Beg, Steal or Borrow – A quick fix
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant Aieron Peters & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman

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Title   A quick fix
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant Aieron Peters & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman
Posted   Mon Mar 09, 2009 @ 7:13pm
Location   CO's office
Timeline   SD8 11:30
After a hectic morning, things were starting to calm down in Davies' world. He strode to the replicator and ordered a Ploughman's lunch with Welsh Tea, hot, milked and unsweetened.

What he got, bore no resemblance to what he had ordered.

David swore under his breath. "and in the commanders office too!" He muttered, closing his eyes, taking a deep breath and rubbing his scalp all at the same time.

"Computer, who is in charge of servicing equipment on the station?" His voice harsh and strong.

"Servicing and maintenance would fall under the department of Operations, currently headed by Lieutenant Aieron Peters." The computer responded.

"Peters, I don't recall seeing him this morning. Where is he now?" David questioned, staring at the mess beneath the replicator.

"Lieutenant Peters is currently on deck 17, computer core." Came the response.

Aieron, was at that moment, grumbling under his breath, half at the technician watching (and flinching) to his left. "It'll take two hours to switch that dodgy processing unit." He pulled out a grey unit, recoiling slightly as it relinquished it's place in the core "Two Hours"

David tapped his commbadge. =^= "Commander Davies to Lieutenant Peters!" =^= David called, his tone indifferent.

=^= "Peters here. How may I be of service Commander?"

Aieron picked up a replacement unit from the grating, and making sure it was the right way up, rammed it firmly into the waiting slot. It snapped home with a nice, satisfying *thunk*. "My foot."

Davies could hear the noise and paused for a second, trying to envisage what he was doing, but shook his head.
=^= "Lieutenant, the replicator on the deck is not working properly. I believe your the man to talk to regarding this sort of repair." He stated, placing the dish and its disastrous mess back into the replicator for disposal.

=^= "Yes, I'm the correct person to speak to Commander. I'll get that scheduled. Now, whatever you do, don't put whatever went wrong back in the"
"Never mind. Do you need a cleaning crew?"

Jumping back from the device in surprise, David began to wipe down his tunic with both hands.

=^= "Uh, yes, good idea. How long before I can get myself some lunch?" =^= David enquired, making his way back to the observation window, just to check out Ops.

=^= "How long is a piece of string, Lieutenant?" Aieron said, pulling a padd out from his back pocket, checking the error logs and remotely shutting down the faulty replicator. "That's the third one to go bad this week."

David shook his head. He turned around to look at the faulting device.

=^= "It's Commander, Mr Peters, and if I don't get this fixed rapid, it will longer than your career!"
Davies closed the comm, striding out onto the operations deck and let loose a long sigh before turning back and heading into the waiting area, slumping into the large comfortable sofa.

Aieron sighed. Yet another 'fix it quick, or else' threat. Wonderful. Just peachy. Somehow people always thought that threats fixed problems faster. Shoving the padd back into his back pocket, he hit his comm badge, signalling the technician waiting tentatively to his left to follow him.

=^= "Peters to on-call cleaning crew. Can you head to the CO's office, just had a replicator decide it didn't like what someone gave it for lunch. Again."

=^= "Kara here. We're on the way, be there in ten minutes."

=^= "Thanks Kara!"

Breaking the comm call, Aieron picked up the faulty processing unit, and began walking towards the entry door, the cold shafts of air coming up from the centre of the room, through the metal grating at his feet, caused him to shiver slightly

=^= "Lieutenant Peters to Lieutenant Freeman. I've got another splatting replicator for you"

=^= "Add it to the list. And we will get to it as soon as we can. Which one is it?"

=^= "It's replicator 238A, in the CO's office. Let me know what part's dodgy, and I'll have a team check the stores, make sure all the ones there are good."

=^= "Oh. Alright I have a team heading there now."

=^= "Cheers. Warn them, if they beat the cleaning crew, it'll be a bit messy."

=^= "Will do."

As the comm connection closed, Aieron turned to the hapless technician. "Now, the next time you tell me it will take two hours..."


CO: Commander David Davies

COO: Lieutenant Aieron Peters

CEO: Lieutenant Bruce Freeman