Things Past – The Return
by Gunnery Sergeant Luke Wyatt & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace

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Title   The Return
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Gunnery Sergeant Luke Wyatt & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace
Posted   Thu Dec 20, 2012 @ 11:52pm
Location   Intelligence office
Timeline   SD 70 1045

Rhiana spoke again "Crewman where the hell are those reports?"

The comm room had been in disarray since Cheif Ayers left as part of some mission to recover a damaged long range probe, the general feeling around the intelligence office was one of apathy and total disregard, Rhiana looke up "what can I do for you Gunnery Sergent?"

Luke had only just walked in when the female quizzed him "I'm here for the intelligence reports" he replied standing an arms length from where she was, he looked around the office and began to watch the television.

"Someone get the marine reports before Darson has another coronary!" Rhiana said as she turned to the marine "Yeah some presidential speech, whats got you transfixed?"

He continued to watch for the moment "Nothing, I am sure i've seen that person before." he said tilting his head towards the picture on the screen referring to one of the security detail.

"Which one?" Rhiana turned to look.

"The one their on the right with the beard" he tried to recall where he saw it "Can I use your computer?" he asked in kind.

"Computer screen capture, current time index..." pausing "Ok marine are you!!!!"

John ran into the room, sandwich in one hand Martina right behind him "What?"

Before Luke managed to set up a search he was quickly distracted by the man.

"Marine, I think you just found the boss..what does your search show?"

"Oh yeah!" he typed across the console and set in the search parameter's while he waited he thought it best to introduce himself "By the way the Names Luke Wyatt" he held out his hand.

"Rhiana T'Sahen, John Maxwell is over there, Martina Perth behind him, and somewhere is the Chief." changing her focus, "your not going to get a full match because of the beard, you might get a partial match."

"I know but its worth the shot" before the search finished he remembered and brought up the crew manifest and opened up one of the files "There, dont you think they look the same?" He asked.

"Its not enough to goto the captain and start making wild accusations, but I could send an inquiry to HQ, but that doesn't answer the big question where the hell has he been for the last three months?"

He looked at the female, "He's actually missing?" he questioned further he always thought the intelligence branch of starfleet where are oddly mischievous bunch "What happened?"

"He is supposed to be dead." Rhiana said bluntly

"The lieutenant was declared dead after a failed mission to locate a captured science ship and her crew, the crew was found as the reluctant guests of some pirates but everyone was led to believe that Lieutenant Wallace was killed during an interrogation." John said.

Arching a brow "But no one actually has a positive ID on the fact he is dead or alive?" He was beginning to think there was more behind the story that was fed to the crew.

John was beginning to think about this "We were told he died aboard a hospital ship, did we ever check to see what ship he was on?"

He shrugged, and looked at them both "This is the first I have heard of it."

"And your the first person to provide fresh perspective, something we haven't had." Rhiana looked at the now frozen image "Sarge could you clean up this image, focus on the left eye."

"I can try to" he motioned his hand on the console and attempted to clear up the resolution. Luke wasnt sure what the she was exactly looking for "How does that do?" he asked as the picture become more clear.

"Look at the scaring on his face, he must have been mauled by those bastards." Rhiana commented.

John looked at the marine "Luke, can you pull the official roster for the presidential security detail, you can use authorization Omega Six Three Six."

Nodding he put in the request and after being promoted put in the authorization code, scrolling through the roster there was no one matching the description. "Hmm, that cant be right. Technically he isn't meant to be there." he said with concern his voice.

"Hes' a replacement, and from intelligence that is sloppy by who ever put him there." Marti commented.

"But is it Lieutenant Wallace?" he asked, someone had to.

"If I were a gambler I would say yes." Rhiana said "Your going to have to keep this to yourself Sargent, if it is we need to keep things quiet in case there is a reason."

"I understand that but surly why the secrecy behind his death why not just say he's still alive if we managed to find him from a darn news report surly anyone will right?"

"There are a few suspected agents of these pirates still around, so I can see the reasoning to keep all of us in the dark."

"I'm not saying we should start telling everyone, or anyone at all but there's a reason behind it and i don't like reading half the book as so to speak."

"Problem is who has the other half Sergeant?" Rhiana added

He sighed, "I just think that a little more delving into whats going on wont harm anything even if its just a more positive ID and what happened to him that day, surly you want answers?" he continued to press his argument to Rhiana

"Valid point, but we can't just start beating people with rubber hoses we need to do things in a way that the answers come to us, but we can move on info we have." Rhiana said

He nodded with agreement "Off course, so what do you have in mind? I am just a Marine this is your area of expertise."

"This man trained with the marines, so your knowledge of there training is equally important." Rhiana paused "if he was captured and had an opportunity to escape how would he proceed?"

"He would only attempt an escape either early on when his body is still strong and flowing with adrenaline and his captives wont have everything in place as yet to keep him where he is or when an opportunity shows itself later on when he has a more understanding of the area but risks being malnourished and dehydrated and of course when safe to do so without risking his life , if he's as well trained as you say he is I would say the second one its risky going straight away you don't know your surroundings so you take every opportunity to study them." He stopped to think about his own training "He'd most likely would have spent the first few hours undetected before the alert was raised and would have anticipated this so only going so far before finding a suitable place to lye low before eventually contacting fleet. Once done this knowingly he would have alerted his captives of his presence but a risk worth taking if he avoids re capture he'll make his way to the extraction and be taken back for de-briefing" its really quiet simple when you say it like that he thought to himself knowing it was a lot harder from his own experience

"Our Guess is played cat and mouse until the marines shut down the location he was being held chances are he was already a mess when they found him, so my guess is there is a security issue that is the reason why he's been hidden until now." Rhiana spoke out after digesting the Sergeants comments.

"Thats probably right" he replied "It still just makes more questions than answers"

"I'll speak to the captain later on" Rhiana said.


Lt(jg) Rhiana T'Sahen
Acting Chief of intelligence DS5

Gny Sgt Luke Wyatt
Marine First Sergeant