Time is Fleeting – Casualties of War (Part 2)
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers & Colonel James Darson & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon & Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant Vincent Tan & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Lieutenant JG Petro & 1st Lieutenant Daniel Brady & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova

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Title   Casualties of War (Part 2)
Mission   Time is Fleeting
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers & Colonel James Darson & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon & Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant Vincent Tan & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Lieutenant JG Petro & 1st Lieutenant Daniel Brady & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova
Posted   Wed Sep 30, 2009 @ 8:08pm
Location   DS5 Sickbay
Timeline   SD14 10:40

=^= Extra staff never go amiss, Sir. =^= Chelsea answered frankly. We have both sickbays in full use which always stretches us but we've called in all off-duty staff and all emergency medics so we're doing all we can. =^=



*** Main Sickbay ***

John could barely tell what was happening due to the pain in his arm. He couldn't remember what had happened and the last thing he remembered was a transporter order from someone near him. He then appeared directly in the sickbay of what appeared to be DS5. He breathed a sigh of relief and let the nurses fuss over him, thankful the bridge wasn't hit as bad as other parts of the ship. A tear slid quietly down his face.

CPO Ed McBain was up to his neck in re-generators, hyposprays and vials of medication but he wasn't too busy to notice the suffering of the young Ensign close by. He moved over to John's side, put his hand on John's shoulder softly and just nodded acknowledgement.

Picking up one of the Hyposprays he shot some painkiller into the side of Ensign Elliott's neck and beckoned a nurse over to regenerate the burned tissue and skin on John's arm. Smiling reassuringly at the young man, Ed turned to the patient in the next bed but kept an eye on what the nurse was doing at the same time. John would get the best of care in Ed's part of the department, as would all his patients. Chelsea had nicknamed Ed "the Rock" because he was such a reliable and competent part of the medical staff.

Bruce had been transported straight to sick bay. He looked around and his heart sank a whole engineering crew either hurt or killed.

Quite frankly it pissed him off, they were just barely getting repairs back to where they needed to be and now they would fall back again because of recovery this crew would need to have. He had said he would launch the idiot out of a torpedo tube who did this of course he wouldn't but that's how he felt. Not to mention that he couldn't fathom how the surviving families would react to the incident. He looked at his broken arm and then realized that not only was it hurting but it was freezing as well.

'Crap no skin and the heat just flows right out.' Bruce remembered from something he heard a while back. Looking around he saw some cloth that had been left sitting on a biobed. He grabbed it and unfolded it, and braced himself. This was going to hurt like heck getting it on and it would hurt getting it of but he was cold. He wrapped his arm in the make shift skin and walked around trying to get a number of who was left, keeping out of the Doctors' way of course.

* * * * OPS * * * *

As the Chaos around wasn't bad enough Admiral Morgan entered ops his face red and the scowl on his face could have scared a Klingon to death "DAVIES!" He Screamed like a marine drill sergeant "I want an explanation on how a simple exercise has become a total disaster"

Petro jolted at the sound of the Admiral's bellowing. She looked at the Commander then at the Admiral. This was not good.

Davies stole a glance at the two women and took a deep breath and swallowed, turning to face the admiral, whom he knew was also none too pleased.

"Sir, with respect, right now, we don't have the luxury of time to explain or blame. Let us finish the rescue and then I will personally attend to you so we can find an explanation." He stood tall and motionless with no change to his face except for a small blush of angst.

"I want an investigation started as soon as this mess is under control, I'll want to be brought upto date on what exactly happened." the Admiral turned and left ops.

[Marine HQ]

After Darson instructed his former XO to go and send out the emergency announcements, he sat down again on the throne to ponder his next move. While he knew that other people might be panicking and losing their minds over this, the best move was certainly to keep cool, calm, and controlled. Heads were going to roll over this, but that wasn’t important. What was important was making sure to save as many people as possible, find out what happened to cause this, and as a secondary concern, try to save the dilapidated and dying ship or scuttle it before it could cause any more damage.

He triggered the Comm to Lt. Brady, =^=“Lieutenant, this is Colonel Darson. Apparently, transporters won’t be enough to get the entire crew of the Bunker Hill. I need you to take whatever boarding parties we still have on board and have them re-outfitted for search and rescue in zero G. Also, coordinate with the Marine and Federation CAG’s to get all of our transports out. I want to have all the missing personnel accounted for on the Bunker Hill. And send whatever corpsman we can spare to the Medical bay…I have the feeling that they could use the help.” =^=

Brady made the mental list of things to do and put them in chronological order.
=^= Righto, Sir! I'm on it! =^= He started heading in the direction of the last boarding parties he'd seen and relayed the information he had been given, watching them fulfill the order before moving to find the last Marine's he'd seen.

