Beg, Steal or Borrow – Cardassian Chariots of Fire
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Cardassian Gul Turrel G'mar & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant JG Opaka Jo'el & Lieutenant T'Pal & Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat & Arrival Mal'vor Of House KempaCh

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Title   Cardassian Chariots of Fire
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Cardassian Gul Turrel G'mar & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant JG Opaka Jo'el & Lieutenant T'Pal & Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat & Arrival Mal'vor Of House KempaCh
Posted   Mon Aug 31, 2009 @ 8:15am
Location   Docking Bay

Tharek eagerly waited in the in-direct middle of the docking port. Waiting for his staff to dismount the ship. He looked to his side and saw the bundle of staff, all of differing empires. Human, Klingon and Romulan. He then switched his gaze toward the 'mouth' of The Rakara. And looked on for his staff to descend.

As agreed, Rh'vaurek turned up to greet the Cardassian ship bringing i-Orinwen with him; it gave him the opportunity to remain just long enough for appearances, then he could slip away and let her deal with all the formalities.

Ayren walked towards who she surmised was the Cardassian ambassador. Catching his eye she inclined her head as she came near enough. "Vi'kar Gul Therek Getal, I presume," she said with a polite smile. 'I am Ayren Kelan, Chief Diplomatic Officer, welcome to the station."

"I am. Thank you Ms. Kelan, I appreciate the warm welcome." He then redirected his attention back to his ship. He could never get used to that. Even from a young age he wished for his own ship and admiralty. Now he got it, he was overwhelmed with different feelings. Joy, glee, happiness. Power.

Davies stood erect and motionless. He was not what one would call an aficionado of the Cardassians and he knew it would be a cold day in hell before he warmed to the idea of a Cardassian Consulate being set up on a ship that he ran, but this was after all, a Federation Space station and he was just minding it for Captain Tahir, who had received notification of the consulate becoming occupied just a few days prior to his own arrival.
The chief diplomatic officer had been at the centre of bringing them to the base and she stood ahead of him welcoming them to their new base of operations on DS5.

David stood back and allowed her to shine as the main focal point for the station and he was happy to let her do so.

"Just let them bask in it, Commander Davies, like lizards in the sun," Karen whispered as she arrived and cast an eye around the assembly. "If the translators miss anything, let me know - I happen to speak Cardassian," she added.

David turned slightly to face Commander Villiers and whispered his reply. "Good to know." And winked at her.

Ayren sensed the Cardassian Ambassador's pride and decided to play on it, when she got the chance. "Let me introduce our station Command. This is Commander Davies, our Commanding Officer and Commander Villiers, the Executive Officer," she said indicating them as the mentioned their names. Her demeanor was professional, not a hint of her own opinion of Cardassians evident.

Tharek examined them over and over with his eyes, not making any attempt to be discreet about it. "Pleasure, I'm sure."

Davies nodded.

Gabriel arrived to the area and looked around as he continued to gather himself. His head was still a bit clouded from the previous night's "activities". He didn't understand why he needed to be present for the arrival of every damn ambassador or non-federation official that stumbled upon the station. That's what the Diplomatic Office was for: Menial tasks that made unimportant aliens feel important.

Gabriel walked over to Davies as the Ambassador continued to observe the docking ring. "Commander, why the hell do the Cardassians have a vessel permanently docked here? The only thing it will do is incite the other governments here to bring vessels of their own." Gabriel said lightly.

David turned to Gabriel. "I hear that, but we have to provision any and all ambassadorial ships at a moments notice, whether we have room or not," He glanced back to Thareks entourage before continuing, "and at this rate, we will probably run out of room."

Toran had stood silently listening carefully to the various conversations around him. Klingon hearing was exceptionally sharp, much better than any humans, though not quite as good as Vulcan. At any rate an internal smile formed as he listened to Gabriel's griping. He could not understand what they were worried about, the fact remained that the Cardassian military was only a shadow of its former self. Cardassia itself was just now getting back on its feet after the war. The damage the allied forces had done was bad enough; but when the Dominion forced bombarded the would probably take another decade to erase the scars, if not longer.

He decided to come to his fellow ambassador's aide, not doubt to the utter shock of their host. He almost laughed himself; a Klingon defending a doubt the Fleeter would have to pick their jaws off the deck. "Come now Commander Davies...Mr. Gabriel. Surely you see the need for an Ambassador to have a vessel of his own." laying it on a little thicker he added. "Especially one as far from his home space as my 'esteemed' colleague." Leaving out the fact that he, himself held the distinction of being the furthest from his home space.

