Interlude – Pizza and Promotion
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   Pizza and Promotion
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Mon Oct 18, 2010 @ 9:18pm
Location   Sickbay
Timeline   SD34 - 15.00

Chelsea had her hands full with Dunham in Sickbay. He was causing all sorts of hilarity making the nurses laugh with his impressions and sending the CMO for Pizza much to the amusement of the junior grades who were being treated to a dose of the dreaded "CMO Frown of Disapproval" which didn't normally come out unless there had been a serious breach of the peace, protocol or fundamental rules.

Hurrying back to prevent Rick from thinking about the gap in his memory and the reason he was being so carefully checked over, medically, Chelsea hand delivered a large extra mozzarella and extra pepperoni pizza.

She curtseyed as she put it in front of him, making the interns smirk and with a huge smile of her own she teased. "Would your Lordship require anything to go with that? A dollop of bromide perhaps, and a portion of *had your chips*?"

"Why are you being so nice to me?" said Dunham around a bite of pizza. "What I'd do to get the special loving? Is it my birthday?"

"No, but you just got promoted and i'm not your senior officer anymore so I'm helping you celebrate on both counts" she grinned.

"Actually...." said Dunham with a little thought. "I think you still get to order me around you know. What with being higher on Deep Space Five's Chain of command."

"Nah, i only get to order you around because I'm your doctor! If I were you, i'd transfer myself to Ben.... he'd go easier on you" she laughed

"But Ben doesn't have your wonderful beside manner."

She reached out and stole a slice of his pizza, taking a dainty bite and returning it to his plate. "Uggh... i always forget you like Pepperoni... " she objected. "Doesn't he?" She leant in closer and placed a soft kiss on his lips. "I'm sure i don't know what you mean" she lied.

"How did I get so lucky to have you?" said Dunham with grin. "You are just....well words escape me at how brilliantly amazing you are, I am so in love you it hurts."

"AH! I knew you had some ailment we would find sooner or later." she grinned. "I'm not daft enough to ask you where it hurts tho..."

Dunham took her hand and laid it flat over his heart. "This is all yours, everything utterly and totally. It would break without you."

"awwww" Chelsea melted. ~If only you knew what we've just been through and how awesome we're apparently going to be together.... ~ she thought with love.
"You're my everything Rick, I'm more glad i have you than you are to have me.... " she smiled lovingly.

"I'm nothing without you" Dunham response was a gentle whisper. It was sincere and from the heart. He meant it with all his soul and from the very fibre of his being.

Taking his hand with her left hand and using the fingers of her right to push back a few stray hairs, Chelsea placed a tender kiss on his forehead and replied, her eyes deep enough to drown in. "Rick, we're going to be amazing together. I just know it. You're the most incredible man I ever met and I still have no idea how i managed to make you love me, but i'm so grateful you do." as she looked at him, tears welled in her eyes, the emotion and devotion clear there.

She tilted her head forward to rest her forehead on his, the silent moment sealing both of their declarations.

As she tore herself reluctantly away and stood up, straightening her uniform and resuming her 'on duty' mode, the CMO picked up a padd, discharged the patient, and whispered, just for his ears alone: "I predict we'll have the cleverest, most amazing children, who will look just like you, and i promise to love you more and more every day for all eternity!"

She then added at normal volume. "You're free to go, Commander, but get some rest, doctor's orders."

A JP Between:

Lt. Cmdr. Chelsea Adams


Lt. Cmdr. Rick Dunham