Time is Fleeting – Something afoot?
by Commander Richard Dunham & Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   Something afoot?
Mission   Time is Fleeting
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham & Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Mon Aug 31, 2009 @ 6:07pm
Location   Security
Timeline   SD 14 - 7:00 hrs
Gabriel sat in his chair and and put his head down on his desk with the light off in his office as he tried to stop the pounding that was hammering through his head. All he wanted was to just sit in darkness and quiet for the remainder of the day, hell for the remainder of the week if possible.

Yesterdays conversation with Mr Tan had got Rick a little worried. It had been on his mind for a while now and he really wanted to put the issue to bed. He had never had that sort of chat with any other starfleet officer in his carrier. It wasn't the sort of thing that a man in his line of work would do or consider. He was a fighter pilot life was simple. Rick thought he might have a chat with the one man on the station who could make a bit of sense of it. The office doors to Security were open so he just went straight in. When he got to Gabriel's office he said "knock knock"

Dorian groaned as he realized that his dream would not be realized. ~Where the hell was that secretary? Wasn't it her job to stop people from bothering me?~ Dorian looked up from his desk at the figure that approached his desk.

"Yes?" He asked.

Dunham opened the door and stuck his head around seeing that he looked tired he decided not to press his normally chirpy self on the superior officer. "Good morning sir. I was wandering if we could have a quick chat about Lieutenant JG Vincent Tan?"

That piqued his interest to a certain degree. "What about him?" Gabriel asked as his vision came into focus and recognized Lt. Dunham one of the few reasonable people serving on the station. "What do you know about him?" he asked.

Dunham made his way into the office and stood at a sort of attention before his superior officer. It was very early in the morning.

"We are both new to the station, he is a good officer, nice fella, got me and mine out of a scrape with that Romulan war head in the debris field and the bloke likes Vic Bitter. But sir before I carry on I want to say that I think he is a sound guy, but we had what I can only describe as an odd talk over a drink. The sort of things we discussed are not not sort of things a would chat about with a fellow starfleet officer while off duty. But the sort of thing Intel or Security officers might discuss while at work. He asked me if I found it odd that CO's missing, sabotage, traps in wreckage. He then went onto that there were types on this base that seemed questionable to him and that due to the way some officers acted that the conspiracy rumors might have some truth to them. I asked him in my own sort of way to explain what rumors as I had heard none. He said they were about corruption and selling of starfleet medical supplies. He was surprised that I had not heard such rumors and suggested I should keep an eye out for such things. I'm a fighter pilot sir this sort of thing is really not my area. Do you know what I mean?"

Gabriel perked up as he continued to listen to the officer. "He's barely been on this station for a month, what the hell does he know about conspiracies?" Gabriel asked as his mind tried to pierce thru the haze and focus on the situation at hand. "Who did he refer to in these 'conspiracies?' Gabriel inquired.

Dunham scratched his chin in thought. "He didn't say any names sir." He shrugged. "He dunno sir. I know this sounds a bit weird, but it was like he was trying to get info out of me you know?"

"What information would you have, you're just a pilot." Gabriel asked. "More importantly, what info would he go fishing for from a pilot? I've never liked him, and now he's going on a fishing expedition." Gabriel added.

"I like fishing. Fly fishing the most, wonder if I can get any Adams dry fly out on this tub of metal?" Dunham realized he was getting way off point and gave himself a mental slap. "Anyway that's my point sir. I am just pilot. That's why it didn't make sense: Whats a stick jock like me gonna know about this sort of thing. I dunno maybe it was just gossip. Or maybe he may ask others the same thing?" Dunham said.

Gabriel nodded his head as he thought about it. "Thank you for bringing this to my attention, Lieutenant. My department will handle it from here." he replied. "Will that be all?" Gabriel asked.

Dunham got up from his seat and stood smartly to attention. "No Sir. Thank you sir" and with a smart salute he turned and left the office. Wondering to himself if he had done the best thing for starfleet, or betrayed a friend.


Lt. Cmdr.
Dorian Gabriel
Chief of Security


Lt Richard Dunham
Squadron Leader