question was asked of the two guards after she gave the Bokkai a small nod in greeting.

"Your men say that I can't come in." Yolanthe didn't bother to hide the contempt she felt for any woman who hid behind males. "I only want to ask Rianni t'Khellian a question. They won't even let me go to reception. That's a bit petty for being barred, don't you think?"

Rianni was wandering up at that time, on her way to see Isha, when she saw the start of what might become a very bad confrontation in front of her aunt's embassy, ~Oh, frack me, this ain't good.~

"Petty? Oh! You think this has something to do with you banning me?" Arrienye actually laughed at that. "Please! Come back down to the ground, Ibalin! You're a security risk to the Consulate because of your involvement with the Cardassian Embassy, not because I want revenge for something as stupid as being banned from a bar," the woman told her, motioning for the men to stand back at their posts. "I'm afraid you're the only one in this room that gets her personal feelings involved in her business."

Yolanthe laughed. "I'm flattered you think I'm so dangerous. I really am. But that's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard." She lowered her head to put her eyes level with the romulan's "And if I let my feelings get in the way of business its because i have some. I protect my boys, t'Merek. Not hide behind them."

"Unlike your 'boys', these are men, not little weaklings that blush and cower under the slightest bit of intimidation. And trust me, no one in this room is hiding behind anyone," Arrienye told her, her voice firm and even as she took a step towards the much taller woman, un-intimidated by her towering figure.

"Men? Of Course." She glanced at the guards hovering a few steps away. "And how typically Romulan to mistake being sweet and gentle for being weak." Yolanthe spat.

"That isn't a mistake, it's a fact. And at least I keep my thoughts and affairs out in the open, instead of sneaking around the people I'm close to." Arrienye had seen how Yolanthe looked around every time Getal was mentioned. It didn't take a scientist to figure out she wanted to make sure her Orion friend was out of earshot.

The bokkai's skin burnt through a dozen shades of yelllow, each brighter than the last, until her hair was white and her skin was almost as blinding. "Really?" Yolanthe snarled. Well, her and Getal wasn't the only affair that was being talked about. T'Merek's cousin's attraction to Ma'erlit hadn't gone unnoticed, it was all some of her staff could talk about. "Better sneaking round than being such a foul, uncaring, cow that my own family can't rely on me for support and would rather get love from a 'weaker' species."

Arrienye blinked a moment, her jaw dropping. ~Did she just say that?! The bitch!~ she asked herself. Glancing over at the two guards, took a deep breath to try and calm herself, to push down the welt of anger that was bubbling its way to the surface. It didn't work. Before that moment, Arrienye's common sense had always prevailed, leading her quietly, in a very controlled manner, to control.

But this time, Arrienye's feelings for her family prevailed and before any of the four other people in the room knew what was happening, Arrienye pulled back and then, with all her strength, punched the Bokkai square in her sunny little face.

Yolanthe noticed t'Merek's weight shift a fraction of a second before she swung, but didn't bother to avoid. She just braced herself and took it. She'd taken worse. As it was, stars exploded in front of her eyes, pain blossomed across her cheek, and her head snapped around as the Romulan's fist connected with the side of her face. Silver blood splattered the floor where the skin under her eyebrow split.

The bokkai straightened slowly, wiping the blood from her eye, her body now pure white from head to toe. She flicked the droplets from her face onto the floor, recentering her balance with a roll of the shoulders. She'd had enough of this interefering harridan. SHe didn't care if the guards behind got involved and beat her to a pulp. She just wanted a piece of t'Merek's smug pointy eared arse.

But you always let them come to you, that way you could see what they going to pull. "Bring it on, bitch."

~Oh, damn it! Now I have to get involved.~ Rianni sighed internally, moving to get between them.

"You wish," Arrienye spat, slightly shocked at her own lack of control. She couldn't let it happen again. Even if the bitch did the deserve it. Imagine, bringing up her family like that. But if Yolanthe did try something more, and deep down Arrienye was hoping she would, she wouldn't hesitate to hit back. She watched the guards step forward, eyeing her, waiting for orders.

"Okay, okay, ladies, let's knock it off, huh?" Rianni interrupted, shooting the guards a look, "And you guys go somewhere else. That's an order, shoo!"

As the guards left, deciding they probably didn't want to disobey the most powerful Subcommander in the region, Rianni turned back and forth between Arrienye and Yolanthe, "So, anybody want to pour me a big cold glass of what the frack?"