He opened a channel to Lt. Commander. Adams,
=^= Commander Adams, this is Colonel Darson. I am assigning my medical platoon to your department. For the duration of this crisis, they will be placed under your command.” =^= The Marine Corp Medical department was extensively trained in triage and trauma first aid…undoubtedly a great resource in an incident such as this one.

=^= Adams here Colonel, many thanks. Please assign half of your medics to the Main Sickbay on Deck 65, to report to Lt. Milarno there and send the second batch to me here at the Emergency Medical Facility. We've had to open both to cope with the numbers and your medic's help will be much appreciated. =^= Chelsea replied, the strain beginning to show on her face as they faced an overload of casualties for the second time in as many weeks.

[Main Astrometrics]

Greo linked into the comm frequency shared by ops and the fighters surveying the damage.

"Rich this is Tovon, can you scan the area around the damage closely. If we can figure out the impact pattern we can tell what kind of ordnance was involved - check if it was a starfleet standard issue torpedo."

=^=Rich to Tovon commencing scan now=^=

Dunham took his small fighter perilously close to the hull of the ship. His shields raised as flames still licked the edges of the hit area and chunks of warped heated metal bounced off his hull.

{DS5 - Emerg
As the Bunker Hill's bridge staff materialized on DS5 Marti looked around all of her crewmates were accounted for, accept Jarred, she looked at a transporter tech, they hadn't seen him, she went to a comm Panel.
"Daedalus this is Perth from the Bunker Hill, has Lieutenant Wallace transported over there?"

"This is Commander Akerfel, Mr. Wallace didn't transport with with the engineering team, the area that they transported from is now on fire I'm going to take a team over there to find him and any other crew."

Claire's mind was sent into a panic. "Martina...I thought you were with him...why isn't he with you?" She asked moving next to the woman.

Marti stood up and grabbed a medic, "Check her over" she then tapped her comm badge, "Commnader Akerfel I need a site to site transport back to the Bunker Hill."

"Stand by" Mikeal said.

Taali South forced her crashing head up from the med-bed as she heard this. "Jarren was right by me. He told me to transport out with the Engineer he saved. He was going to be right behind us" she tried to call out to Marti but her efforts caused the nurse who was treating her burns to try to push her head gently back onto the head-rest.

"She can't go over there" Taali tried to protest. "It was collapsed and burning. It was all debris and wounded crew"

The nurse looked across to see if Martina had heard this and was about to call her over but another patient materialised in the next bed and she was distracted.

Taali tried again to sit up but couldn't.

{Back Aboard the Bunker Hill}

Marti materialized aboard the Bunker Hill, the air was filled with smoke and flames. The Corridor outside engineering was littered with chunks of bulkhead and broken panels. Marti dodged another bulkhead fell to the deck, a series of small explosions erupted from a nearby power node. As Martina neared the engineering section she saw the carnage. "Wallace, where are you!"

She walked over the the buckled bulkhead where the reactor was, she found Jarred laying on the floor his body was laying there burned, and she wasn't sure if he was even alive, with all the strength her small frame could support she precariously dragged him away from the radiation infested section as she rounded the corner another explosion rocked the section, "Perth To DS5, found Wallace he's severely injured I need transport too sickbay immediately!"

=^= Adams to transporter bay, all the High Dependency beds in Sickbay are full, send any critical patients direct to the EMF. =^= she had instructed, not two minutes before.

Jarred and Martina rematerialised in the EMF, directed by the computer into room 6 where Intensive Care facilities were more focussed. Chelsea was notified by the nearest Medic who offered a simple *patient code red 1, critical!* message over the medical internal bleeps and the modern equivalent of a *crash team* appeared from the woodwork, crowding in an orderly, organised manner around Jarred.

As Chelsea entered the room at a run, with Ed at her heels, the medical staff made a path whilst continuing with their work stabilising his lifesigns as best they could.

"Fellin' Hell!" Chelsea muttered under her breath as she took the damage in visually and also with a glance at the monitors on the med-bed as the arch was raised and had begun the roll of read outs.

She barked a few brief orders and her team, who were already on it, responded quickly. They were used to snatching patients from the jaws of death over and over again in their training and practice holo-simulations but the reality also seemed to happen with a fair amount of regularity around this station too.

As one they each initiated different parts of the necessary assistance to put the whole puzzle together. Chelsea directed the overall management and corrected or reduced all doses of appropriate medication. She oversaw the four medics who were applying regenerators to various parts of Jarred's badly burned body and assessed his vitals every 15 seconds. He was losing when he first arrived.

Chelsea had fluids instilled and a blood transfusion, she had his heart put on a de-fibrillation program and switched it to an assisted beating intervention to reset it's wild arrhythmic struggling and maintain it in a pattern that would restore his systems as soon as they could stabilise the main functions. She re inflated his punctured left lung and put in an artificial breathing routine to allow the labouring right lung some respite.