"That's Commander Gabriel," Dorian corrected the Klingon, "Furthermore, an Ambassador doesn't need a Warship if his primary mission is to ensure peaceful cooperation with the Federation and not his race's private interests." Gabriel responded. "If he's feeling homesick, then there's a Red-eye shuttle leaving for Cardassia once a week." he added.

Toran looked down at the irritating little man. "Given the recent events in this area a 'warship' could be seen as a requirement for anyone in this sector. But if you are so intimidated by one ship, I'm sure we can find someone to hold your hand for you...Lieutenant Commander."

Gabriel turned towards Toran and tilted his head upward slightly to look directly into his eyes of the larger Klingon. Gabriel stared into Toran's eyes so deeply that he could see his own reflection within the opaque pools of the Klingon's iris. Several moments past before Gabriel spoke in a low, but deliberate tone.

"Trust me when I say that the Federation is more than willing to demonstrate how capable and trained it is to *hold* anything it needs to without any assistance, Ambassador." Gabriel said while taking a half-step into Toran's personal circle.

"Well apparently your superiors are not as confident in 'your abilities'....or my presence would not have been requested."

Ayren watched the interaction with great interest, especially sensing Toran's mirth and sarcastic undertones, but at the same time, she was annoyed with Gabriel's lack of decorum. "qaleghqa'neS," she greeted Toran, intervening in the conversation. It was clear that the Cardassian was very proud of his ship and they didn't need an incident now.

Toran raised a hand slightly to acknowledge Ms. Kelan, waiting on Gabriels reply when Commander Davies, interjected.

"I am sure we can find time to interject our personal pride and issues at a later date. For now, lets welcome aboard the newest members to our crew and show them to their respective offices and dwellings." Davies stated, without moving from the point on which he stood.

Gabriel looked towards Davies and took a step away from Toran while turning his attention away from the Klingon towards that of the arriving Cardassian envoy.

Toran was somewhat disappointed that Gabriel had backdown, he would have liked to seen how far he could be pushed. Noticing Davies was still watching him he nodded respectfully and to turned to greet the new arrivals.

Tharek, who was looking at the small 'incident' between the Klingon and the cheerful security chief, was now waving his hand toward the Klingon, Tharek always liked to see fights happen, as long as they dis-involved him. "Ambassador Toran, would you join me a second?"

With a subtle scoft, the fear and paranoia of the station security chief was of no concern to him, he turned to the Cardassian Ambassador. "Certainly."

Tharek put a hand on the Klingon's shoulder and walked forward slowly. He then whispered in his ear. "Save your anger against Gabriel. Convert it into joy. The joy of seeing Gabriel running around this station like a mutt Cardassian Vole, that is, once we put the plan into action. Don't ruin the plan before we've even started it."

Toran grinned. "Not to worry, if he is angry with me the more distracted he will be." He did need to explain more, he would have had the time to anyway. No sooner had he finished then the party from the ship approached.

As Turrel walked down the ramp from the Rakara he was forced to squint his eyes at the interior lighting to the station. ~Damn the Federation and their insistence on bright lights.~ He thought to himself as he thumped down the corridor.

Turrel wasn’t alone in his trek as he was surrounded by a small number of his security staff. He wasn't entirely sure of the reception he was likely to have since bringing a Cardassian warship into close proximity to this station. Many people were still hesitant around Cardassians despite their diminished capacity since the war and he wasn't going to take the chance that some Starfleet lackey with bitter memories might act "inappropriately" in his presence.

As the small entourage approached, the inner doors to the station parted revealing a number of strange faces starring back at him. He didn’t care for the moment who they were as he noticed his old friend at the forefront of the greeting committee.

“Tharek, it’s a pleasure to see you again.” He said with a smile as he outstretched his hand in greeting.

"Likewise Turrel." Tharek grabbed Turrel's hand and shook it vigorously. "Long time no see. By the way, where's Mal'vor? Wasn't he supposed to be with you on your journey?"

"Indeed he is." Turrel turned his head and looked at the small group that had accompanied him. "He must be retrieving that blasted bat'leth of his. He seems to be rather attached to the weapon, he was scarcely without it on this voyage."

