Judgement – The Burdens of Rank
by (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   The Burdens of Rank
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Sun Feb 13, 2011 @ 5:18pm
Location   Romulan Embassy/R'Vek's Ship
Timeline   SD36. 13:00
R'Vek had been expecting, and dreading, this moment since he had been summoned to Isha's office regarding the discipline of Arrain t'Merek. He'd known from the minute Isha ordered him to beat t'Merek that, one, this wasn't all Isha's doing, and, two, this was going to blow up right in Isha's pretty face; and he'd been correct on both counts.

He had received notification of an official complaint against Isha for leaving t'Merek waiting for her for two hours, denying her treatment by doing so, just a few hours earlier, and he had no choice but to take action. He felt literally sick to his stomach, as though his vinairrane might come up and onto the floor, as he strode into the Embassy's main foyer, a young Arrain and an old Centurion, one who'd served with him for nearly three decades, behind him.

One of Isha's staff, a low ranking diplomat named D'Rek D'Liin, approached as they entered, "Greetings, Admiral. Can I help you somehow?" He asked, noting the look of severe displeasure on his face.

"We're going to see the Ambassador, Mr. D'Liin." R'Vek replied tersely, "On official business of the Empire. I'd advise you to return to your duties and keep your mouth shut about this entire thing."

D'Liin was taken aback, he'd never seen Admiral R'Vek tr'Khellian in a mood like this, and he was also a little sick of the Khelliana talking to him like an animal, but, lacking the courage to say anything to the obviously furious flag officer in front of him, he merely nodded and returned to his desk as quickly as if the devil himself were chasing him.

With D'liin back to his duties, R'Vek and his men stormed to Isha's office and entered the door uninvited and unannounced. With no trace of love, friendship, or compassion on his face he stared at his cousin and simply said, "Come with me."

"R'Vek," Isha said as she noted his attendants, "it would have been courteous to announce your intention to enter my office" she said as she knotted her fingers in her skirts.

"Isha," R'Vek began, shutting the door on his officers, this was a private moment, "your actions have taken from me the opportunity to show you courtesy in this matter. Now, come with me."

As she rose Isha nodded, "Then cease to address me as someone familiar to you, EnRiov," she said through a half suppressed shudder.

Her heart palpitated as his men took her arms. "I offer no resistance," Isha said, and who would against the Tal'Shiar.

R'Vek shot both of his men a hard look, one that told them this was going to be a little different than anything they had done before, that caused them to release her arms quickly, "Then let's do this as quickly as possible, Madam Ambassador." R'Vek replied, motioning for all to follow him.

"Do you plan to parade me through my own embassy?" she challenged. "If this must be done, Sir, have some mercy and transport us," she said, her feet leaded to the spot.

"Very well." R'Vek nodded, "For the sake of preserving the dignity of this office and the Empire."

The Centurion tapped his commbadge and was in instant contact with their ship, "Four to beam aboard."

"Directly to Interrogation room six." R'Vek ordered, drawing a shocked look from the young Arrain, "You heard me."

The Centurion simply nodded and tapped his commbadge again, "Four to beam directly to interrogation room six."

The four then disappeared in a shimmer of blue light, rematerializing in a drab gray room filled with various 'inquisitive' devices, a place where many a prisoner had been broken and more than one had died, "Leave us." R'Vek commanded, which sent the two officers out the door double time.

"Sit." R'Vek ordered, pointing to a chair that was significantly less luxurious than the one he'd just pulled Isha from.

The display was not lost on Isha, nor was the discomforting atmosphere. Her green eyes glared at R'Vek for a moment before she complied, her heart pounding within her chest.

The small, armless metal chair offered her no comfort and little support.

"What is my offence, EnRiov?" Isha asked keeping her voice steady as she knotted her fingers together.

"An official complaint was registered with the Stelam Shiar." R'Vek replied, "You have been accused of dereliction of your duty in regards to the punishment of Arrain Arrienye t'Merek."