With his heart beating, his lungs working and two medics specifically plugging holes where he had been bleeding out, the transfusion and i/v fluids were able to top up his basics. Neuro-function was at coma level but that was a good thing until the rest of him could cope. He didn't need to be trying to draw resources to consciousness.

Anti-inflamatory applications were instilled to keep the trauma down and reduce shock symptoms and as the burned tissue began to attempt to defend itself by producing fluid, she brought in a sub-routine to inhibit this while the regeneration was going on.

As he began to stabilise, Chelsea redirected more of the medical staff from those systems that were working towards the massive work of regen, from bone-level up in some places.

Finally taking a deep breath as the 'life-signs falling' alarm lights flickered and changed colour, she raised her eyes and found an anxious looking, white faced Martina at the edge of the room.

"You shouldn't be in here" she said gently, not making it a criticism but a compassionate comment. "You should be getting your own treatment out there" she indicated the main part of the EMF.

"He's out of the worst danger. We've managed to catch and stabilise his life-signs now, although I can't promise anything about how his mind has been affected. We will have to see how long he will stay in the coma, but at least he won't die." she explained, patting Marti's shoulder and guiding her to the cubicle door.

~Not sure if that's the worst that could happen, in some cases, but as a doctor I'm not meant to question that issue.~ she thought to herself, not for the first time although it was something she could never share.

"Get some rest, there's only routine stuff here now. I'll let you know if anything changes." she advised Marti gently.

"The chief always says hes' got a Brass horse shoe up his ass, what ever that means" Marti commented.

Chelsea laughed. "Perhaps I should have done an old-fashioned MRI then!"

* * * *

Davies stood now with both hands resting on the console, thinking about rolling heads and his would be in the lead. His head hurt with all the possible events that could have led up to this and pushed himself from the console which had supported him and spun to the crew that remained on Ops, now that the Admiral had headed back to the VIP Quarters, he felt a weight lift from the central area.

"Can anyone confirm a casualty list? What is the status of the Daedalus?" He enquired with both a heavy heart and a dull flat tone to his voice. "Get the recovery ships out there to bring in the Bunkerhill and recover her warp core. Then I want a complete list of logs for this exercise from all ships compiled and ready by midday, no later." He said as he headed up to the CO office, badly in need of a good strong drink, but for now, would settle for a hot sweet tea.

"Commander," He said to Villiers, "Will you join me in the office." He said in a semi apologetic manner. "Petro, you're in charge." He ordered the J'Naii, who happened to be closest to him and he also knew she needed something to occupy her own mind.

"You can do it," Karen said in an undertone as she turned to Davies, "Lead on," she said through a breath.

Petro nodded. She wasn't sure if she was ready for it or not, but lately she had been doing a lot of things she hadn't truly been ready for.

{Aboard the Daedalus}

Mikeal was on the secure conference link with the other two sections of the ship, "I'll lead a damage control party over to the Bunker Hill and try to get a damage report of what hasn't been totalled, I think we'll have to tow her back into DS5 if the damage is to extreme."

"Alright. See what you can do. I want to make sure every one is off before any thing else though." Dirk instructed the Commander.

"Yes sir, Akerfel out." Mikeal began to send out messages to the damage control teams he wanted with him to beam over to the bunker hill.


Commander David Davies

Commander Karen Villiers
Executive Officer. DS5

CWO2C Robert Rushtone
By Mark

Lieutenant (jg) Michael Duquense
Tactical Officer
By Thomas

Lt. Freeman/Cmdr Alphonse
CO Daedalus

Lt Richard Dunham
Squadron Leader

Lt. Wallace/ LT CMDR Akerfel
CIO DS5 / XO Daedalus

ENS John Elliott
Assistant Chief of Operations, DS5

Lt. Cmdr. Chelsea Adams/CPO Ed McBain (npc)/Ensign Taali South (Npc)
ACMO - DS5/Lead Nurse - DS5/USS Bunker Hill

Lt. Colonel James Darson
Marine Commanding Officer
6th Combined Operations Group

Ensign Petro
Quartermaster - DS5

Lt. Greo Tovon
Acting Chief Science Officer - DS5

Lt. (JG) Claire Mackenzie
Acting Chief Counselor - DS5

1st Lieutenant Daniel Brady
Marine XO - DS5

Lt Jarred Wallace/Ens. Martina Perth/CPO Craig Ayers/ LTCmdr. Mikeal Akerfel/Adm. John Patrick Morgan
CIO DS 5/ Intel DS5/Encryptions DS5/XO USS Daedalus/Starfleet operations and training