Unity – It'll Be Alright On The Night
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   It'll Be Alright On The Night
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Sat Jan 16, 2010 @ 6:33pm
Location   The Box of Delights
Timeline   SD 16 20:00

The Promenade clocked ticked to 19.59. From the outside, The Box of Delights was pitch dark, the shutters down and Klia had rigged a sound and light blocking field over the entrance, ready for the big moment. Yolanthe smoothed her dress down one last time, making sure that there was only the hint of flesh on display, enough to tease and nothing more. Then she stepped up onto the small platform they'd put outside the door. It added another foot to her already tall height. Seeing a purple haired woman rise above the crowd was all the cue the waiting horde needed, and a hush fell over the Promenade around her bar. She pulled the tiny communicator linked to the PA system and switched it on.

“Ladies, Gentlemen, and everything in between!” Many heads swivelled towards her, not just on this level of the promenade. “I want to welcome you to the Box of Delights. Inside these walls I promise you will find the beautiful, and the exotic, the strange, and the wonderful. Drinks from a thousand worlds, the best musicians and live entertainers. Everything from Orion dancing girls to Klingon Opera to Terran Stand-up. Illusionists, Burlesque, Singers, Cabaret, Games, Gambling, Everything a sentient being could ever desire. And I promise that every drop of alcohol is genuine. Nothing from a replicator is poured in this bar. And whilst the holosuites can and will cater for every fantasy, I guarantee that all the other acts and excitement will be just as real as the booze!” That got a round of enthusiastic applause. In response, her heart soared, and she blossomed from Violet to sky blue in a heart beat.

She brushed her royal blue hair back with one hand, and went for the kill.
“And for tonight only, the drinks are the house!”

The crowd cheered and screamed. For a brief instant, she closed her eyes, listened, and pretended she was back home, hearing a different crowd. The she brought herself back to the now sharply, before her skin gave away the private moment.
“We're here to entertain you. Let the games begin.”

Klia heard the line, and threw the switch. The shutters shot upward, the curtain-field dropped, and light and sound blazed forth, blasting across the second level of the Promenade and hurling coloured shadows and echoes to the other Promenade decks. Mini laser-display and spotlights swept the deck in time to the music. No-one could be in any doubt. The best time in town was off to one hell of a start.

Staring at the crowd surging inside, breaking up against the bar in a tsunami of colour, species and outfit, Yolanthe decided her instincts had to be off. Everything was going smoothly. Nothing was going to go wrong.