Arrienye sighed audibly. This woman really had an ugly, annoying habit to poke her nose into other peoples' business. "This is a personal matter, Subcommander. Which escalated from a Security matter. I was informing Ibalin that she's been flagged as a Security risk and can't come into the Consulate without an escort when she started taking a pop at my family."

"I'm not taking a pop at your family, arrain, I'm taking a pop at you, for being a bitter stuck up harpie who cannot tolerate her own cousins happiness." Yolanthe shot back

"How dare you bring my family into this, you color-swapping slut!" Arrienye snapped back, taking another step towards the taller woman.

"Seriously, guys, did I start speaking Greek?" Rianni asked the departing guards, cutting them off before they answered, "Rhetorical question, guys, carry on. Now, what part of knock it the frack off did neither of you understand?"

"Yolanthe, Arrain t'Merek is the Chief of Security here and she says you're a security risk, that's her call to make, you just have to live with it." Rianni began then, not wanting t'Merek to think she was taking her side over Yolanthe's, "And let's not let it get personal, Arrain. Even if she started it like you said she did you're a Romulan officer and should be above that. We're Romulans, Arrain, we're better than that."

"Now, what brings you by, Yolanthe?" Rianni asked, "Maybe I can help you and we can break up the sewing circle here."

The Bokkai gingerly felt her swelling eye, but didn't take her attention off Arrienye to answer Rianni. The pilot was right, she had to focus on why she was here, not take it out on t'Merek. "I was looking for my partner, Klia. I thought she might have come to see you."

"No, she hasn't, I'm afraid." Rianni shook her head, she knew something was wrong with Yolanthe, "What's wrong, Yolanthe?"

The bar tender hesitated. She didn't want to admit to what happened in front of the Arrain. But withholding definitely wouldn't find Klia. "We had a fight, and now she's missing." The white of her body started to pick up shades of grey, darkening as she spoke. "I've looked everywhere." Including, now, here. "but nothing..."

"Okay, then we'll help you." Rianni nodded, placing a hand on Yolanthe's shoulder, "Arrain t'Merek, I need to borrow six of your best men. And, before you object, I know you don't like Yolanthe, and I know you flat out fracking hate me, but my friend is out there somewhere on this station in God knows what kind of mental state and if something happens to her I'll never be able to forgive myself if I don't pull out all the stops."

"If you're worried about how the Ambassador will react, you tell her it was my idea and I'll take every degree of the heat for it myself." Rianni continued, "And the Tal Shiar can come break me on the rack for it if they'd like, but I will know my friend is safe."

Arrienye looked from one woman to the other before giving the Subcommander a nod. "Alright. I will have six men briefed on the situation in twenty minutes. And why would I hate you?" She asked the last in complete confusion. She had calmed down for the most part by now, regretting her reaction.

"Well, if you don't, you give a damned good impression of someone who does." Rianni replied, remembering being afraid for a second that t'Merek was going to shoot her for the kiss, ~Yeah, that might not have been my best move.~ "Thank you, Arrienye."

"It's no problem. Afterward I actually found it a bit....funny," Arrienye admitted, not really minding the Subcommander using her first name. It was hardly a typical situation.

"Funny?" Rianni raised an eyebrow, unsure whether to be relieved or insulted, ~Guess I'm not her type or something...~ "Anyway, we need to get on this, thank you."

"No problem, Subcommander," Arrienye nodded. "And I found it funny because of all the things someone could do to see why a woman would turn down a man's gift, the idea of them dragging the woman to a corner and kissing her was definitely not something I'd think of." Arrienye smiled then for the first time to Rianni, shaking her head slightly.

"Greeks are pretty straight to the point." Rianni shrugged, "You'll get used to me."

"Yes, I'm sure," Arrienye nodded. "I will go get the six officers," she told her calmly. "Subcommander," she nodded to Rianni, then turned to Yolanthe. "Ibalin."

Yolanthe nodded, not bothering to hide her smirk at hearing how t'Merek had been surprised by Rianni. "Arrain." Then she turned to Rianni, suddenly uncomfortable, after their misunderstanding. "Thank you. Its more than I was expecting."

"Klia is my friend." Rianni nodded, nothing more needed to be said in her mind. She was a Greek, and loyalty to one's friends and family was valued even above one's own self preservation.

For the first time in hours, hints of blue began to creep into Yolanthe's colouring. "I'm very grateful. Let's get started."


A JP Between
Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner of The Box Of Delights
Now with a beautiful black eye


Arrain Arrienye t'Merek
Head of Security
Romulan Consulate
With a surprisingly short fuse


erie'Riov Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
CO, IRW Dhelan
Who so did not want to get in the middle of that fight