At this time R'Vek dropped the cane used in t'Merek's beating on the table before her, "She received twenty five strokes from this cane, then, per protocol, she was to wait for your arrival to see that your order had been carried out before receiving medical attention. You left her waiting for over an hour according to the complainant, an assertion my guard confirms. What is your response to this complaint, Madam Ambassador?"

"I was late, Sir," Isha said, her skin prickling both at his tone and at her recollection of Arrienye's wounds. "There was no malicious intent," she said hardly daring to look at her cousin, or at the instrument of t'Merek's beating.

R'Vek had known Isha since her birth, so he knew when she was lying, and this time she was lying. Well, sort of. There had been malicious intent, but not on her part, but whose? He sighed, knowing he didn't even have to ask that question, it was clearly that damned Getal behind this whole thing, "Intent has very little to do with liability in the case of this offense, Ambassador." He began, "Especially considering the fact that you ignored a point of law I brought up prior to t'Merek's discipline."

"It was valid in law," Isha asserted again, she did not acknowledge the technicality that the action was brought under duress. "What do you intend, EnRiov?" she asked eying the cane he had laid on the table - it would kill her, not in body, but in spirit to be harmed by this man's hand.

"What does protocol dictate I do, Madam Ambassador?" R'Vek asked, though he already knew, he wanted her to have to tell him what to do to her, the same way t'Merek had had to.

"You're a mean bastard," Isha replied fiercely though she was hardly in a position where defiance was going to earn her any favours. "If deemed required, no less than what I ordered for her," she said after a pause.

Isha's words had stung him to his very core, but R'Vek had managed not to let it be seen that they had, and continued with his duties, though his heart was breaking, "Understand that I have no wish to be here doing this, Madam Ambassador, but I've been left with no choice in this matter."

"Isha," He said, dropping all tones of formality, "I know this is not your doing, and not your fault. You can't lie to me, Isha, I know when your hand is being forced, I know when you're under duress, for God's sake, I specialize in duress. Tell me who's behind this, tell me and let them suffer the consequences they seem so eager to befall you."

"My actions are my own," Isha told him, even if she knew it was not entirely true. For her to admit the truth was to start a war that her government had instructed her to prevent at any cost.

This was the cost.

~Damn!~ R'Vek sighed, he had hoped that Isha would break, give him Getal on a silver platter, but had known that this was the likely outcome, "Then you've nothing further to say, Madam Ambassador?"

Isha continued to glare up at her cousin, her gaze melting between defiance and fear, "What use would words be?" she said as she shifted awkwardly in the small metal chair; R'Vek's size had always been something protective, not something to dread, but now ...

"Damn it, Isha!" R'Vek cursed, "Why can you never put aside your pride for a damned second and make it possible for someone to help you?"

"What do you propose I do?" she asked wondering what he would do if she tried to run for the door. "Do you think that you are the highest authority I must answer to?" she asked as she slumped back, feeling the hard line of the metal chair against her spine. "You are not! Do what you must," she spat. Isha could not reveal to anyone, not even in her own defence that her actions were endorsed and ordered by the Continuing Committee.

"Very well, Madam Ambassador. With the evidence at hand I have no choice but to find there is truth to this complaint and act in accordance with the policies and protocols of the Stelam Shiar." R'Vek said, taking Isha's arm in one hand and the cane in the other as he snatched her to her feet, "Punishment will be carried out in accordance with our laws and traditions."

"First tell me who made the complaint," Isha asked, not offering any resistance as she was wrenched to her feet.

"It was Deletham." R'Vek answered, it was her right to know. He felt a certain rage at that moment, not at Isha, but at that damned Deletham, a rage he would share with it's cause at a later time.

Seeing the name register in Isha's eyes was almost too much for R'Vek, who would already prefer death to doing what he now had to do, and he decided it was best to have done with it. Bringing the cane up, then down across Isha's shoulder hard, an action that, though required by law, made him want to weep with guilt for striking Isha of all people.

Something cracked sending shards of pain shooting through Isha's upper body. Had R'Vek's hand not still gripped her arm Isha would have been on the floor, as it was she screamed and clutched for support as she lost her footing.

