Unity – Semper Fidelis (part II)
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Karen Villiers & Colonel James Darson

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Title   Semper Fidelis (part II)
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Karen Villiers & Colonel James Darson
Posted   Sun Apr 25, 2010 @ 7:37am
Location   Beneath the surface of Greiirh
Timeline   SD 17 - 14:06hrs

As soon as they detonated in a series of devastating explosions, Abel 1 said over the COM, =^= “Move up! Stay tactical. Abel, we head toward the security junction box at the north end of the building. Bravo, you head towards the south and cover the main entrance.” =^=

The Marines were on their feet and running as soon as the commands were issued, taking advantage of the smoke and disarray the hostiles were in to advance to cover. Once they were firmly in place, they began to return fire.


{ Inside the excavation site }

Stacey could hear the fire-fight through her comm unit as she tired to listen for any signs of the present battle or at least get a figure on how many intruders they were up against.

"Giles! It appears that we are no longer alone on our mission. I'm not sure if they are Federation or Pirates, either way, however you plan on accessing the device needs to be done now." She said as she looked over towards the elaborate device that had been constructed to hold the device they had aquired.

Many people believed that the Bajoran Orb of Time was the only religious artifact in existance that allowed individuals to travel back in time. However this Iconian device proved all of those beliefs to be false, in fact it was going to change everything for everybody. This was the key to setting right what had been so horribly wrong.

The Dominon War had robbed the universe of billions of lives just in the span of 2 years. Worlds had been devastated, populations had been been wiped out, and the Alpha quadrant had become less safer because of it. The Federation had spent so much in terms of manpower, resources, and energy that they weren't in any position to protect itself from any enemies that might take the opportunity to strike at its homeworlds.

Countless enemies could perceive the time as ripe for attack. The Borg had not been heard from since Voyager's return, but it was only a matter of time before they struck again. The Romulans were gaining in political strength and audacity to the point that they had even launched an attack against a STarfleet vessel, costing the lives of countless officers, including Commander Data. Then there was the Breen and countless other Dominion sympathizers who still harbor grudges against the major Alpha quadrant alliances.

Countless familes had been destroyed because of the Cardassian Empire's Unholy Alliance with the Dominion. The Maquis were on the verge of declaring their independence from the hypocricy of the Federation, when the Jem'Hadar swept through their colony-worlds. In a matter of days they were wiped out of existance without so much of a credible fight against the inhuman beasts. But things were about to be corrected.

This device would allow its user to go back in time with all of his memories and correct any mistake of the path, but only if the user or users were true believers in the path of the Founders of so many species throughout the alpha quadrant. Similar to the Iconian Gateway discovered in the alpha and gamma quadrant, this device would allow its user to travel great distances, but instead of mere space, the group could travel through time to other Iconian gateways.

With the discovery of this device, there would be three possible gateways in existance. Traveling to either one would allow the group to contact the Maquis and other believers in those particular periods and warn them of the upcoming war. It would give them all a fighting chance to destroy the founders and stop the war from ever happening.

Stacey believed in the cause and she believed in the team on Deep Space 5. She wanted to beleive in the abilities of the Vulcan in front of her, but his delay was begnning to test her patience.

"Status?" She asked hurriedly as he continued to hear the fire-fight thru her comm unit.


It was unlike any other piece of Iconian technology previously found, not a gateway tied to a location but a device, or rather collection of three devices which, when correctly triangulated and activated with the appropriate control could open a gateway from anywhere, land sea or starship. The discovery was quite unique.

It was not the fanatics that had persuaded Giles to abandon his career and join them, but the prospect of regaining what he had lost over the years, everything he had sacrificed for the Tal'Shiar, while he lived as an alien others reaped reward and renown from his work, rewards that somehow never seemed to trickle down to him.

With painstaking precision Giles placed the third device in the crate along with the tablet that bore the instructions to operate it. The control however he tucked down the front of his trousers; he may have sold out to the fanatics, but he did not trust them. "Everything is set," he said taking a last look around the cavern as he nodded to a pair of labourers who lifted the crate lid and placed it on to the case that held their prize. Crouching, Giles sealed the lock, "We can get out of here," he said with a tinge of regret that he did not have the time to explore further ... who knew what else was down here.

Stacey saw the laborers loading the create. "We need to get this to site B before the intruders get to our location. We can set up in the next location and can begin receiving the communication from Deep Space 5 once they are ready to transmit." She said in a loud voice as various explosions from outside the main compound were becoming louder.

She grabbed her phaser and immediately proceeded down the ramp into an adjacent corridor. "We need to hold off the intruders for as long as we can." She said as she retrieved a detonator from her pouch and aimed it at the entrance to the large room.

"You got here then," Prendergast said to Sulek as they moved, picking up the pace as the crack and thunder of the collapsing entrance boomed around the cavern. Giles repressed his regret about what was lost under all that rubble - it would buy them time and if all went to plan he could return at leisure and not at the behest of a government that had forsaken him.


