Judgement – A Combined Effort - Part 2
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Colonel James Darson & Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant Vincent Tan & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Lieutenant JG Taleria von Alesk & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   A Combined Effort - Part 2
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Colonel James Darson & Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant Vincent Tan & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Lieutenant JG Taleria von Alesk & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Tue Sep 21, 2010 @ 9:52pm
Location   Ops
Carstairs blushed right up to the roots of his curly blond hair, "I didn't mean to imply ..." which he did. "I meant no offence," he backtracked. "Unfortunately Commander Villiers is in conference all day and I am the next best expert on these matters."

"We do have other officers in the sector though." Kreallia said with a hushed tone from the outer ring of the pack, staying slightly removed from everyone else. "But another thing we would have to address is how they would be tried, Rihannsu or by Federation law, both legal systems are entirely different in some respects. Speaking from a purely psychological point of view they would most likely want some sort of assurance they would be tried fairly." Kreallia continued as she took a step or two forward as she mused over the scenario, trying to take a look into the accused parties psychological state.

"We are already agreed that an interstellar court is the way to go, t'Jay," Isha said," Be the culprits Klingon, Breen, Romulan or any of the multiduninous Federation races ... they will be represented. Lieutenant Carstairs was merely attempting to explain his continued presence, and though it pains me to admit it, from the Federation side, he is the acknowledged authority on such matters, if one discounts Commander Villiers. But your words are correct, we are looking here for a fair trial, not a lynching, and that will involve all relevant governments. As to the precise law, we may adapt the edicts used in the aftermath of the Dominion War."

Tasha steepled her fingers, intrigued at the ramifications that such edicts could project.

~One little question~ thought Dunham to himself as watched the tension bar raise in the room several degrees, then back down again a little, but not as far. He saw Rianni's look and winked back.

Darson had remained quiet so far in the discussion, letting the words flow over him. Finally, he placed his hand on the table just loud enough to get everybody’s attention, “…In the wake of World War II on Terra, after the Axis had been defeated, the leaders of the allied powers were left with the question of how to deal with those still alive who had held responsibility for the events of the war. Over a period of time they discussed. After various plans, including summary execution and the Morgenthau plan fell through, the leaders of the powers eventually decided on an international tribunal, held jointly between them.”

He tapped the table, “An old example and a little different from our current situation, but one I feel is appropriate none the less,” he directed his hard stare at Rianni and R’vek. She seemed perfectly content to not mention their argument that had taken place prior to this, and he was just fine with that, “The Admiral’s plan…is acceptable. Lieutenant Carstairs is also correct. In fact, everybody that has taken part in this little conversation has had a valid point. However,” his tone became flat and he looked at Dunham, “Because of Lieutenant Dunham here, we’re getting a little ahead of ourselves. You’re all talking about how we’re going to deal with prisoners, but how the hell are we going to get them? Just invite them to come on in and sit before a court of law? I think not.”

He addressed Rianni again. In these circumstances it was necessary to grill the proponent of the operation, something that he had been through numerous times. It was nothing personal…this time, “This operation you’re proposing. While it sounds nice in theory, what you’re really asking for is something far more complicated. A multi-national taskforce spread out over hundreds of light-years. Logistical issues aside, how are you going to find these pirates and how much force would you be willing to commit to this endeavour? One warship does not a pirate-killing taskforce make,” As he spoke, a plan, one that had started a couple of days ago when he had become aware of the Romulan ship and the proposed pirate operation, began to sneak into his thoughts again

Dunham swivelled in his chair to face Lieutenant Tan. "How many starships do we have in the area Mr Tan?"

"Depends on what you call "area", Mr Dunham. We have two," Vincent responded, fiddling with his PADD. "The USS Cabot and USS Portsmouth, two defiant class ships on patrol in the Tarod sector. The Romulans have six D'talla class warbirds near the Typhon Expanse." Here Vincent paused at looked pointedly at the Romulan ambassador. "They must have drifted up from their war games near Iconia last month. In any case, those warbirds are closer to us than our own ships." Vincent made no mention of the Federation fleet he knew had been sent to Iconia to mirror the Romulan wargames.