Her scream tore through R'Vek's heart like a dagger, but he couldn't let it register in his expression, right now he was an Admiral doing a job, a job he fracking hated. He brought the cane down again, this time a little less forcefully across her other shoulder.

~I'll kill that damned lizard and Deletham for this.~ He swore silently, he hated having his hand forced, even by those he loved, so an enemy would certainly pay dearly for it.

The blow elicited a similar effect, this time sending Isha to the floor. On her knees Isha ignored the pain in her shoulders and grasped his wrist with all her strength, praying that he would not simply shake her away and continue.

She should not resist, she had no right to resist or to plead with him but she had to.

"If you ever loved me, R'Vek, don't do this," she begged.

This task had already been intolerable for R'Vek, and this had made it impossible. He flung the cane across the room, as though he had found it in the act of striking poor Isha itself and lifted her up into his arms, carrying her over into a corner of the room and setting her down gently against the wall, ~Damn them!~

"He made me do it," she said wrapping her trembling arms around her knees, "I didn't want to, but I had to and then I had to get out of the embassy and then I just couldn't face coming back. What I made you do, I was wrong. If it helps you to carry out your duty then I will not protest, but R'Vek, what I did to t'Merek, it was wrong."

"Beating you gives me nothing within a quadrant of pleasure." R'Vek replied as he sat beside her, "Nor does it help me in any way. And, yes, what you did to t'Merek was wrong, but we'll clean up that mess in a bit. I know exactly how we can make that right."

With that he stood up and walked towards the door, opening it and allowing the Centurion, Girard, in, "I can count on you to ensure the Arrain's utter discretion in this matter, Old Friend?"

"He will take this to his grave with him." Girard replied with a nod, "And I will speak nothing of it."

"Good, I knew I could count on you." R'Vek smiled, removing his jacket and taking a medical kit from Girard, "You'll have that cleaned for me, won't you?"

"Of course, Admiral." Girard nodded, "But you know she isn't supposed to be given medical attention for an hour."

"Yes, well, as I'm not in uniform I must be off duty." R'Vek laughed, "And if the Praetor fires me I'll thank him."

"It's funny, I have no recollection of any of this other than taking your jacket to the quartermaster for cleaning." Girard replied with a knowing smile, they'd both seen too much in their thirty plus years together. Without another word he disappeared as R'Vek walked back to Isha.

R'Vek began to work in silence with the medical equipment, fixing Isha's skin and bones would be easy, fixing the pain he felt in his very soul wouldn't be.

Isha simply sat there quivering. "R'Vek," she asked as he tended to her shoulder, her voice a whisper, "Why did you stop? There is no reason in law to compel you to be lenient, there will be questions."

"Law is not all there is, Isha." He answered, "You know me well enough that you shouldn't even have to ask such a question. Law is law, but right is right. Laws change, and right never does. You're a victim in this, the same as t'Merek, and I don't punish victims, my orders be damned."

Isha, in Isha's opinion was guilty on all counts but that was not the point.

"I thought I should have to hate you too," she said her long thin fingers wrapped firmly around his powerful hands. "Please understand and hear what I cannot tell you, and by Eisn's light don't damn me for it," she said.

"Isha, you'll not be harmed again." R'Vek answered, pulling her close into him, "By my hand or any others. It's all right, you're not to blame for this mess." He knew now who it was, there was no room for doubt that 'he' was Tharek Getal, and 'he' was going to pay for this and pay dearly, "And we'll fix things with t'Merek, that's a fairly easy I fix. We'll get through it, together, as we always do, Isha."

"I don't deserve to have t'Merek," Isha said softly into R'vek's throat, as he applied a hypospray to hers, "and she deserves to serve someone better than I. I don't deserve to have you either," she added as she closed her eyes.

