Interlude – Guilty Feelings
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   Guilty Feelings
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Thu Sep 16, 2010 @ 8:09pm
Location   Cardassian Embassy
Timeline   SD 32, 10.30 (after Awkward Questions)

For a long time Yolanthe stared at Tharek's ceiling, her thoughts churning as much as her skin tone, which was blending from grey to amber to yellow as different thoughts surfaced. She should go and see Klia. Apologise, say she was sorry, and smooth things over. Except that Klia would ask her to chose, between herself and Tharek.

Partly she was mad that everyone was interfering, especially Klia. It wasn't any more Klia's business than it was t'Merek's. Back home, it had been everyone's business, and she didn't have to put up with that shit any more. Her life, her choice, finally, to say yes or no, to have one or many and so what if she chose someone no-one else seemed to like. Weapons, fighting... she could at least talk to Tharek about those things. Klia didn't understand.

And partly she was ashamed. It had been Klia who'd really helped her adapt and fit in to the culture of the alpha quadrant. Introduced her to so many new experiences, and concepts, art, literature, music. And she'd lied to her, ignored her, and treated her like an idiot. Treated her like shit.

She let out a long sigh, and threw back the sheets. Some kind soul had cleaned the drink stains out of her clothes and she pulled them on. She had to go and apologise. She'd been exactly what Klia had called her. And Klia was probably not going to forgive her, but she had to do it. The orion girl deserved at least the chance to shout at her again, and reject the apology.

But to go apologise for sleeping with Tharek straight from his bed might not be the most politic thing to do. She'd leave it until after work tonight, give Klia a chance to come to her.


Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner, The Box of Delights, and bad friend