Cascade – Assertion
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers

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Title   Assertion
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers
Posted   Wed Dec 19, 2012 @ 8:22pm
Location   Romulan Embassy
Timeline   SD70 16:05
She stopped at the doorway, looking at her reflection the glass as her hand stopped short of the chime. If Isha had been here, she would not have paused, but she had yet to meet the current Romulan Ambassador and she felt unsure of what or how to say what she needed to, but she had an idea that whatever happened on this station, the Romulan Embassy knew more of the secrets of this station than either she or her staff.

Finally, she leant forward, her index finger rested on the button that alerted someone inside to her presence.

The ambassador had returned early from the conference and in a foul mood, i-Orinwen, who was acting as his aide was not with him, so it fell to whoever was next in rotation to man the reception desk. That was Narat, an intern who thought he should be doing more important things than answering doors.

"What do you want?" he asked peering down his nose at the Starfleet woman.

She studied the questioning Romulan face for a moment before responding.

"Captain Tahir, to see the Ambassador, that is, if he can spare the time for the stations Commanding officer!" She replied indignantly.

The Romulan looked down at the weapon belt around her waist.

Tasha shook her head as she reached for the phaser and pulled it from the security of her belt and handed it to the guard.

"I'll be wanting it back!" She remarked as the Romulan afforded her entry only to the outer office before disappearing to report to his superior.

Tasha chose to sit on one of the four seats that were angled to each other. Sitting, she eased her head both left and right, looking up to the security cameras in each corner and refrained from giving a wave as she bit the inside of cheek and played over the questions she had for the Ambassador and how to put them diplomatically.

For Koval tr'Rul this was an opportunity - it wasn't every day the Captain of the station came to call - a much better use of his time than negotiating treaties with the minions of other worlds. Glancing at his reflection in the window tr'Rul straightened his robes and assumed a regal expression.

As the Ambassador appeared, Tasha rose from the seat and gave the man a easy nod of her head, extending her hand in greeting.

"Ambassador, Captain Tasha Tahir." She said eloquently as their hands met.

It was not traditional, but Koval was ready to take her lead - he was certain to be affirmed as the official ambassador - it was only a matter of time, and he would do what was expected, now that the t'Khellian woman's people were not blocking his way.

Koval grasped her hand, "What a delight to finally meet you. I do hope that we'll be able to spend more amiable time together. I've never seen such dancing eyes," he added.

She felt herself redden with a blush at his response, not expecting charm from a Romulan, even if he was an Ambassador.

"Thank you Ambassador Koval. I can only apologise for not meeting with you sooner." She glanced around the outer room before meeting back with Kovals eyes. "Are we safe to talk here?" She enquired innocently.

"Of course. Please take a seat, Captain. Can I order you a beverage," he unctuated.

Tasha again nodded her head in gratitude, refusing the offer of a drink as she retook her seat and clasped her hands, folding them into her lap.

"I'm sure you heard the explosion," Her head tilted towards the door as if signalling back to the promenade deck, "I'm here on two counts. One, to make sure you are safe here." She stopped before point two to allow Koval to respond.

"Explosion?" it was out of his mouth before he could stop himself - was this an attack on the diplomatic summit he had rightly exited early.

"I felt a tremour, Madam, but I assumed that was part of the daily come and go of this station. We are, as you can see, quite ok here," he continued, mirroring her words.

She watched him as he spoke and his eyes gave nothing away but shock. She parted her hands and moved each hand to either knee, leaning forward slightly in Kovals direction.

"I am very pleased to hear it," She admitted, "but no, it was not part of the routine of the station. The Cardassian Embassy was targeted with an unknown explosive device and by an unknown assailant." She added, not sure if that was the correct choice of word for a bombardier. "In the circumstances, I needed to be sure that this embassy was secure. If I may, can you ensure that your own security is advised accordingly." She stated as a request.

"How alarming," Koval replied, "I take it there is no intelligence that would imply a woder campaign against the embassies," but of course it wasn't, and even if it was the Cardassians were brashly located on the promenade wheras the t'Khellina woman had had the forethought to insist on separate turbolift access to the Romulan section of this floor.

Tasha leant back, her hands remained on her legs. "My second count, is to ask," she paused as her eyes remained on Kovals, "if you could also look into this matter, identify the assailant and if you would, alert me to their identity." She asked the latter question in a rush, unsure if Koval would want to offer any assistance.

"If we receive any such intelligence we would be the first to share it with you," Koval said through his teeth - a complete lie, but an apposite one. "It is my hope that our relationship is a long and productive one. It will be only days before I am proclaimed the permanent representative of the Empire on this station, I hope to build on that fact."

Tasha could not tell from him if her telling the truth or no and had to take him at face value, though the gritted teeth symbolised to her that he would not let her be the first to know, and probably then, not the compete truth.

"I appreciate your help Koval, it will indeed help to cement your position on this station." She replied with yet another half nod as she rose.

"As you can appreciate also, any intelligence we receive, I will pass on to you for ratification." She responded choosing her word carefully as she dipped her upper body in a bow to the Ambassador.

"I do hope that I can call back when things have quietened down on the promenade and accept your gracious offer of a beverage." She forced a lady like smile creating the reason to return.

"Captain, may I presume to call you Tasha?" he asked clasping her hands between his, "it would be my pleasure to assist you and to further our brief and albeit delayed acquaintance."

His hands were a little warmer than when they first shook.

"You may indeed Koval." She used his name formerly, "I would like that very much, to both." She replied. "For now, though, if you will excuse me, I must return to operations." She advised unsure if this meeting had been productive to her, if not to him.

"I will certainly be in touch," he said drawing a deep breath.

His time had come.


Captain Tasha Tahir

'Ambassador' Koval tr'Rul
Acting Romulan Ambassador
NPC by Louise