Well isn't this touching, Rh'vaurek thought with marked cynicism. How long could a Klingon and a Cardassian keep up the charade of cordial tolerance? Sooner or later one of them would do something that angered the other. Rh'vaurek was content to observe, it did not make sense to over-emphasize in public the coalition the ambassadors had created, and they seemed to be getting right up Gabriel's nose without the need for his assistance at present.

Toran observed the exchange. His curiosity aroused at the mentioning of a Klingon aboard a Cardassian vessel. He made a mental note to have this 'Mal'vor' looked into.

David could see that they were going to have more than one confrontation with the Cardassians and Klingons and that Gabriel was going to be in the Thick of it. He reached out to the Security chiefs shoulder and held him back, allowing their new residents to get more than a few paces ahead. When he knew they were far enough away not to over hear, he leant into Gabriel's ear.

"Bide your time, let them make their own mistakes and don't allow your emotions to rule your head." David whispered to Dorian.

Gabriel looked towards the gathered visitors and quietly responded. "It will be a warm day on Breen before a Cardassian rules anything within the Federation," He replied as he continued to walk behind the assembly. In his mind, the Cardassians were his real concern, considering the Klingons lacked the wherewithal to be duplicitous.

Turrel turned his attention back to Tharek. "I'm sure he will be along momentarily. I see you have brought along quite the welcoming committee." He said, looking at the others.

"Do not worry Turrel, as long as you, I and the Rakara are here, we maintain the balance of power on this station. Just watch out for the Humans if anything. Leave the Klingons well enough alone. Make 'friends' with the Romulans. Stick to this my friend, and we all get along swimmingly."

"Worry?" Turrel snorted derisively. "I should think we would have little to worry about here. The Rakara is a front line ship commanded by one of the keenest minds in the quadrant." In a quieter tone he added, "You will have to tell me someday how you managed to pull me out of active service to answer directly to you, such a request is impressive considering how few ships we have guarding our supply lines."

"I can tell you know Turrel. I am Vi'kar Gul Getal, if I want something, I get it. I am the highest ranked Cardassian in this sector of space." Tharek then lowered his tone as well. "Now Turrel, go do something constructive. Go fraternize with the Humans or the Romulans." He then grabbed hold of Turrel's arm and pulled him closer. "Just remember Gul, I give the orders now. You differ from my instructions one bit. I'll send you back to Cardassia in separate cargo containers. Understood?"

Turrel feigned a look of hurt. "After all these years, when have I given you reason to doubt my loyalty. But if we must go through the notions of idle threats, know this, as my loyalty to you is unquestioned so is the Rakara's loyalty to me. If anything unfortunate should happen to me I would hate to think what a fully garrisoned warship might do in reprisal. I trust you understand my meaning."

"Remember your place Gul Turrel. The Rakara is now my ship, as are those troops. You now belong to me. Have I gone wrong anywhere!" He deliberately raised his voice toward the other Cardassian. Tharek didn't care for anyone in the universe at that moment besides him and Turrel.

"You are no fool Tharek, you understand the importance of having the right friends. And one is always prepared for any uncertainties of a new post. I would have assumed it's because of your 'trust' in our relationship that you requested the Rakara under my command to be here with you." His tone remained impassive despite his superior's raised tone.

"I do trust you Turrel, I'm just being... Me. I'm making myself clear, and I believe I have, so lets get on wit the scrutinizing, shall we?"

His eyes darted to the awaiting group and his demeanor changed dramatically. "Now, who don't we like?" He asked quietly while flashing a large smile.

"The Humans. Be mindful of the Klingons And suspicious of the Romulans. But don't get too suspicious, I'm working on diplomatic relations with all of them." Tharek then mimicked Turrel's smile. "I'll take you to the Embassy when the formalities are done."

As the group of Cardassians discussed their business Toran motioned to Marok. The two spoke briefly then the aide moved off towards the Hed'not's docking berth. Catching his Cardassian counter part glance towards his aide then to him. Toran simply nodded slightly.


CO: Commander David Davies

Commander Karen Villiers
Executive Officer

Lt. Cmdr.
Dorian Gabriel
Chief of Security

erie'Khrein Rh'vaurek Raedheol
Acting Romulan Ambassador (NPC)

Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Cardassian ambassador

Gul turrel G'mar
Captain of The Rakara