"t'Merek's a good officer, she understands." R'Vek reassured her, "And you deserve everything, and everyone, in your life with the exception of that damned Getal and that two faced bastard, Deletham. I don't think anyone deserves them." R'Vek had never seen Isha in such a state and it killed him to see it now, ~That's all right, though. I'll merely have to kill those responsible for it. No problem, done it before, plenty of times, only this time it's personal.~

"If Deletham made a report against me it is because he felt it was his duty, he keeps everything running and he has a certain sense of order, one which I violated. I don't think he means me harm. Getal on the other hand ... please be careful what you do, because any insult you do him he will only find a way of taking out on me," she said, the sedative drawing down Isha's guard somewhat. "But I can handle him now."

"Don't worry about me, Isha." R'Vek said, his voice soothing, "Getal hasn't yet seen the like of me. I've made bigger, better men than him collapse at my feet. As for Deletham, he's just another issue Raedhoel and I will have to address upon his return." He hoped his words would ring true to her, she knew what kind of man he was: he had toppled governments, killed heads of state, and turned back the enemies of an Empire in battles the galaxy would never know about, but above all house he had defended his house and every member of it and would so long as he had breath to fight.

"Why will none of you let me play my part?" she asked, "You all seem to want to keep me locked in my room. How am I supposed to function kike that? Why?" It was a very selfish question, from a very selfish person, but from one who had just been beaten by a man who had once professed both love and devotion to her.

"I know you've got your part to play, Isha." R'Vek began, "And I will let you play it, but not to the point where you get hurt, by Getal or anyone else. I know you're a fighter, you're a Khellian for God's sake, but sometimes you just can't get in there and hope to punch through a brick wall with one hand. Look at yourself, Isha, you're not at top condition right now. Isha in top form would've taken all twenty five lashes without so much as a whimper, but this man has put you in this condition and it tears at me, compels me to do something about it. Understand......"

"I don't think I'll ever understand," she said resting against R'vek. "May I speak freely and without repercussion?" she asked.

"Isha, the Tal Shiar isn't here right now." R'Vek promised her, "You may speak to me at any time freely and without repercussion."

"I have no choice but to work with him in the case against Gabriel, he has evidence that is too useful for me to turn away, I cannot deny him access to my court chambers and I cannot be under guard. Officially I have given up this little war, I informed Getal that I yielded, he accepted my acceptance of defeat," she said. Isha had to be careful because what she was telling R'Vek was very close to an admission that she was compromised, that she, and through her the embassy had fallen under the control of another sovereign power.

"Well, in that case, it's time to let him know you lied." R'Vek replied, "We'll indulge the bastard for the time being then, when Gabriel is on his way to a well deserved death sentence, we'll finish him. We're not going to give that spoonhead another inch, Isha, because you know if we do the next thing he'll demand will be for you to beat Rianni or Ashara or God knows what else."

Isha really had no idea of what Getal would demand of her next, but it was easy for R'Vek to say this whilst she had to put up with him on a day to day basis, and whilst Getal was placing the outcome of the case against Gabriel on her head. Literally.

"I'll do whatever he asks of me," Isha muttered.

"No, you know you can't." R'Vek replied, "And I know that there's enough of you still inside there to fight back against this bastard. We have to draw the line, this far and no farther, otherwise you'll be the heir to nothing."

"Is that an order, R'Vek?" Isha asked without moving.

"Does it need to be?" R'Vek laughed, "I can order until I'm blue in the face, you have to decide to stand and fight for this House, for what is yours. I can't do it for you. I'll help any way I can until I've got no breath left, but I simply can't make you stand up for yourself. You have to do it of your own volition. I just hope you do, and soon."

"R'Vek, you brought me here to thrash me for a wrong I did to one of my staff," Isha said, quite aware of the danger of reminding him of that fact. "You showed me mercy, for which I am grateful." Isha fell silent for a moment and the only sound in the room was their breathing, "I know what I must do in order to win."

"Good." R'Vek smiled, seeing life sparking back into Isha's eyes, "You know what to do, do it."

"I already did," she said, meeting her cousin's gaze. This was probably useful for him to know too, of them all Isha had perhaps had the most contact with the Cardassian, long enough to make a first hand assessment.