Looking like he had just gone ten rounds with a squad of Klingon marines Jarred limped in and took a back seat, trying to limit his visibility, he took a seat and tried to get a feel for the room, other than the sense of some unease it was pretty normal for DS5.

Tasha shook her head in disbelief at what was happening before her. She leant back on the chair, amused as ever by Darson’s input, but now the talk was moving to Starships and warships and she did not relish the situation and its tensions in the least.

"People, we are losing focus on what this meeting was initially called for. We are not going out for vengeance, or to hand over prisoners to whoever. We are the Federation and as such, there is one person who is not yet here, who has both the ability and knowledge to advise our best recourse and can lay out the plans for what is to be expected from us." She pushed her chair backwards and stood. "Commander Villiers will be here shortly and may I suggest we await her arrival before we make any decision in haste that we may come to regret later."

Darson stood as well and slammed his hand down on the table, “Seconded! Oh, my Captain…your words have moved my black heart…how I have missed you!” he wiped an imaginary tear from his mask and gave a dramatic sniff, “Though for the record,” he continued in a thoughtful yet decisive tone as he cupped his chin in his hand, “I regret nothing! Except maybe that one time where I ordered my steak medium instead of medium-rare. Like it nice and pink on the inside…that folly haunts me to this day. But other than that, nope. Don’t regret a thing.”

Jarred tried not to groan as Darson started his usual montage, he caught a glance of the collection of bruises on his face and neck, the worst one was from the surprisingly vicious slapshot from Ka'nhar, a visiting Klingon who happened to also be one of the few Klingons he knew who played ice hockey, well as good as a klingon could.

Not for the first time, Dunham gave some serious thought and wonder to the mental state of Colonel James Darson. He had heard the rumours from some marines that the man sat on a throne in his command centre; very ostentatious. He also wore that armour and cloak; very pretentious. Dunham just rubbed his brow with his fingers, and prayed to the powers that be that the man would stop embarrassing himself.

Carstairs groaned inwardly, after his embarrassing mistake with the Ambassador he had hoped to sit in his chair un-noticed unless someone asked him something specific but it seemed it was just not his day. "Captain Tahir," he said politely, "Commander Villiers will not be attending this meeting, that's why I'm here. She is in 'conference' all day with HQ about an important upcoming case," he said politely avoiding looking anywhere near the ambassador. He was a lawyer, but not one of those who stood up and posed for juries, more one of the ones in the background who researched the finer details his more flamboyant colleagues required to strut their stuff. "So if you don't mind we'd better continue." He said his piece and tried to look inconspicuous once more.

Darson gave no outward reaction, but was focused clearly on the young man’s revelation. Villers locked in her office all day about an upcoming case? Hmm…he would have to investigate.

Still imagining a nice pink steak, Tasha sat back down and sighed outwardly. Her XO was tied up in a meeting, so she basically had to chair this menagerie and still pull them together.

"Very well, in which case, I shall make 2 simple requests." She leant forward on her chair, taking the time to look around the waiting faces of the gathered.

"Keep the peace and do what is necessary." She said in a monotone voice, not truly understanding what it was that they were actually about to do. "Ambassador." She passed the mantle back to Isha as she raised her chin in her direction.

Darson wiped another imaginary tear off his mask, this time one of pride, “Oh Captain…you’ve finally learned how to delegate. How you’ve grown. I’m so proud of you!” He sat down and focused on the Romulan delegation at the other end of the table. If Tasha was going to stay out of the arguments, then it fell by default to him, the ranking officer present, to make the arrangements.

"Please continue," Isha said to her niece. "I think our friends would like to hear your planned approach," she added.

