Judgement – Help from unlikely places
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant T'Pal

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Title   Help from unlikely places
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant T'Pal
Posted   Sun Jun 26, 2011 @ 5:05pm
Location   SS Matthias & Deep Space 5
Timeline   SD 37 - 02:00hrs
"Are you sure about this?" The Old Man said as he continued to read the padd in front of him on his desk. His voice reached an uncharacteristically higher tone. He looked between the two employees sitting before him for a more definitive answer.

"How did Arthur Glaston come to Deep Space 5 and we not know about it until just now!?!" The Old Man asked angrily.

"Mr. Raddon, the reason he went untraceable was because he went through extensive lengths to avoid detection." Mer'ci stated in her regular calm tone.

"What do you mean?" The Old Man replied.

"He traveled under the name of his granddaughter and several other aliases in order to reach the station. It was uncharacteristic for the man to go through so much just to fly under the radar." Mer'ci stated in response to Mr. Raddon's inquiry.

"So then what the hell is he doing on the station!?" The Old Man asked. It was evident that he was concerned about whether his competitor planned on opening a new location or research facility onboard the Starfleet installation. If so, then it would certain cause complications for Melvyn Raddon's on future plans.

"It appears as if he was seeking medical attention." The woman answered. "Our sources indicated that his health has been deteriorating for several months now to the point where he has not made any public appearances outside of subspace communications." She added.

Raddon paused for several moments as he thought about the situation. From what he knew of Glaston's situation, the man had contracted a Cardassian disease that had whittled away at his body over the past decade. His own research had determined that the rival would require a full central and autonomic nervous system replacement if he planned on seeing another year.

But what if that never occurred?

"Leave." The Old Man said in a dismissive tone that his employees had come to expect from years of service. Mr. Raddon waited until both women had left his office before he opened a secure outbound channel. Within moments he turned his attention to the screen before him as the link attempted to establish itself with Deep Space 5.

T'Pal was just coming back into her hotel room, when her console beeped. She pulled back the tight hood from the custom suit she used for when she did her intelligence gathering in places she was not supposed to by law. Others would call it breaking and entering....

The code on her screen informed her of the identity of the person on the other side, so she sat down and opened the channel. "I didn't expect to hear from you already...." T'Pal said, having spoken to him just over twenty four hours ago, although she had gathered the information he had wanted ~So there must be another reason for his call....~

"Hopefully things are going well for you." He said, attempting to said a courteous tone.

"I am well thank you...." she answered curiously at his tone. "If you give me a secure data channel from your side, I can transfer the information I have on the businesses you wanted...." she said.

Raddon nodded. "Go ahead, but I wanted to talk to you about something more pressing." he said as his transmitted the necessary information to her computer. "There is an individual arriving on the station by the name of Arthur Glaston." He began.

"A very troubling individual. He's amassed a fortune in biological weapon manufacture and distribution." Raddon said in a measured tone. "It is detestable the extent that he has gone through to test and develop his products." he continued.

"I've recently learned that he has arrived on Deep Space 5, perhaps to undergo some sort of medical treatment." He said as he transmitted an image of Glaston and information on his vessel. "It would be in the Federation's best interest if he. . .were not to survive his procedure." he concluded.

He understood that she did not kill for killing's sake or for money only. Reading through the information, she nodded slowly. "Seems so indeed..... I will take care of it," she agreed. For a brief moment, her thoughts went to Bradshaw, who wanted to contract her to get rid of the very man she was talking to. "Let me know if you need any more information of the businesses...." she said.

Raddon smiled, "Indeed I shall, there is significant news that I care to share with you once the Matthias has arrived at Deep Space Five." he replied. "Raddon out" he concluded.

"Interesting. . . ." a voice from behind the Old Man stated calmly.

"I thought I ordered you all to leave, not to eavesdrop." He replied smartly.

"Interesting that you would paint Mr. Glaston as some kind of war criminal." Mer'ci replied without addressing the insubordination. "I especially enjoyed the 'interest of the Federation' part." She smiled.

"Ha, my dear girl. I thought you would have learned by now: What is in my best interest is always the Federation's best interest." Raddon replied in a direct manner.

T'Pal had a faint smile around the corners of her mouth. She was pleased that she had a hit, killing was in her blood and she preferred that to other work. After getting out of her clothes, she doned on a robe and relaxed on her couch, reading through the information Raddon had sent her. She had her own sense of values, warped as it might seem to others. As long as she could find some reason in assasinating someone, regardless of the motivation of her contractor, it satisfied the Klingon in her.


Security Consultant of sorts

Melvyn Raddon
Chairman and CEO
Raddon Corp.