"I misjudged his character, I'm not sure how I missed it at first. I think because I simply didn't want anyone like that around me," she said drawing up to lean against his shoulder, "Getal is not like you or Rh'vaurek, rian and whether you like it or not you and Raedheol possess similar qualities," she said before he could grumble at the comparison. "You are both driven by an ambition to acheive what you can not only for the Stelam Shiar, but also for what you believe in, you have principles."

"All right, I'll grant that." R'Vek said grudgingly, he'd never liked Raedheol and the comparison wasn't exactly flattering, but he knew she meant it in the best possible way.

"Getal is much more like Nniol was, he has a particular and immutable view of the way the universe should be ordered and of his place in it, all else is insignificant. Once one understands that, a sea that appeared to be plagued with rocks and storms becomes navigable, all one needs to do is present exactly what he expects to see. He is incapable of disbelieving it simply because to do so would be to contradict his view of how things should be."

"Using his arrogance as your best weapon against him, good." R'Vek smiled, she had learned a lot about how to undo the worst people in the galaxy; she'd been very successful against Nniol after all, "Then he's already in the trap, good."

Isha chuckled very softly, "I know because every aspect of my education and upbringing was dedicated to one goal, making me capable of manipulating very powerful men. The first aspect of that skill is knowing what sort one is dealing with, get that right and everything else simply falls into place," she said, making it sound rather more simple and less fraught with danger than it was. The thing with men like that was if they ever found out that they were being handled they tended to react rather badly.

"I must say, this is some of your best work, Isha." R'Vek laughed, "Poor bastard has no clue what's about to hit him."

"I'd rather have nothing to do with him at all, R'Vek, he's dangerous, and just a little unstable," she said, "but as I must, I might as well use what I can against him."

As far as revenge went it did not feel like much, if falling in line with the wishes of an enemy could be considered revenge at all, but Isha had her eye on the bigger picture, she knew that Getal wanted Deep Space Five and she was going to make sure he didn't get it, and once that was done she was going to let him know exactly why he had failed.

"When it's over, I'll finish him." R'Vek promised, "I'll introduce the man to someone dangerous."

"Why must I spend all my days surrounded by such bloodthirsty savages," Isha grumbled, though her tone was not entirely serious, but nor was it entirely flippant. "I swear you're all as bad as each other. When did there cease to be room for beauty in the universe?"

"I don't know, Isha." R'Vek answered glibly, this wasn't the first time she had called him a bloodthirsty savage, "But I think it was probably something the Cardassians did."

"I'm not sure we can blame everything on Cardassians," she said, "that would be rather overstating their influence and importance in the universe," she observed. "Everything has become so complicated. Life used to be as simple as the soft lap of a sun-warmed sea on the shore," she said, her mind on a distant day spent idling the hours away.

"It was." R'Vek nodded, remembering well the many days he and Isha had spent together enjoying that very thing on ch'Rihan, "Then we inherited the burdens of the empire itself. Damned unfair if you ask me."

"If I went back there today, I think that I would swim out to sea until I lost sight of the land," she said her tone wistful, "I never wanted any of this. I think I could have been content with a normal life, no high politics, no rank, like millions of others I could have got Serona out of the way then sunk into obscurity and raised a family of nobodies. The populace really do not understand how lucky they are to have such freedom," she reflected.

"I actually had found my way into obscurity." R'Vek remembered, "Then the Empire came and dragged me back kicking and screaming. And, here we are."

"You had?" Isha asked, a little surprised, "How did you find it?"

"I found it refreshing." R'Vek answered honestly, "But the Empire called again, and again I answered. Isha, you and I, we never had a choice, we were destined for this very thing from the moment of our birth, weren't we?"

"That doesn't mean I have to like it," Isha said, "All I can do is covet the privileges of the common man, whilst continuing to do as I must. Perhaps one day I will find a way out, and if I do, the Empire can scream itself hoarse for my return. I won't be coming back."

"Well, if you figure out how to do that," R'Vek smiled, pulling Isha closer still, "you be sure to teach me, okay?"

