Things Past – The Nelvana Excursion (Part 2)
by Lieutenant JG Saria Rex

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Title   The Nelvana Excursion (Part 2)
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Saria Rex
Posted   Mon Oct 01, 2012 @ 7:20pm
Location   Runabout Nile on course to Nelvana System
Timeline   SD58, 0800h

David was having a dream about a ceremony at the Daystrom Institute where he was recognized for exceptional contribution to the advancement of warp technology and theory. For some reason though, the band at the ceremony broke into rock music. David was startled at the sudden jump in volume that he almost jumped out of bed. Rock music? David thought. Who on this ship would listen to that? "Computer, who's listening to that music?" David asked.

"The music genre of rock music was chosen at request of Lieutenant Rex to be played in the cockpit." The computer replied.

"Saria? Rock music?" Davi said as he sat up and put his feet on the floor while sitting on his bed. He got up and changed into his uniform and walked over to the replicator. "Sumatran Coffee, hot with cream and cane sugar. Recipe under Ensign Straggard." David said as the replicator made his coffee. David had programmed some of his favorite foods and drinks into the stations replicator files and also synchronized them with the Runabout. David brought the coffee with him and walked into the cockpit. "Loud enough for ya?" David asked Saria.

Saria shocked, and looked around. "Oh, David. It's you!" She said, surprised. "Well, my taste for Earth music grew when I lived in New Orleans, you see?" She smirked, lowering the volume of the song.

"New Orleans? When were you there?" David asked. He sat down next to Saria in the other pilot seat and was looking through the sensor logs and monitoring the course.

"Pretty long for an average Trill. 12 years, actually." She said. "So I became adapted to it's culture."

"Speaking of trills. I know you've been around for awhile and well... I'm talking about us. How long are you going to live?" David stopped tapping the keys on the panel and just paused for a few seconds. He looked at Saria. "After the night on the holodeck and in your quarters... well." David looked to Saria for an answer.

Saria bit on her lip. "If everything will flow smoothly, I'll probably live just as long you will." She said. "For the other part of me... I have no idea. Usually, symbionts around the age of 500 years old will return to the Caves of Mak'ala, but I'm 1200 years old, and the symbiont still hasn't grown very much."

David got up and went over to Saria and gave her a hug. He kissed her on the neck and said, "I love you Saria." David went back over to his seat and continued working on the ships navigation logs. David paused for a second. "I guess that makes you a cougar in some way then?" David was trying to lighten the mood with some humor.

Saria smirked, looking toward David. "I see we're on the same frequency, don't you think?" She said, inserting data into the main computer. "Though, I'm not having spots everywhere on my body."

David chuckled lightly as he finished up on the navigation controls. He set the ship's controls back to autopilot. "Okay, roughly 36 hours to he edge of the Nelvana System. So far long range scans show nothing unusual." David said. "Join me for breakfast?" David asked Saria.

Saria raised her eyebrow upon hearing breakfast. "Oh yes. I haven't eaten in a while so I guess some food will do it." She said.

David walked over to the replicator. "Scrambled eggs, buttered toast, 2 strips of bacon. 2 orders." David said. The replicator materialized 2 plates with food. "Hmmm..." David picked up the 2 plates. "Coffee for you, Saria?" David asked as he brought her plate to her.

Saria smirked. "Red Leaf tea, please." She said. "I thought you knew." She continued with a teasing eyebrow. "But the rest of it sounds delicious!"

David smiled awkwardly. How could he forget? "Red leaf tea and coffee with cream and sugar, strong." David said to the replicator. He bought the drinks over toward Saria and sat down across from her. David started to eat. "So how did you sleep?" David asked.

"Well..." Saria began, as she took a nip from a tea. "I might've fallen asleep in the chair for just an hour. I was doing some routines on the ship, and I was checking the astronomical data from around us. I always find it interesting to discover new things, you know..." She smiled.

"Anything unusual from the Nelvana System? I didn't detect anything" David asked. He was expecting an answer when something beeped from the cockpit. David got up and raised his index finger up at Saria to show that he will be back in a moment. He briskly walked into the cockpit and typed in some keys on the panel. "Detecting small Romulan shuttle entering the Nelvana System, they're cloaking." David said cautiously. "According to the course they were on, they were approaching Nelvana 3. I'm charting a course to Nelvana 3." David said as he typed keys in. "We'll be arriving in 35 hours."


Ensign David Straggard
Propulsion Specialist

Lieutenant JG Saria Rex
Chief Science Officer