The Marines had a short lived, but ferocious battle with the defenders outside the main building. Though they were out numbered and outgunned, they were living by the basic principle outlined in the introduction to the Marine Battle Manual: That superior training and superior weaponry had, when taken together, a geometric effect on overall military strength.

Their more sophisticated tactics and technology gave them the advantage they needed to carve their way through the opposition and reach the building. Able team quickly scurried to the backside and broke open what they identified as the security Junction Box, and began splicing relays. Within moments, they had hijacked the security system and transferred all the cameras to their control. All the people inside were now blind. That done, they started to work at setting breaching charges on the corner while Bravo prepared to go in from the front.

[Mountain Top]

Darson reloaded the magazine right as the feeds from the security cameras popped into his helmet. He switched to an x-ray filter, and using his view through the scope in concert with the security feeds, quickly tagged and triangulated the positions of all the non-essential hostiles. He readied the gun again and aimed at one of the person shaped blurs in the lobby, then fired. The body simply disappeared from his sight. He acquired the next target and fired again.

And again, and again.

When the first floor was clear, he gave his squad the signal to breach the building and make their way to the laboratory on the third floor. As they did so, he turned his attentions to the second floor tangos.

[In the building]

Moving through the cloud of smoke and dust caused by the charge, Able moved in and methodically cleared every room, rendezvousing with Bravo at the stair case. They made their way slowly up the stairs, always mindful of what could be lurking around the next corner. Shots continued to ring out and the building shook a little from the continuous impacts. Soon enough, they reached the third floor. The first man opened the stair door, and the rest of the team flooded through and secured the area. Darson’s voice ran through their helmets, =^= The targets are three rooms down…there are five of them in the room. I want them taken alive. =^=

The Marines made their way silently down the hall, coming at last to the laboratory door. Communicating by hand gestures, the squad leader instructed the men to stack up on the door, set it with a breaching charge, and get ready to move. The charge was set, and they all moved up against the door, switched to phasers on light stun, and signaled their readiness.

The commander signaled, and the lead man blew the door, and then tossed in a flash bang. The resulting explosion was enough to throw the entire room into disarray, The men entered one by one, each one taking his assigned lines. They moved through, tagging the disoriented scientists with the Phasers, then securing them with restraints. The way the stun was, they would be under for about 15 minutes. More than enough time.

As soon as all the targets were accounted for, the squad leader yelled “Clear!”

[Mountain top]

Darson broke down and packed up the rifle quickly, then set off back to the shuttle. Time was of the essence here, and the sooner he got down there the better. He radioed ahead to the shuttle to tell them to start the engines, however, when he got down to the ledge where the shuttle was, it was gone.

He paused, looked in all directions and was about to call them again when a part of the pile of snow disintegrated from the force of a phaser blast, revealing the shuttle buried under a pile of snow, and a very ticked off pilot holding a phaser rifle that he proceeded to use to clear off the rest of the snow from the avalanche that Darson’s sniper fire had caused. Once that was done, they got underway and were at the battlefield of an excavation site in about a minute.

Darson wandered up the stairs and found the team gathered around the restrained hostages who were all unconscious for the time being. He gave them a brief glance, then turned to the Sergeant in charge, “Did they manage to destroy any data?”

“Some sir,” The black clad man replied, “But we got most of it. This isn’t the main excavation site…just where they could get in and out to it, as well as analyze their findings. The real site is-“

“Below us…” Darson said in an odd voice as he looked down at his boot clad feet.

“Yes sir,” the Sergeant said with a confused expression on his face, “How did you know?”

Darson rubbed his armored chest with a gauntleted hand and said in that same odd tone, “I can feel it…its calling to me.”

The Sergeant took it in stride. Darson was known for doing these sort of weird things, and he was determined not to let it get to him. He nodded and said, “There is a cargo elevator in the basement that should take you right down according to the schematics. Sir, do you want us to-“

“No,” Darson said suddenly, “I’ll go alone. You stay here and guard the building and these prisoners. Hold them when they wake up, and if they give you any trouble stun them again. If I’m not back in two hours, kill them, level the building and get the hell out of here. Am I clear?”

They all nodded their assent, and with a whispery swishing of his cloak, he was gone.

He made his way quickly to the basement, where he found the cargo elevator and called it up the surface. It took about 30 seconds for it to arrive, an open elevator surrounded by a cage, designed to move large quantities of heavy supplies and equipment up and down from the dig site. Darson stepped on, and moved towards the access console. Just as he was about to press it, he was momentarily overcome by a sensation.

A thumping resonance in his chest and head, like a giant ethereal heartbeat. Darson shuddered, as the feeling washed over him. He knew what this was and reveled in it momentarily. There was Iconian technology on this deserted planet…and it was close…very, very close. And it was calling to him.

And Darson would answer.

He regained control over his body and pressed the control to go down, sending both him and the elevator into the bowels of the planet.


Colonel James Darson
Marine Commanding Officer / Island Mystic
6th Combined Operations Group
Deep Space 5

Maquis/Founders of the Beginning Soldiers
NPC'd: Thom

Giles Prendergast
Rediscovered Absent Archaeologist, not quite as dead as previously thought
NPC by Louise