"I will," she agreed nestled in the crook of his arm. Perhaps it was the overly powerful analgesic that had been applied, or possibly that she had yet again been in fear for her life, or perhaps a combination of the two, she had a problem that was going to be visible sooner or later, that was going to cause ructions in both her Houses. Isha judged it better that she speak now and see what might be done. "R'Vek," she said, "I'm pregnant."

"All right." R'Vek replied, the news was shocking but right now Isha's condition didn't afford him the privilege of shock, "Might I ask who the father is?" ~Please not Raedheol, please not Raedheol.....~

"It's Rh'vaurek," she whispered, "there has been no-one else," apart from Getal that was, but Isha was referring to partners she took willingly.

"I had thought I might stay here and remain invisible until the birth but it seems I am not going to be allowed that luxury. On the side of my husband's House this risks re-igniting the flames I fought to extinguish, it could cause a schism as those who thought I dealt with Nniol too harshly begin to question my motives all along, and in my mother's House, well, she dislikes Rh'vaurek even more than you do."

"Well, I think a lot of that is him." R'Vek replied, he'd never sought to dislike Raedheol, but Raedheol had left him with little other choice, "But, if he is willing to stand up and be a father to this child, then I will be the first to welcome him into this house. Anyone who takes issues with it can take it with me."

"I didn't find out until after he had gone," she said, "I think that if he had known first, then he would not have left me here. Doctor Adams thinks so too," she admitted. "Was that a legitimate analgesic you gave me, or something else?" Isha asked a little woozily, she was being far too honest with him. "There's a plot, you know, Rh'vaurek and the Cardassian, but I'm subverting it, and if it turns out Rh'vaurek really has betrayed me ... one never knows with Rh'vaurek ... well, if he has, then I know someone who wants him so much that he will regret it, if I ever feel that he has outlived his usefulness to me," she rambled, making it quite unclear if she was aware of what she was saying.

"Chelsea thinks that he will be a proud father to both of them. She'll not be happy that you've given me anything artificial, not because she'd want me to suffer, but in case it hurts them, but then you didn't know. I don't suppose you'd have hit me even once if you had known, no matter where the order came from," she said without blame. "Chelsea didn't sedate me after Getal raped me, in case it damaged them, and I was so numb and uncomfortable I didn't feel anything much anyway, or maybe I did, I don't remember anymore, I don't want to." Isha sighed and wrapped her arms around her cousin, oblivious to the ache in her shoulder, "They were both so kind to me, Chelsea and t'Merek," she told him, "I didn't deserve that. I'd provoked him and practically held the door open and let him in. Is my head very big?" she asked, a sudden disconnect, "It feels very big."

"It was standard analgesic, Isha." R'Vek replied, knowing Isha's sudden loose lips were a side effect of her emotional state and not the medications, "And they won't hurt them." ~So it's more than one child, and possibly Getal's.~

"Isha, would you like to rest a while? I can put you in my quarters here on the ship or on the station."

"Oh, and as far as any of your staff are concerned, when and if they ask, I will tell them only that I moved you here due to receiving a credible threat against your safety." R'Vek reassured her, not really letting her know what she had just told him, only that he was, as always, protecting her. ~If I'd gotten here sooner I could've stopped the son of a bitch.....~

"They won't believe you," Isha said, "I'm sure its already rumoured that I've been taken back to ch'Rihan, no doubt tr'Rul is salivating over his prospects for permenant promotion. Nobody would believe that Tal'Shiar would barge into my office looking so grim and intent if I had not made a serious transgression. My people are like that, they know me, or they thought they did," after t'Merek she could no longer say for sure.

"I'm cold, R'Vek," Isha said her head pressed against his chest. Isha could barely keep her eyes open. "I'd like to rest," she added.

"All right, Isha." R'Vek nodded, apparently she had suffered such a break that she didn't realize that her staff, aside from Raedhol, didn't know he was Tal Shiar. He lifted her up in his arms and held her close to his chest, tapping his commbadge, "Two to beam to my quarters on the station." He stroked her hair gently, guilt tearing at his soul like the hounds of hell with their razor claws as they vanished in a shimmering light.


Ambassador Isha t'Khellian

EnRiov R'Vek tr'Khellian