Interlude – The Scaley Brass
by Seth Mahuri & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Cardassian Gilnn Denat Meran

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Title   The Scaley Brass
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Seth Mahuri & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Cardassian Gilnn Denat Meran
Posted   Fri Oct 29, 2010 @ 9:05pm
Location   Cardassian Consulate
Timeline   SD28 Afternoon
Seth tripped on the carpet out of the turbo-lift and fell to the floor inside the Cardassian Embassy. He looked up with a stunned looked to see 3 Cardassians standing and staring at him, unsure what to do. Denat tapped one of the others on the shoulder, dismissing them both and they disappeared into the bowels of the facility.

"Fancy seeing you again!" He joked, helping the man up. "Just didn't expect you here."

"Neither did I, Denat" He replied, but Denat raised his hand and pursed his lips.

"Csh, csh, csh" He silenced Seth. "When others are on duty, it is preferred you call them by rank. Just an FYI, so call me Gilnn Meran." Denat advised.

"Oh right. Sorry and thanks, then." He replied.

"Now then, what can I do for you?" Denat asked, hoping for him to see Tharek, so that he could check on him.

"Well, I am actually here by accident, perhaps the computer misunderstood me; but seeing as I'm here now, perhaps you could introduce me to your Ambassador? I need to get my foot in the door on other cultures, so to speak." Seth answered, wanting to meet the elusive Tharek.

"Ofcourse. You should speak to Lemat then, I don't know where she has gone though. I'm sure if you wait, she will scuttle along for you. I have some small matters to attend to, are you alright on your own?" Denat asked, just making sure Seth didn't feel uncomfortable in the low-dimmed hall.

"Nah, I should be fine!" Seth reassured. "But if you hear a shriek, wait for the faint sound of a body dropping, then come and get me!" He laughed whole-heartedly with Denat, who found his humour very friendly.

"Haha! Ofcourse. Then i'll run to your rescue soon then!" Denat continued as he entered the turbo-lift, which left Seth alone in the room.

Seth walked to a small set of sofa's and a coffee table with a crafted obsidian order symbol: Seth admired the work effort and detail of this. 'Maybe Denat should have stayed' Seth began to think, feeling the walls slowly close into him, due to the minimal lighting. Then, breaking the eery silence, a Cardassian women walked along the hard corridor from the middle, holding a padd which she did'nt stray her eyes from, and set behind what Seth would assume to be her desk. "Ahem." Seth cleared his throat to be acknowleged by her.

"Hello and welcome to the Cardassian embassy, how can I help you today?" Lemat said in a tone that was obviously rehearsed.

"Uhh, I'm here to see Tharek?" Seth said in an awkward voice.

"Do you have an appointment with the Vi'kar Gul?" She asked again, not moving her head up still.

"No. I was hoping he would be free." He told her.

Lemat sighed, before tapping the intercomm. "Sir, a mister... "

"Mahuri. Ra Seth Mahuri." He cited.

"Mahuri." She said down into the comm. A static reply came back, with the words "Send him in." following. Lemat quickly waved over a guard.

"Please, remove all weapons, communicators and electronical devices." The guard said as he towered down on Seth.

Seth stood and removed the impressive shiny pip communicator on his collar and put it in the recieving hand. Then, he unholstered his large pistol that was coupled on his belt and handed that to the guard aswell.

"That is all" He spoke between the guard and Lemat, unsure who to proceed with.

The guard motioned his head in the direction he should go. A black door, that obviously looked armoured.

Seth walked calmly, but with an uneven pace to the door and pressed the button to the left of it.

"Enter." The dark response came. Tharek's voice echoed down the foyer, and into the minds of everyone present in the embassy.

Seth, rather innocently, strolled in with a smile, unaware of the vocal mood Tharek had just set. Seth walked forwards into an extremely low-lit room and could only make out two hands spread wide on a large desk. He felt the ridges on his back move to the sensation of his ears twitching. Seth waited to be addressed, worried incase one false move would put him in jepoardy

"Please mister... Mahuri? Sit."

Seth sat opposite the Cardassian, who was now distinguishable by the contours of his face, and the very dominant krilatbre-yezul.

"Yes, Seth Mahuri." He clarified

"What can I do for you today mister Mahuri? And please, make it brief, I have more pressing business to attend to." Tharek said, coming forward into the dim light.

"Err." Seth's minds was compeltely blank: he had nothing to bring forward, nor anything to discuss. "I just thought I should formally introduce my self. Saoirs Correspondant Seth Mahuri." He cited and extended his hand forward.

Tharek took his hand, and squeezed hard. "Saoirs?" He asked, fading back into the darkness as he released his constrictor-like grip.

"Yes, relatively new, apparently. Not fair from your space though: We gave you that dilithium moon in our system to help you rebuild." He said.

"Oh! That Saoirs. Yes, I remember." He replied. "Tell me mister Mahuri. Are you opposed to the Cardassian race?"

"Opposed?" Seth asked. "Do I hear a sense of anger in your voice? Because it takes two to tango." Seth raised his stakes.

"Not at all. I'm just wondering if you are like the others. The Romulans. The Federation. Do you despise Cardassia mister Mahuri?" Tharek said as he sat forward, and glared down on Seth.

"Cardassia is to me as is a traveller: None of my business and certainly none of theirs." Seth responded, disliking the mans threatening stare.

"A wise policy." Tharek said, sitting back once again.

"So, I have heard things about you, Ambassador. Which leads me to ask, what kind of political friendship is established between us?" Seth wanted to know bluntly how Tharek plays his cards.

"Political friendship? Heard things? Come now, your taking me for some sort of... Secret politician. I can assure you mister Mahuri, that I am a Cardassian Ambassador to the Central Command, and the Obsidian Order." Tharek said with some pride leaking into his tone.

"Nevertheless, Many people speak of you in the unfriendly part of the relationship spectrum, I'm just curious as to whether I should be friend or foe." Seth asked.

"Ask yourself if being in my way is better than being at my side before you make snap decisions." Tharek replied quickly.

"That wasn't a snap decision, before you judge me." Seth pointed out. "And how do you mean, at your side?"

"If you aren't an enemy, your a friend." Tharek replied. "I'm just wondering which you are. Answer me with yes or no. Are you a friend?"

"It is my interest to benefit from Neutrality. In circumstance, I'm neither friend or foe. But I favour the satisfaction of cooperating rather than lash spitefully like vicious animals."

"A sound judgement from a sound man." Tharek said, nodding his head in slight respect at the man. Only slight.

Seth could see from the small time that he had been with Tharek was that he was a player that was open to suggestion and would do anything to achieve his objectives. Anything. Seth came for what he wanted to know and a little more. "Well, glad to meet you, Sir." He rised and extended for another handsake.

Tharek rised too, standing a fraction taller than the man. "Pleasure." He took his hand, and gripped hard, trying to figure the mans intentions as he shook.

Seth had to force his hand out of the dominating hand that grasped his. "Then until next time." He begun to show himself out by crossing to the door, with it automatically opening, revealing the gawping corridor.

"Safe travels Ambassador." Tharek said smugly.


Ra Seth Mahuri
Saoirs Correspondant


Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Cardassian Dictator


Gilnn Denat Meran
Cheif of Cardassian Embassy Security