~This should be interesting~ thought Dunham to himself as folded his arms and swiveled in his chair to face the former CAG. It was a genuine interest His friend had gone from Starfleet CAG to the commander of a warbird, both very different roles. He was intrigued as to how she would handle this.

"We start with the Dhelan as the base ship for the operation." Rianni began, "The DS5 fighters would work in tandem with the Dhelan's fighters as well as with any ships the Klingons would provide for our efforts. I'm thinking every fighter group would consist of two teams of two fighters, two of each nation, hopefully working alongside Klingon Birds of Prey on short patrol routes in areas with a history of trouble to intercept any pirates moving around in the area and scout the area for potential pirate encampments. When we find an encampment of a grouping of pirate vessels in operation we attack en masse and overwhelm the pirates. The Dhelan would also serve as a scout and attack vessel in addition to serving as the force's flagship. In short, we're going to blanket the area and raise hell every time they show themselves."

"And the Romulan Navy will provide an extra ship, the scout ship V'riel, to assist in this effort." R'Vek added, "Under the command of Arrain Ashara t'Khellian. I'm so committed to this course of action and to the bridging of gaps between our nations I believe it will bring that I'm offering two daughters to see it through to it's successful completion."

Isha bit the inside of her lower lip as she studiously avoided looking at Darson. When they had spoken at length she had not told him about this part of her plan and suspected that he would not be happy with her now. She could live with that, Isha thought, they were on the same side and even if there were suddenly Khellians pouring out of the bulkheads it was to help and co-operate, not to hinder.

"The extra eyes and firepower are greatly appreciated, EnRiov tr'Khellian." Rianni nodded to her father, her eyes alight with the kind of smile that only a father's unconditional backing could bring a young woman, "That would definitely make our task easier, especially if the Federation and Klingon contingents can make some extra vessels available to us."

Darson stared for a moment at Isha, his glare inscrutable in its nature. She had conveniently omitted this little operation from what she had told him, though he supposed that since it didn’t have a direct bearing on her dealings with Getal, she hadn’t really lied to him. Maybe she didn’t even think of it at the time. But at this point it was important that he convey some feelings of annoyance if his deception was to succeed.

He did however shoot a real annoyed glare at Tan, mostly for just blurting out classified fleet movements without a care in the world. When in doubt, exaggerate.

He looked at the Romulans again and said in a tone that was harsh and cold and all business, “Using a Norexan class warship as the base for field operations is all well and good. However, you are overlooking two key points. One, Enemy Strength. It appears to me that you are underestimating the strength of these pirates. They are well trained and well equipped for a guerrilla force. Some of their equipment is even military grade. Their fleet, while not consisting of many capital ship, is mostly comprised of custom outfitted frigates with a couple of Cruisers and a whole bunch of fighters and shuttles. They are bred for war and possess tactical capability far in excess of what was originally designed for those ships. What’s more, they are all configured to serve in some capacity of a blockade runner. Oversized engines, thrusters and warp cores. Even the Norexan class’s…considerable…maneuverability, would not be able to match them if they ganged up. The fighters provide more maneuverability, the scout ship,” he glanced at R’vek, “Provides more firepower. But, when push comes to shove, and you attempt to blanket them and take them out, they’ll scatter the moment they see you coming and see that they’re outgunned. But if they think they can take you…You are entering into a battlefield in which they hold the advantage.”

He continued, “That brings me to a sub-section of this first point. Encampments. Suppose you find one. Pirates don’t stop except for four things. Emergency repairs, to attack somebody, to sell goods, and to go into a hideout. And I can tell you first-hand that their hideouts are some of the most defensible and hard to attack locations in the quadrant. They hide in areas consumed by spatial anomalies that most would never dare to go into…dangerous nebulae, asteroid fields, etc. And if you do go in, you have to contend with the sensor nets, the tachyon detection grids, mines, turrets…if you can’t find the right way in, you’re going to be blown out of space before you can say ‘Knock Knock’. Is this all sinking in?”

To be continued ...